(Saitama) -(2002) The modern who keeps being tormented by various stress everyday. The space of that humanity recurrence, it is the galleries in Nebula-m78. Put liked one picture at hand, and try to look at in the evening and in the morning. The impression which the real art has heals a heart, and the power of life to lurk will be called back. (Nebula.m78, Gallery_Zen_hermitage, Gallery_Sea-Mt.-Sky, fine, art, oriental-art, outdoor's, pictures, Gallery, in)
(Shizuoka) -(1997) The company of nebuLa is cummunity of total computer culture cordinaters, constructors, engeneers, instructors. The project of the customer who helped and product make that it can surely have it succeed a desire with nebuLa. The mail of the opinion from the guest who saw this contents nebuLa , the order is being waited for more than the heart. (NebulaMatic, Software, CG, LightWave3D, database, SystemProduct, WebApplication)