(Tokyo) -(2000) This HomePage is PRIORITY CO., LTD. We present you the PRITIC. PRITIC is the Magnetic Polishing Machine. The magnetic polishing process removes fine&minute burrs, and polishes surfaces with no metal deformation. Protecting fine tolerance and geometry. (priority, pritic, magnet, polish, plishingmachine, burrs, metal, plastic, polishing)
(Tokyo) -(1998) Salt,Inc. tokyo Japan (FlexOS, RTOS, Operating System, Software, Operating System, Real-Time Operating System, Multitasking Operating System, Preemptive, POS, Point Of Sales, FA, ATM, Salt,Inc, ISI, Intel, SI, MSDOS, CP/M, Source Code, Scheduler, Priority Scheduler, Kernel, Pipe, Shared Memory, Round-robin, Dispatcher, Reentrant, IPC, Dynamic loading, Time Slice, Virtual Memory, Semaphore, Asynchronous, Misc, disk mirroring, DOS Application, Network, Ethertnet)