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{animation, animate} + {design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
703world 703world (Tokyo) - 703world (703world, 703, naomi , T-shirts , Design , Designer , Illustrator , Illustration , Anime )
iml-imaging labo iml-imaging labo (Tokyo) - Here is a WEB Gallery of IML, a technical graphic llustrator (pers , photo , graphic , architect , illust , bluepoint, design , animation , property )
ChaosOnline ChaosOnline (Aichi) - Design club management of a certain high school. The site of the renewal of every month. (Design , Art , Illustration , Comics , Animation , Creation , Highschool , Clubmagazine)
Hisuiinko's Home Page Hisuiinko's Home Page (Hyogo) - Hisuiinko's Home Page (novel , illustration , subscribe , design , obstacle , robot , numeric , keypad, character , animation )
f*ck frog f*ck frog (Ehime) - Art and illustration space! (art , illust , illustrator , manga , animation )
1969square 1969square (Tokyo) - artist site (1969, art )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Rinjin Rinjin (Hyogo) - Welcome! It's Kikuyuki's HomePage Rinjin (neighbour , art , animation , Quay , illustration , design , svankmajer)
pears pears (Kyoto) - The site of pears's funny collection. The name of a site is pears. A producer's name is also pears. It is sending from Kyoto in Japan. It is only a Japanese notation. (pears , GIF , animation , theater , photograph , Illustration , icon , textile , design , Kyoto )
0-KING 0-KING (Tokyo) - Character-Design ART-Direction Illustration WEB-Design leave it to me!!! (WEBDesign , ARTDirection, Illustration , CharacterDesign , art , Illustrator , pro , photo )
Adphics Adphics (Okayama) - web and graphic design, illustration, photography, logo design and animation (web , graphic , design , photography , illustration , web design , okayama , japan , japanese , animation )
YUtoRI YUtoRI (Hokkaido) - We are doing design and work of an illustration in Japan. The Internet radio program is under broadcast. (japan , design , illustration , flash , greetingcard , internetradio , movie , comics , monkey , room )
Dream-Bit Dream-Bit (Nagano) - This DREAM-BIT aiming at the spread increase of Internet that a userincreases year by year here,I think to have a little many persons take in possi-bility to swell out. (dreambit, homepage, design , mascot , logotype, illustration , symbolmark, animation , cd-rom , nagano )
rinamika art com rinamika art com (Kyoto) - illustration&G.design (illustration&G.design)
gungoographics gungoographics (Chiba) - hello (design , illust , photoshop , anime , japan , graphics , gungoo, gungoographics, fukai , painter )
Mixer Mixer (Saitama) -(2002) Materials for Homepage (material, button , illust , icon , wallpaper , counter , animation , design , gif )
Jamie Baker Folio Jamie Baker Folio -(2002) Artwork done for animation illustration and comics. Includes storyboards, character designs and animation samples from Commercials, TV series and Feature films. (animation , manga , illustration , CG , storyboard, character-design )
Stylescape.web Stylescape.web (Nagano) -(2002) Illustration and animetion. (Illustration , Image , Pictuer, Paint , Graphic , CG , Anime )
moko moko (Chiba) -(2002) Illustraion site (Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , CG , design , illustration , material, wallpaper )
kumagoya kumagoya (Saitama) -(2002) Meet me at KUMAGGOYA. Please show my illustrations. (illustration , illustrator , design , designer , animation , craft )
amoya amoya -(2002) vieni qui (asami , amo , amoya, flash , Illustration , animation , art , SOHO )
madinfection madinfection (Osaka) -(2002) madinfections home page (madinfection, rock , vogue , love , getway, goods , scoop , sushi , buzz , romantic )
KYUCON.COM JAPAN KYUCON.COM JAPAN (Saitama) -(2002) Flash&shockwave games,Illustrations,Anime,3DCG and more. (flash , shockwave , 3D , CG , illust , animation , japan , game , funny , design )
MUKITSCH! MUKITSCH! (Kanagawa) -(2002) MURAHIRO's WebGallery (MUKITSCH!, MURAHIRO, HiroyukiMurayama, art , illustration )
Although You Can't See It Clearly Although You Can't See It Clearly -(2002) Animation, Illustration, or even Design! Drawing BBS and Galleries. Works done by Photoshop, Illustrator, and even flash. Please come and join us! Share your drawings and experience! (animation , Japanese , Cartoon , Drawing , illustration , cartooning, gallery , caricature )
SHOZI.COM SHOZI.COM (Hiroshima) -(2002) The HomePage of SHOZI DESIGN OFFICE, Inc. (illustration , CG , advertise , design , hirosima , animation , character , comics , Mac )
Banner&homepage atelierD Banner&homepage atelierD (Yamagata) -(2002) Web Desighn & banner & CG &illsut atelierD We love hot & Cool WEB pages. (free , banner , rogo, CG , illust , web , design , anime , material, planning )
Moss bear Moss bear (Tokyo) -(2002) The comics art homepage of haku (Illustration , Art , Handbill , Poster , Comics , Design , GIF , Japan , haku)
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
Asian Bee's honey Asian Bee's honey (Kanagawa) -(2002) Asian Bee's honey is the personal site of poo. (CINEMA , ANIMATION , CAT , DESIGN , ILLUST )
goddog production goddog production (Tokyo) -(2002) goddog production Website (Illustration , movie , design , graphic , techno , indies, animation , goddog, goods , production )
tamao's note tamao's note (Hiroshima) -(2001) Design&Illustration homepage Tamao's note. (real , graphic , illust , art , anime , original , Tamao , note , photoshop , design )
Dust@Home Dust@Home (Tokyo) -(2001) H@K's dust@home is looking toy-box for strange art. Original dust-arts,original dust-fonts(free) and many dust,etc. (freefont , freewere, icon , illust , GIF , 3D , design , dingbats, kuzumi )
bambi design bambi design (Tokyo) -(2001) bambi design's HomePage illustration and comic Comic bambina (design , illustration , game , flash , comic , animation , horror , character , gallery , work )
illustration studio jinjin illustration studio jinjin (Osaka) -(2001) jinjin's illustration studio!! (illustrater, illustration , art , artist , webdesign , animation , manimimanimyat, jinjin , artshop , computer )
No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! (Tokyo) -(2001) Yes!lots of gif-animations,poem,graphics about unknown creatures. (gif-animation , poem , graphics , daiary, design )
Creator's Search Creator's Search (Tokyo) -(2001) creator's search link. (creator,search,link)
Studio PLEASE Studio PLEASE (Osaka) -(2001) sory japanese only (photo , Illustration , news , design , Homepage, WEBpage, printing , DTP , program , anime )
Akiko Hangai's HomePage Akiko Hangai's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2001) (Illustration , Design , Exotic , GIF Animation , Arizona , Bali , Okinawa , Pinhole Camera, Illustrator )
Welcome to Anjo-jp.com Welcome to Anjo-jp.com (Kyoto) -(2001) Anjo's HomePage (Design , Illustration , CD-ROM , Web , Printing , Digital , Homepage, animation , 3d , movie )
Tracisum Magazine Tracisum Magazine (Tokyo) -(2000) Design,Literature,Music,Visual,Illustration,Animation,Photograph and others Information of Art Male Magazine. (MAGAZINE , ART , MUSIC , DESIGN , LITERATURE , MOVIE , ANIMATION , VISUAL , ILLUSTRATION , PHOTOGRAPH )
pageo saruco pageo saruco (Osaka) -(2000) pageo saruco design (design )
FLASH anime FLASH anime (Aichi) -(2000) flash anime (anime , flash , design )
amoya amoya (Saitama) -(2000) vieni qui (asami , amo , amoya, AsamiHaraguchi, flash , Illustration , animation , art , SOHO )
LittleHouseTshirts LittleHouseTshirts (Chiba) -(2000) We buy original T-shirts. (original , shirts , design , animation , illust , print , little , house )
TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. (Hokkaido) -(2000) TOP CREATION S HP (STUDIO , MAX, 3D , 3DCG , CG , movie , design , illustration , TV , CM )
CG and Dada CG and Dada (Okayama) -(2000) okayama.Japan (CG , movie , illust , graphic , 3DCG )
Animation DesignWorks Daikoubou Animation DesignWorks Daikoubou (Tokyo) -(1998) Animated Film DesignWorks Daikoubou's HomePage (Animation , design , illustration , Animated , Film , DesignWorks, Daikoubou)
DoaDoa DoaDoa (Tokyo) -(1998) llustrator / Art Gallery, POST CARD, Animation, Web Design, Books Design, Travel / SOFT : Painter, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash,etc. (Illustration , Art , Gallery , Animation , Web , Design , Painter , Photoshop )
This is the SPACE This is the SPACE (Tokyo) -(1998) This is the SPACE where you can feel good by the designed thing. Please feel design and toucth the design! I hope you'll come here! Thank you. (column , postcard , ArtCard, art , illustration , animation , illust )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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