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{Kofukuji, Koufukuji}

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Word(s): @={Kofukuji, Koufukuji}

  • (Tokyo) -
    Maeda Keijirou Ibun - A Story of Rin and Kokichi- Rin was born as a buitiful boy assassin with the other sex in mind in Sengoku era(c.1590) in Japan. Keijirou and his subordinary Kokichi are not interested in prosperity, but just living for their trust. Kokichi loves Rin and Rin decides to live with them and fight with them. The scean of sword fight is described based on the study of Kobudou.
    (Keijirou, Kobudou, eBook, Ashura, Kouhukuji, Assassin, sword, mentor, sinkageryu)

  • (Nara) -(2001)
    (nara, Todaiji, tempel, big, buttda, diar, park, Natoinal, Museum, onou)

  • (Nara) -(2000)
    Hozoin-ryu Spear Exercise The founder of Hozoin-ryu, Kakuzenbo In-ei was a Buddhist monk of Kofukuji Temple in Nara, Japan. He liked martial arts since early childhood and practiced spear exercise above all. Finally, he devised a fork-shaped spear and established the Hozoin Spear exercise school. Later, a leading disciple, TAKADA Yoshitsugu succeeded the head master and the Hozoin-ryu was spread even in to Edo (today Tokyo) by his best disciples in the 19th century. Then, the spear exercises was practiced by very few people until then Mr. KAGITA Chubei started the exercises and became the 20th head master in 1991. The features of the school are quick actions of those who charge the spear at lower positions. A traditional Japanese poem admired the school and explained how the spears were used in various ways: They can defeat enemies without fail with the spears By stabbing as spears, beating as hooks, or pulling as sickles
    (Hozoin-ryu, Hozoin, Spear, Kofukuji, Nara, In-ei)

  • (Nara) -(2000)
    Kasuga-hotel's Homepage
    (Japanese-Ryokan, Nara, Dinner, Lunch, Open-AirBath, Koufukuji-Temple, Japanese-standard)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan