(Tokyo) - The sushi store and delivery sushi of Yokokawamachi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo. It is on foot 6 minutes from the JR Chuo Line Nishi-Hachiouji station. Please [ Tokyo-style sushi / which incorporated fresh NETA ]. The delivery sushi to delivery quickness and the Hachioji neighborhood is also heard! (Sushi, Hachioji, Delivery, Yokogawa-cho, Japanese-style, dish, food, Tokyo, style, Kaiseki)
(Tokyo) -(1997) We will enter all kinds of Multi-media business after our first step into PC related products retail market. We manage our PC shop (PC, SQUARE, Musashino, Mitaka, Kichijouji, Yokogawa, Multi-media, Computer,Sales, Sales)
(Tokyo) -(1997) PC SQUARE, AGE are PC shops based on Musashino, Mitaka, Kichijouji area. Please use AGE for your happy PC life. AGE is operated Yokogawa Multi-media Corporation. Yokogawa Multi-media Corporation can handle a mass sales to SOHOs or Corporations. (PC SQUARE, Musashino, Mitaka, Kichijouji, Yokogawa, Multi-media, Computer Shop)