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{America, American} + {diary} + {study, learn}

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Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={America, American}
@3={study, learn}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

{foreign, oversea, abroad}

  • (Tokyo) -
    ~ everything about my life ~
    (KINO, Kinoshita, Tsuyoshi, Diary, monologue, Literary miscellany, Miscellaneous, Column, Essay, Joke, Profile, Travelogue, Photo, 1970, S45, December, 8, Travel, Central America, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Maya, Tibet, Vietnam, Copan, Ruin, Cat, Spanish, Studying abroad, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Chigasaki, Tokyo, Inagi, SOHO, Freelance profession, Freelance, SE, Programer, Psychotic, Depression, Depressive, Anthropophobia, Indoor lodging, sleeplessness, insomnia, sleep, sleep obstacle, antidepressant, mental, drug, listlessness, depravity, Dromomania, tedium, Traveler, Smoker, BLOG)

  • -
    yurie's diary
    (yurie, dance, diary)

  • -
    Jin's Home Page
    (California, Los, Angeles, Computer, Science, Jin, Ikuta, Long, Beach, University)

  • (Osaka) -
    I am going to study abroad in CA USA since 2003.

  • (Chiba) -
    The realtime story of me, challenging to go to the US and seek MA in communication.
    (graduatestudy, MA, communication, TOEFL, GRE, diary, studyingabroad)

  • -
    Stupid diary in Japanese.
    (america, california, diary, text, bbs)

  • (Fukuoka) -
    St@y...NewYork is the memoirs of the U.S., a writer, and studying-abroad experience in New York State.
    (new, york, stay, st@y, diary, english, usa, america, dax)

  • -
    Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor.
    (Canada, Study, Abroad, Second, Bachelor, Kansai, Gaidai, Digital, Camera, Photos)

  • -
    I'm japanese international student in USA. My website Kent Village contains Diary, Meetin board, Photographyetc... Anyway, join us!!
    (kent, university, English, student, graduate, diary, photography, America, abroad, ESL)

  • -
    Teruki's Home Page. The life in foreign countries.
    (Study, Abroad, diary, graduate, school, development, international)

  • -
    This website is Yuko's website. This site has Yuko's diary, photo, and web material and so on. I always seeking friends, so please come and join my website.
    (webmaterial, diary, photo, America, material, study, WallPaper, icon, freematerial, essay)

  • -
    Infomation about mother house which is made by Mother Teressa and my diary in America.
    (diary, motherteressa, ozakiyutaka)

  • -
    My daily life in New York (Japanese only).
    (NY, Manhattan, Columbia, newyork, USA)

  • (Tochigi) -
    This web site will somehow enhance your English ability.
    (english, learner, chat, jet, learners, diary)

  • -
    It is HP which tells you my USA studying-abroad life. A diary, movie comment etc... are updated at any time. The diary is written in both English and Japanese every day.
    (abroad, studying, university, movie, california, diary, state, U.S.A., experience, seattle)

  • -
    Some foreign students have a party every weekend. Why don't you play MAHJAN with us!
    (Japanese, foreign, student, game, Texas)

  • (Osaka) -
    Akinori's iPage
    (America, Diary, Album, Washington)

  • -
    I'm staying in missouri ,USA.
    (USA, Missouri, child, development)

  • -
    there are many funny contents which are about university life in the United States
    (UTA, abroad, study, professor, america, university, life, funny, entertainment, diary)

  • -
    I'm staying in missouri ,USA.
    (USA, Missouri, child, development)

  • (Tochigi) -
    This is my life as an MBA student at the Weatherhead School of Management (Case Western Reserve University).
    (Cleveland, USA, Ohio, MBA, Diary, Case, Western, Reserve, Weatherhead, School)

  • (Tokyo) -
    Hiro's Homepage, Site25.
    (America, California, Long, Beach, Studying, Abroad, Drug, Pharmacist, diary)

  • (Chiba) -
    the way to success. if u want to become rich, u must see this. this page is written in japanese.
    (rich, america, skimboard, diary, AVD, american, value, depot, money, billionaire)

  • -(2002)
    This is Ryo's homepage, keeping diary of studying abroad in California,LA!
    (SecondBachelor, Ryugaku, Diary, Los, Angels, California, Long)

  • -(2002)
    Kanon's Diary & Poem & BBS.

  • -(2002)
    This is masafuton. One of the purposes that I'm having this sites is that I want to communicate with you. Please freely email me!
    (advertising, study, abroad, entertainment, Japanese, creative, fun, funny, text, review)

  • -(2002)
    You can find many Japanese students who are studying in U.S. and making web-sites.
    (America, Studying Abroad, Links, Photo, California, diary, experience, information, English, ESL, community college, University, U.S., TOEFL)

  • -(2002)
    It's Marimi's home page! This home page is about my life in Wisconsin,America. Even you don't enjoy my journal in Japanese,you can see some photos of me! Let's go!
    (Journal, Diary, Photos, chat, culture, Quize, University, America, Abroad, Life-style)

  • -(2002)
    The web page of a Japanese International student, who are studying anthropology in the USA
    (anthropology, america, studyabroad, california, master, MA, japanese, chinese, taiwan, japan)

  • -(2002)
    I'm studying in the U.S. as a college student and keep a diary that I realized, impressed, and surprised in my life.
    (U.S.A., America, San, Francisco, Diary, international, student, college, English, study)

  • (Miyazaki) -(2002)
    Ryo's Home Page, Second Bachelor, Second Baccalaureate
    (secondbachelor, studyingabroad, bbs, diary)

  • -(2002)
    it is a site made by high school student who is in USA and I told my school life, diary and etc... I really wanna people visit and love my site a lot!!! but it is Japanese site only. there are some pic!!
    (America, Japanese, language, high, school, student, love, study, Japan, Diary)

  • -(2002)
    it is a site made by high school student who is in USA and I told my school life, diary and etc... I really wanna people visit and love my site a lot!!! but it is Japanese site only. there are some pic!!
    (America, Japanese, language, high, school, student, love, study, Japan, Diary)

  • -(2001)
    I show my American life with thousands of trouble.
    (international, america, california, diarly, college, university, cat, happy, silly, fool)

  • -(2001)
    Let's Gack'n'Roll
    (dream, g, America, Rock, international, desert, diary, FAQ, Gakuto, English)

  • -(2001)
    sorry japanese only.
    (japanese, only, UA)

  • -(2001)
    My homepage is to write diary about my life in New Haven,CT.
    (Connecticut, Yale, NEWHAVEN, car, wine, opera, food, diary, motorsports)

  • -(2001)
    This homepage is written by the man who is studying in Seattle. Seattle is famous for Ichiro.This homepage includes a daily dialy,opinion about news,movies,and sports.Moreover, there is a trip dialy in it.
    (Seattle, Mariners, America, trip, dialy, movie, abroad)

  • -(2001)
    I'm the most pessimistic molecular biologist in the world.
    (molecular, biology, cell, nature, science, USA, Harvard, MIT, DNA, protein)

  • (Mie) -(2001)
    This is Fuki's Home Page.
    (study, diary, novel, essay, pictures, abroad, california, america, usa)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Do you wanna come to rika's world? Let us communicate in both Japanese and English!
    (America, US, U.S., billiard, rika, bilingual, english, TOEFL, TOEIC, abroad)

  • (Osaka) -(2001)
    I introduce myself, some picture in Japan and the U.S, and a sort of my diary.
    (America, Diary, Album)

  • -(2000)
    (Buisiness, Osaka, Olympic, Diary, SOHO, USA, America, Study, Abroad, College)

  • -(2000)

  • (Mie) -(2000)
    FUKI's Homepage!! I'm a college student in CA in the USA. Diary is written everyday, and you can see the pictures too! ENJOY!!
    (Aamerica, California, Pictures, Diary, Essay, College, Student)

  • (Osaka) -(2000)
    This page is about my life and hobby. However, this is only for Japanese. Sorry!
    (hobby, diary, postpet, school, America, NJ, game)

  • -(2000)
    A journalist-economist shows up the truth of things by writing this dairy essay.
    (other, side, of, the, moon, essay, diary, Boston, USA, America)

  • -(1999)
    Started on Februay 1, 1997. Including my brief messages (writings) and some pictures from New York state, USA, since 1994 to 98.Now moving to Silicon Valley, California.
    (Journal, Pictures, in, USA)

  • -(1999)
    An exchange studnet studying in America made his homepage!Contents are the followings: Recipe of Japanese dish, Diary of a Japanese exchange student, and more.
    (Japan, Diary, USA, America, cooking, recipe, seach, engine, link, abroad)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan