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{art, artistics, artistic} + {design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
PORT FOLIO+ PORT FOLIO+ (Okayama) - PORT FOLIO+'s keyword is a design&creative.This site's webmaster is makoto! (design , creative , portfolio , art , makoto )
ChaosOnline ChaosOnline (Aichi) - Design club management of a certain high school. The site of the renewal of every month. (Design , Art , Illustration , Comics , Animation , Creation , Highschool , Clubmagazine)
Humbagar-Gallery Humbagar-Gallery (Kanagawa) - Hello!! This is saya's HomePage. A work of art!! (hambager, Lonely , Water , gallery , jeans , Maya, Photoshop , illustrator , mediaart, design )
MASHIRO nostalsy*pop MASHIRO nostalsy*pop (Tokyo) - artist[mashiro]original illustlation & originalhand made accessory (design , art , illustrator , original , goods , pop , handmade , perler, beads , japan )
otomehyakka otomehyakka (Osaka) - girls life! (life , love , women , girl , happy , art , illust , make , take , pop )
Rinjin Rinjin (Hyogo) - Welcome! It's Kikuyuki's HomePage Rinjin (neighbour , art , animation , Quay , illustration , design , svankmajer)
dadoodad dadoodad (Kanagawa) - dadoodad (punk , art , illust , tshirts , goods , shop , gallery , crawler, dadoodad, naojiharada)
ozakimay artpage ozakimay artpage (Tokyo) - This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, food , diary , artist , photo , spain , kanji )
Mr.K's Life Mr.K's Life (Tokyo) - Mr.K's Life (Flash , Photoshop , Painter )
Masaru Kinoue Masaru Kinoue (Tokyo) - Ogikubo,Tokyo,Japan (Fashon, illustration , design , Masaru , Kinoue, Tokyo , Knitting , jeep , uekatsu, art )
WATER HIP WORLD WATER HIP WORLD (Saitama) - This is creator's homepage. (image , design , photo , designer , illust , illustrator , homepage, photoshop , create , art )
Kiyoshi Kikuchi Design Room Kiyoshi Kikuchi Design Room (Tokyo) - Kiyoshi Kikuchi Design Room (Kiyoshi , Kikuchi , Design , Room )
VECS-ARTS VECS-ARTS (Osaka) - comical and hyper real illustlation. girls and animal charactor illustlation! cute and cool! (arts , comical , sexy , girl , illust , animal , lllust)
uplift association. uplift association. - we are Japanese and Swiss creative team. Designer, Photographer,Illustrator etc. just pop in!! (design , photograph , art , masato , takahashi , minoru , suwa , hiromitsu, uplift)
Minami architecture office Minami architecture office (Kyoto) - Minami architecture office.kyoto Japan.Design and administraton. (art , architecture , kyoto , challenge , design , administration , illustration , house , school , mansion )
Evolve! Evolve! (Fukui) - TA9's HP ! (Illustration , Design )
Rental 3D-illustration (2,500 / year) Rental 3D-illustration (2,500\ / year) (Aichi) - Rental 3D-illustration (3,500\ / year) (illustration , rental , Photo , website , image , images , homepage, art , 3Dillustration, design )
SYNCHRONIC-fishing,art,music,hair,fashion,travel- SYNCHRONIC-fishing,art,music,hair,fashion,travel- (Tokyo) - SYNCHRONIC---various artists and dreamers meet other artists over the category. then new works are born. We suggest such a place. We also hope many people can experience and touch unknown but briliant artist's works. Please contact us when you want to express your arts or something. (SYNCHRONIC, MarsRendezvous, GreatFruits, Go!Go!Q, Pon , FISHING , HAIR , Taku-8008-Yoneda, ART , TRAVEL )
Please peep my right brain Please peep my right brain (Hyogo) - psychedelic art (illustration , design , psychedelic , art , poem )
Studio APPA Studio APPA (Kanagawa) - If you are interested in fashion design, Studio APPA can support your artistic activities. (Designer , Fashion , Clothes , Creative , Mode , Model , Art , Illustration )
the gold fish in a pond the gold fish in a pond (Tokyo) - illustration (goldfish , art , design , illustration , japanese )
ozakimay artpage ozakimay artpage (Tokyo) - This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, mayozaki, diary , artist , photo , spain , espana )
have a dream of the flying cat. have a dream of the flying cat. (Chiba) - Aya Misono's Original Comic Illustrations Gallery. (HarryPotter , Fantasy , TheLordoftheRings, FanArt)
SEXCOM SEXCOM (Tokyo) -(2002) Welcome to the SEXCOM web site about SEX & LOVE & LIFE style. (sex , std , contraceptive , style , posture , questionnaire , chat , bbs , guestbook , magazin, consultation , information , love , community , couple , friend , human , relations , marrige, divorce , child , adult , condom , illust , education , life , communication , drive , sexual , morality , desire , hormone , spirit , mental , health , womens, medical , mind , heart , entertainment , pill , design , gene , virtual , goods , art , kantou , touhoku , chubu , hokuriku , koushinetsu , kansai , chugoku , shikoku , kyushu , hokkaido , okinawa )
amoya amoya -(2002) vieni qui (asami , amo , amoya, flash , Illustration , animation , art , SOHO )
NONAME Produce NONAME Produce (Tokyo) -(2002) NONAME (design , illust , photo , circle , waseda , art , create )
MUKITSCH! MUKITSCH! (Kanagawa) -(2002) MURAHIRO's WebGallery (MUKITSCH!, MURAHIRO, HiroyukiMurayama, art , illustration )
kaw's homepage kaw's homepage (Shizuoka) -(2002) shizuoka,japan (k.a.w., kaw, VJ, DESIGN , FLASH , ILLUSTRATION , K-ARTWORKS)
SHASHIN KAGAKU CO.,LTD. SHASHIN KAGAKU CO.,LTD. (Shiga) -(2002) Through flexible ideas, rich sensitivity and trustworthy technology, we aim at being a total producer of media. (design , ad , kyoto , CD-ROM , DVD , Planning , Contents , Management , Program , DTP )
Stanton Studio Stanton Studio -(2002) Fresh visual ideas from Barcelona. Bright,brash comercial design and illustration for advertising, editorial and institutional clients. From brochures to buildings we've covered it with colorful multimedia images that win awards and market share. "Homage to Barcelona" with works by 40 artists and Stock illustration for tight deadlines. Add your URL to our list of 1500 creative weblinks in Spain, Europe, USA and Japan. (art , gallery , design , pop , illustration , Spain , Barcerona, marketing , communication , advertising )
20min.furnitures are full of poetic... from TOKYO 20min.furnitures are full of poetic... from TOKYO (Tokyo) -(2002) 20min.furnitures are full of poetic expressions, from Tokyo,Japan (furnitures , design , illust , art , school )
Moss bear Moss bear (Tokyo) -(2002) The comics art homepage of haku (Illustration , Art , Handbill , Poster , Comics , Design , GIF , Japan , haku)
dukatti performance&design studio dukatti performance&design studio (Okinawa) -(2002) Introducing artists and art of okinawa. (okinawa , yamada , art , artist , design , illustration , performance , goods , shop )
C-FrogExpress C-FrogExpress (Tokyo) -(2001) This is the site of Art,Illustration,Poem,Travel Report and Tropical Fish.It will advance THE MIX CULTURE EXPRESSION. (art , illustration , poem , travel , fish , expression , asia , culture , painting , design )
OsakaZokeiCenter OsakaZokeiCenter (Osaka) -(2001) OsakaZokeiCenter(art&design school/gallery/theater) (art , design , school , cafe , gallery , theater , illust , photo , dessin , artschool)
welcome to naviako welcome to naviako (Osaka) -(2001) (postcard , calendar , notebook , tablemat, design , art , T-shirt , original , hand made , illustrasion)
www.T-Tee.com www.T-Tee.com (Tokyo) -(2001) Various Creator T-Tee's site where there are my illustrations, and web-design, and etc. (T-Tee, illustration , illustrator , web , design , designer , art , artist , comic , cartoon )
illustration studio jinjin illustration studio jinjin (Osaka) -(2001) jinjin's illustration studio!! (illustrater, illustration , art , artist , webdesign , animation , manimimanimyat, jinjin , artshop , computer )
Real Art Factory Real Art Factory (Hyogo) -(2001) Coloured Perspective Drawings for Gardening, Housing, Outeriour Design. Accurate and authentic drawihngs by CAD. (design , gardening , perspective , illustration , landscape , drawings , gardener , architecture , exterior )
prism prism (Tokyo) -(2001) Prism is a non-genre creator's web magazine, which aim to stimulate creative viewpoints.In every issue, creators will put their imagination and creativity toward a certain creative focus point. A theme will be setup in every issue. The theme will be developed around the aggregate in the every day life which everyone is familiar with and the aggregate in society, etc. Around the aggregate, elements will be created with the creator's viewpoint. Furthermore, each of that creators work concentrates as an element of a new aggregate in Prism. (prism , Japan , creater, magazine , creative , photo , design , art , illust , viewpoint )
watanabe kohboh watanabe kohboh (Gifu) -(2001) Look! Happy ART. (watanabe , kohboh , HandMade , Malchen, Illust , Happy , Event , Print , Design )
may's artpage may's artpage (Tokyo) -(2001) This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, mayozaki, diary , artist , photo , spain , espana )
winbird co.,ltd japan. winbird co.,ltd japan. (Nagano) -(2001) EPSON Styluspro Series FanForum in Japan matsumoto. (WINBIRD, EPSON , Styluspro, FanForum, EventProduce, Illustration , design , Bridal , Print )
clip clip (Kanagawa) -(2001) murai reina's HomePage. yokohama,kanagawa,japan (design , webdesign , web , art , illustration , illust , ReinaMurai, manga , artisut)
Rosemary's HomePage Rosemary's HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka (original , illustration , illustrator , design , art , fantasy , gallery , monster , characters , designer )
The gallery of Matisse Takano The gallery of Matisse Takano (Saitama) -(2000) The gallery of Matisse Takano,illustration. (gallery , illustration , Matisse, Takano , design , Art , illustrater)
Web Index HomePage Web Index HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) osaka japan. (HomePage, Make , Company , Art , Illustrated , Design )
Tracisum Magazine Tracisum Magazine (Tokyo) -(2000) Design,Literature,Music,Visual,Illustration,Animation,Photograph and others Information of Art Male Magazine. (MAGAZINE , ART , MUSIC , DESIGN , LITERATURE , MOVIE , ANIMATION , VISUAL , ILLUSTRATION , PHOTOGRAPH )
ninyu works ninyu works (Tokyo) -(2000) contemporary art,ninyu works homepage (art , design , contemporaryart , illust , diary , japan , pop , ai , yamaguchi , girl )
amoya amoya (Saitama) -(2000) vieni qui (asami , amo , amoya, AsamiHaraguchi, flash , Illustration , animation , art , SOHO )
AAA makimaki AAA AAA makimaki AAA (Aichi) -(2000) welcome to makimakimaki (chat , encounter , BBS , pretty , homepage, music , movies , illustration , dressing , Photoshop )
AT-Factory AT-Factory (Kanagawa) -(2000) POP & COOL Design (Design , T-shirts , Factory , AT , Web , Designer , Flash , Art , Illustration , Music )
Yoiko Tokyo Japan Yoiko Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) For your creative life.Let's join our club! Not business All free. (Illust , Style , Design , HTML , Art , Car , Joy , Chibita, Yoiko, Chance )
ishiharayu ishiharayu (Chiba) -(2000) ishiharayu's art works (illustration , art , design , human , brain , psycho , white , line , drawing , barcode )
Artifice Artifice (Tokyo) -(1999) It gets out of the way, gets out of the way, and excited.Cute[meg] ! This is HP which art and heart are polished with with all. In the encounter and the place of the comrade's information exchange! It is full of the work of the idol game designer meg as well! (meg , rabbit , chat , bbs , Artifice, happy , like , art , illust , darkside)
the nenga-show 2000 the nenga-show 2000 (Hokkaido) -(1999) design contest of newyear's card,2000 japan (newyear , 2000 , postcard , japan , dragon , art , illustration , comic , money , contest )
CAT Studio CAT Studio (Tokyo) -(1998) Science Fiction,Novel,Art and illustration. This site of japanese. (Science , Fiction , Novel , Art , illustration )
DoaDoa DoaDoa (Tokyo) -(1998) llustrator / Art Gallery, POST CARD, Animation, Web Design, Books Design, Travel / SOFT : Painter, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash,etc. (Illustration , Art , Gallery , Animation , Web , Design , Painter , Photoshop )
Art & Design ELEPHANT HOUSE Art & Design ELEPHANT HOUSE (Tokyo) -(1998) Art,Design,Mac,Online soft,photo,Illustration... (Art , Design , Mac , OnlineSoft, photo , Illustration , ElephantHouse)
This is the SPACE This is the SPACE (Tokyo) -(1998) This is the SPACE where you can feel good by the designed thing. Please feel design and toucth the design! I hope you'll come here! Thank you. (column , postcard , ArtCard, art , illustration , animation , illust )
The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. (Tokyo) -(1997) The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. (mpc , clip art, art , design , software , soho , tokyo , japan , chiyoda , kanda )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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