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{art, artistics, artistic} + {Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {tradition, traditional, conventional}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={art, artistics, artistic}
@2={Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}
@3={tradition, traditional, conventional}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.


  • WaternetSG, Japanese Sound (Chiba) -
    Planning&Produce of Japanese Performing Arts, expressing Sound, Beauty and Soul of Japan
    (Japan, music, sound, tradition, concert, event, performance, art, culture, ZAN)

  • Fuga Space (Chiba) -
    Japanese,traditional,Calligraphy-Art.Fuga's HomePage.
    (Calligraphy, Art, Brush, LOGO, Avant-garde, Gallery, Exhibition, Japanese, Traditional, Fuga)

  • Japanese traditional cloth KIMONO (Hiroshima) -
    Japanese traditional cloth KIMONO
    (kimono, japan, culture, traditional, cloth, japanese, silk, art, kabuki, hiroshima)

  • yasumin's japanese instrument koto school (Tokyo) -
    japanese traditional instrument koto's home page.
    (japan, japanese, instrumento, koto, music, suhool, art)

  • nihonshodougakkai (Tokyo) -
    Nihon-ShodouGakkai Home-Page
    (shodou, kanda)

  • Let's enjoy IKEBANA (Kanagawa) -
    Why don't you try IKEBANA?
    (garally, flower, arrangement, Zushi, japan, tradition)

  • buddhist art shop (Shizuoka) -
    Japanese Best Bhuddhist art shop.
    (yoga, hotoke, buddhism, art, japanese, traditional, kyoto, narita)

  • Teru's Freehand (Kyoto) -
    i love analog style.
    (analog, digital, design, flower, japanese, paint, kyoto, art, gallery, human)

  • Japanese Dancer Fujima Shutaro Official Site (Tokyo) -
    The official site of a Japanese dancer, Fujima Shutaro. Performance Information, performance list, school information, etc. There is also a BBS.
    (dance, japan, japanese, toradition, Fujima, tokyo, art, school, performance, Shutaro)

  • drummers of tokyo,japan (Tokyo) -
    The Professional Wadaiko Drummers Tomoetaikokai Shichisei
    (drum, music, percussion, arts, performance)

  • Akasaka Body Art Company (Saitama) -(2002)
    The sight of Japanese traditional tattoo.
    (tattoo, bodyart, akasaka, fashon, skinart, art, traditional, Japan, Japanese, ink)

  • Naniwa-bushi Reciter Tenkouken Singetu (Osaka) -(2002)
    Naniwa-bushi(ryokyoku) reciter, Tenkoken Shingetsu, Master of Goshu Dancing Song, Master of Kawachi Dancing Song, Naniwa-bushi(Rokyoku), Japanese Traditional Entertaiment, Traditional Performing Art
    (Naniwa-bushiReciter, GoshuDancingSong, KawachiDancingSong, TraditionalEntertaiment, PerformingArt, TenkokenShingetsu, Kabuki, Bunraku, BonFestival)

  • Japanese traditional art (Kyoto) -(2002)
    Ryokuse's HomePage. This page is one of Japanese traditional art.
    (Japanese, traditional, art)

  • KOEISHA (Miyagi) -(2002)

  • This site deals with the stage setting fixtures of the kabuki and nou which are traditional performing arts of Japan. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    This site deals with the stage setting fixtures of the kabuki and nou which are traditional performing arts of Japan.
    (stage, setting, fixtures, japanes, nou, kabuki, traditional, performing, arts)

  • Handmade Jizo Statues (Iwate) -(2002)
    Continuing the tradition of Monks Enku and Mokujiki's Edo era simple portly Jizo statues, these Jizo-san are lovingly crafted one by one from clay. These unique works of art can be found at Michinoku Kiln in Miyako City's Tashiro Village, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
    (pottery, Japanese, handicrafts, arts, crafts, handmade, Miyako, Iwate, kiln, traditional)


  • BUDO SCHOOL (Tokyo) -(2001)

  • traditional Japanese art (Hyogo) -(2001)
    welcome kyotogokusaisiki hp the kyotogokusaisiki studio office homepage japanese style painting art studio office art on japanese sliding door and mural art on ceiling painting art in castle painting art in temple
    (castle, painting art, temple, japanese style, nihon-ga, japanese painting, traditional, hyogo, art, kyoto)

  • KAMON JAPON (Miyagi) -(2001)
    Japanese Kamon page.You can get the information about Jpanese traditional design Kamon.
    (Japan, culture, art)

  • Japan Karatedo Federation,Shito-kai.Yoshukan Kenshikai Ibaraki-Fukui (Osaka) -(2001)
    This is a site of Japan Karatedo Federation,Shito-kai.Yoshukan Kenshikai Ibaraki-Fukui.
    (Osaka, Karatedo, Shito-ryu, Shito-kai, traditional, Ibaraki, Takatsuki, karate)

  • sawano dougen Inc. (Kyoto) -(2001)
    sawano dougen Inc. home page.japanese traditional art.
    (temple, shrine, art, traditional, sawanodougen, japan, paint)

  • kissako (Saitama) -(2001)
    A Home Page about Tea Ceremony

  • ART SOU CO.,LTD. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    TENUGUI is a dyed textiles made of cotton. You can make a fine tapestry by simply hanging a piece of tenugui using a rod.

  • art-staff (Fukuoka) -(2001)
    (art-staff, ISO14001)

  • origami in japan (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    Watanabe's HomePage

  • Eastside Nihon Matsuri -(2000)
    Nihon Matsuri (Japan Festival) features a multitude of activities including demonstrations, exhibits, performing arts, martial arts and concerts.
    (Japan, festival, culture, heritage, martial, art, concert, event, seattle, bellevue)

  • Landscape Photograph & Poem around the World (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Beautiful Pictures & TANKA Traditional Japanese style Poems,around the world.
    (Japan, Art, Traditional, Poem, Photograph, Landscape, World, Asia, America, Europe)

  • Let's enjoy calligraphy!! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This web-pages give you a lot of information about "SHO" (Japanese traditional calligraphy). A great calligrapher, Yoshun Ohtani, is waiting for your work. Once your work is worth commenting on, we will report it on the web-page. Let's check it out and try!!
    (calligraphy, calligrapher, Yoshun Ohtani, Japanese tradition, sho)

  • do you Noh me? (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Do you know Noh? Noh is one of the great art form of the world which created 600 years ago in Japan. You can see Simai, a kind of Noh dance, a Japanese college student wearing Kimono does. We prepare pictures and movies for you. Come and see our page!
    (Noh, japan, art, KeioUniversity, college)

  • WATER DROPPER MUSEUM (Aichi) -(1999)

  • Ceramic Art Karatsu-yaki [Japan] (Saga) -(1999)
    Ceramic Art Karatsu-yaki [Karatsu,Japan]
    (ceramic, arts)

  • General Store Maples (Mie) -(1998)
    General Store Maples
    (TeddyBear, calligraphy, clothes, calligraphy, GeneralMerchandise, japanese, traditions, import, art, cozy)

  • Digital Shodo Association (Tokyo) -(1998)
    New Artistic style of SHODO by digital Shodo Association
    (shodo, DigitalArt, japanese, art, design, typography, caligraphy)

  • Art Gallery of Japanese Traditional Paints (Kagawa) -(1997)
    This site is a Gallery the collection of Japanese Traditional Paint Arts for Advertisement, so-called the roots of Japanese Modern Advertisement. There are many kinds of beautifull
    (collection, arts, calendar, Meiji, Taisyo, hikifuda, advertisement)

  • Mukai-ryu school of Japanese martial arts swimming official home page (Tokyo) -(1997)
    MUKAI-RYU school of Japanese Martial Arts Swimming Home Page. Do you want to swim with us? Learn the Japanese traditional martial arts swimming which has been developped in Edo(Tokyo). English mail is acceptable.
    (swimming, traditional, martial arts, Mukai, Edo)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan