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{stickness, viscosity}

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Word(s): @={stickness, viscosity}

/ gender // instrument // measurement // stick /

  • (Tokyo) -
    Thermal Analyzer, Rheology, Rheometer, Calorimeter, TGA, Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer, TGA, DMA, Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer, DMA, DSC, Differential Thermal Analyzer, DSC, Modulated DSC, Modulated Differential Thermal Analyzer, MDSC, Auto Sampler, SDT, Thermal Mechanical Analyzer, TMA, Micro Thermal Analyzer, Dielectric Analyzer, DEA, DPC, PCA, PCA, DTA, Tzero, RSA, ARES
    (Thermal, Analyzer, Rheology, Rheometer, Calorimeter, Thermo, Gravimetric, Mechanical, Dielectric, Tzero)

  • (Tokyo) -
    CBC Materials Corp., principal Japanese manufacturer and patent holder, has incorporated the latest piezoelectric drive and sensor technology to a range of torsional oscillation viscometers. This innovative system is rapidly becoming recognized as the world's most accurate and reliable instrumentation for in-line viscosity measurement.
    (CBC, Materials, viscosity, viscometer, rheology, rheometer, shear, stress, brookfield, nametre)

  • (Tokyo) -
    non-glass pH meter
    (pH, meter, food, alkalinity, acidity, ISFETpH, soil, viscosity, probe, non-glass)

  • (Osaka) -
    TechnoSupport shows new technologies from overseas for manufacturing and processing industries in Japan.
    (TechnoSupport, mixer, homogenizing, dispersing, Viscometer, numbering, mill, solventrecycler, stainlessmotor)

  • (Hyogo) -
    Chemical and Physical Analysis, Surface and Spot Analysis,Glass and Thin film Test-production.
    (optics, viscosity, thermal, analysis, raw, material, thin, film, paterning, defects)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    TOA Industry Co., Ltd. HomePage

  • (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Our analytical and laboratory instruments are employed in reserch and development applications, quality control laboratories, universities, schools and research facilities.
    (elementar, rheometer, density, viscometer, elemental, calorimeter)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    tama-city, tokyo, japan
    (tokyo, viscometer, moisturemeter, refractmeter, visco, meter, rheometer)

  • (Osaka) -(2000)
    TechnoSupport.Ltd shows new technologies from overseas for manufacturing and processing industries in Japan.
    (mixer, homogenizing, dispersing, ViscosityController, numbering, CardEncoding, BusinessCard, PunchingTool)

  • (Tokyo) -(1998)
    S.B.TECHNO-RESEARCH a leading testing and analyzing company of Sumitomo group, actively serving the fields of plastics, chemicals, electric & electronic parts, automotive parts, building materials, medical devices, etc.
    (formulation, analysis, fluidized, dielectric, properties, visco-elasticity, tests, failure, support, service)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan