(Tokyo) -(2002) Information I established a home page to help management innovation of the nucleus / a medium and small-sized business, and to offer has IT, e business, the making of structure, the education training, internationalization, a coordinate widely. (IT, e-busines, HRM, consuiting, SME, education, grobal, international, cordination, managment)
(Wakayama) -(2001) Credit guarantee association is the public organization (special public corporation) established for the purpose of a credit guarantee association striving for carrying out smoothly of finance through a credit guarantee, and contributing to healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
(Osaka) -(2001) B2B-matching site operated by Kansai Economic Federation(KansaiKeizaiRengoukai:Kankeiren).You can search over 51,000 companies data. (B2B, procure, kankeiren, matching, database, search, enterprise, company, kansai, osaka)
(Tokyo) -(2001) Noah Consulting Firm is marketing consulting firm in Tokyo Japan. (NoahConsultingFirm, franchise, marketing, consulting, MBA)
(Tokyo) -(2001) Our businesses are especially for consulting of construction. (Overseas and Japan) -Construction management that meets the needs of each situation -Meeting needs through equipment imports and exports -Total coordination eliminates waste in human resources -Inspection and survey of existing facilities (consulting, construction, import, export, management, overseas, survey, IES, cooedination, resource)
(Tokyo) -(2001) e-Market place (Japan, marketplace, e-marketplace)
(Tokyo) -(2000) IC STOCK JAPAN can accept for offer that very rare or discontinued electric conponents you want. Also we can buy the components or semiconductor you want to sell. (icstock, electric, parts, semiconductor, semicon, ic, components, source, inventory, chip)
(Osaka) -(1999) Using the internet,we aim to establish a new business category-the integration of massmedia advertising, mail-order business and trading. (Chemical, Business, Trade, Information, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum)
-(1998) American Information Technologies, Inc., ait, is an Atlanta-based computer consulting and procurment company, specializing in projects in developing countries funded by the United Nations, USAID, and other international aid organizations. (ait, american, information, technologies, computer, procurement, developing, country, ODA, NGO)
(Osaka) -(1998) HMNet provides a communication space for enterprises long to develop new areas on Internet, and helps making thier advertisement on any media. (capital goods, enterprises' link, index, new products, material procurement, recruiting, advertisement, catalog request)
(Tokyo) -(1997) We are one of the world's leading manufacturers of electric wire and cable,nonferrous metals and other products. Our purchasing department is looking for the competitive raw materials for them. (procurement, purchase, cable, wire, optical-fiber, material, electronics, plastic, network, nonferrous metal)