(Kanagawa) -(2002) The diary is writing in both English and Japanese, and updated everyday. In the homepage, there are also some English essays to express my idea about Japan's future. (England, Nevada, Montreal, Canada, Iceland, Leeds, London, Travel, Study, Essay)
(Tokyo) -(2000) Official website of Maple Route in the eastern Canada, which presented by Association Maple Route de L'Erable. This website includes information about hotels, restaurants, sightseeing spots on Niagara, Toronto, Algonquin, Kingston, Ottawa, Hull, Montreal, Laurentians, Quebec city and so on. (maple, route, canada, quebec, niagara, toronto, montreal, laurentian, autumnal)
-(2000) Providing many programs at a very affordable price ex: ESL,FSL,work/study,flight attendant,technical etc. All accommodations, 24hrs Japanese support (Montreal, StudyAbroad, Internship, BusinessIntern, WorkingHoliday, TechinicalCourse, HomeStay, FarmStay, Tourism, FlightAttendant)