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Word(s): @={Muromachi}

/ mach // town /

  • (Tokyo) -
    Photo-Site: Masks of Noh,Sacred Ancient-Forests as Healing-Zone,Japanese Beautiful Shrine Maiden,
    (jomon, onmyodo, Buddhism, esotericism, shugendo, traditional, symbolism, Zeami, tantra, temple)

  • (Aichi) -
    Heian-Tenho's Traditional Hina-Dolls<<FOR JAPANESE CONSUMERS ON LY>>
    (japanese, doll, hina, festival, Doll Festival, ceremony, tradition, history, culture, calendar, custom, customs, kimono, costume, hime, tono, armor, helmet, armour, wearable, girl, boy, grand, grandchild, grandchild, children, kids, Tango, Sekku, samurai, hero, daimyo, shogun, katana, sword, bow, arrow, crest, equipment, ornament, reproduction, period, era, Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi, Azuchi, Momoyama, Edo, emperor, queen, noble, prince, princess, shinnou, Naruhito, Ayanomiya, Masako, Kiko, Akishinonomiya, imperial, family, Kemari, Juni-hitoe, Kyoto, ancient practice, celebs, famous, Ieyasu, Tokugawa, Nobunaga, Oda, Hideyoshi, Toyotomi, Yoshitsune, Minamoto, Shotoku Taishi, Masamune, Date, Shingen, Takeda, Kiyomasa, Kato, Nagamasa, Kuroda, Kansuke, KANSAI, Yamamoto, Motonari, Mouri, Kenshin, Uesugi, Toshiie, Maeda, Oichi, ChaCha, Yodo, Senhime, carp, flag, belt, recycle, remake, marriage, birth, gift, celebration, pass, peach, chrysanthemum, cherry, wild orange, dragon, tiger, Hekinan, Anjo, Mikawa, Tokai, chubu, March, May, production, sales, wholesaler, national treasure)

  • (Tokyo) -
    (toyo, nihonbashi, muromachi, paty)

  • (Okayama) -(2001)
    We show old goods and rare things as old cameras, books, fossil. etc. We're sure that you'll be surprised to see them. Let's go back to the old days.
    (sepiaworld, fossil, radio, camera, Japanese, photo, vintage, life, house, living)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Muromachi Technos Co.,Ltd is dealing with the goods about electronic products associated business.It is engaged also in manufacturing and selling of an in-house product as a maker in part.About printed circuit board associated business, it crosses almost generally and handling supply of the production equipment apparatus, the incidental-facilities apparatus, the parts, the material, and the submaterials of each process is carried out.The supply origin of goods is united with the needs of an in-house product, homemade articles and the import product from overseas, and a customer, and is supplied to the market.
    (Muromachi Kagaku, Muromachi Electornics, Hiroshi Otsuji, electronics, Electronic products, Electronic material, Electronic machine, PCB manufacture, Production equipment machine, Substrate cutting equipment, NC Drilling equipment, Polish equipment, Washing equipment, Lamination machine, Dustpan equipment, Exposure equipment, Etching equipment, Plating equipment, Desmear equipment, Multilayer press equipment, Inspection equipment, Copper laminating board, FPC, board, electroless copper plating, Copper anode, Conductive adhesives, Adhesion mat, Adhesion roll, Ion-exchange resin, ziazo film)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Muromachi Kgaku kogyo Kaisha and Muromachi Electronics Co,.ltd combined, and Muromachi Tecnos.Co.,Ltd. was born in November, 2000.
    (Muromachi Kagaku, Muromachi Electornics, Hiroshi Otsuji, electronics, Electronic products, Electronic material, Electronic machine, PCB manufacture, Production equipment machine)

  • (Hyogo) -(2000)
    Kabla's Homepage,I write original novel,enjoy japanese history on this page.But japanese only,sorry sir.
    (novel, japanese, CG, BBS)

  • (Wakayama) -(2000)
    The Tojiin Temple.(Kyoto,Japan) The guide and photo.
    (tojiin, ashikaga, takauji, musou, nanbokucho, ritsumei, muromachi, kyoto, gozan, kinugasa)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan