(Saitama) - World-wide video duplication service (VTR, NTSC)
(Tokyo) - This is the crnerstone of any color management systems. It ensures the consistent display of images over time and from workstation to workstation. A properly calibrated monitor, combined with accurate ICC printer profiles and Photoshop 5.0 or 5.5 can also be used for softproofing critical work, saving time and money in the proofing cycle. (DTP, calibration, optical, color, colorsync, icc, cg, ntsc, medical, display)
(Tokyo) - Smart-telecaster(Software product) allows us to communicate with someone by using voice and image on general communication channel. (IP, MPEG, JPEG, NTSC, telecaster, smart, fps, narrow, camera, mobile)
(Aichi) - Video convert service. Ntsc Pal Secam format. (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, VIDEO, FOEMAT, CONVERT)
(Kanagawa) -(2001) We offer slide film processing rush service(60 min). We buy, sell, trade used cameras. Videos can be duplicated and converted from the North American NTSC standard onto the foreign standards PAL and SECAM, as well as foreign videos onto the North American NTSC standard at our stores. (camera, usedcamera, digitalcamera, photofinishing, slidefilmprocessing, videoduplication, NTSC, PAL, SECAM, yokohama)
(Tokyo) -(1998) We can change the recording form of VHS from PAL or SECOM to NTSC(JAPAN) and also,change from NTSC to PAL or SECOM.Please contact us! (PAL, SECOM, NTSC, VHS, VIDEO, DUBBING)