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{art, artistics, artistic} + {performance, performing}
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C.A.N.OZONE net room C.A.N.OZONE net room (Tokyo) - Contemporary artist network C.A.N.OZONE. We are making paintings,sculptures,performance arts and installations in Japan. (ozone , art , masaaki , ohno , Macky , bbs , chat , contemporary , fashion , performance )
shin miyashita official web sight shin miyashita official web sight (Gunma) - Shin Miyashita official web sight(SANJYU-GEN strings player) (sou, sanjyu-gen, koto , sin , miyashita , player , takasaki )
[it's fine day for street performance]shizuoka,Japan. [it's fine day for street performance]shizuoka,Japan. (Shizuoka) - It is the page which collected the information about the place/event as which performance, such as a street performance and circus, is regarded. Although a link collection and an event calendar are main, there is a report with a photograph of the event which went out etc. (street , performance , circus , event , information , festival , clown , report , link , photograph )
dots dots (Kyoto) - dots website (dots , media , video , performance , costume , arts )
TohkaiWindsBand's HomePage TohkaiWindsBand's HomePage (Aichi) - Nagoya,Aich,Japan (japan , music , band , art , sound , instulments, Winds )
opera shimanto official homepage opera shimanto official homepage (Kochi) - opera-shimanto official homepage from kochi (opera , river , stage , art , play , performance , entertainments , music , classic , culture )
Enshin's HomePage Enshin's HomePage (Fukuoka) - Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan. (event , monkey , hakata , nakasu )
WaternetSG, Japanese Sound WaternetSG, Japanese Sound (Chiba) - Planning&Produce of Japanese Performing Arts, expressing Sound, Beauty and Soul of Japan (Japan , music , sound , tradition , concert , event , performance , art , culture , ZAN )
welcome to kinderspace welcome to kinderspace (Saitama) - THEATRICAL COMPANY KINDERSPACE Arts Entertainment PerformingArts (Arts , Entertainment , PerformingArts)
takenaka hirohiko,japan takenaka hirohiko,japan (Fukuoka) - hirohiko takenaka HomePage japan (paper , ice , work , art )
Toshiaki Kouda's Homepage ORANGE & BLUE Toshiaki Kouda's Homepage ORANGE & BLUE (Tokyo) - Toshiaki Kouda's Homepage ORANGE & BLUE, Painting, Illustration, Workshop, Performance (Toshiaki , Kouda , Painting , Illustration , Workshop , Performance , art , works )
kahnosh kahnosh (Osaka) - dance performing group KAHNOSH introduce ourselves. about members, about how we perform, when we perfrom. and BBS. (dance , perfromancespace, performingart, stage , art , improvisation , moderndance , ny , performer )
SEERESS Art &Dance concert information&news SEERESS Art &Dance concert information&news (Ishikawa) - A truly unique dance studio that Chika has created in her apartment in Kanazawa.Performances are held on the full moon and twenty people find a small space to watch an evening unfold. So perhaps you will climb the stairs one day to see one of the most unique dance studio. (SEERESS, Moon , Dance , River , Chika , Utsunomiya , Natural , performance , Bruce , Wilson )
ISO CREW JAPAN ISO CREW JAPAN (Shizuoka) - ISO CREW JAPAN Home Page.(Immortal Shining One) bboying, breaking and more... (breakdance, breaking, hiphop , bboying, art , culture )
artgeko official home page artgeko official home page (Kyoto) - collaboration of ambient music and dance performance (artgeko, art-geko, ambient , music , dance , performance , collaboration , Japan )
ni,ni,c'est finis ni,ni,c'est finis (Fukuoka) - ni,ni,c'est finis. (ART , PUBRISH, MUSIC , EXHIBITION , DANCE , POETS , EDUCATION , PERFORMANCE , WORKSHOP , FILM )
Japanese Dancer Fujima Shutaro Official Site Japanese Dancer Fujima Shutaro Official Site (Tokyo) - The official site of a Japanese dancer, Fujima Shutaro. Performance Information, performance list, school information, etc. There is also a BBS. (dance , japan , japanese , toradition, Fujima, tokyo , art , school , performance , Shutaro)
Beautiful Sound Alien.Hiroshima,Japan. Beautiful Sound Alien.Hiroshima,Japan. (Hiroshima) - Beautiful Sound Alien Home Page (music , art , performance , alien , monster , heavy , metal )
Saliva Saliva (Tokyo) - make your girl's life rich!. Performance&Show!.For all the girls!. (saliva , girl , performance , show , design , art , fashion , live , event , cute )
drummers of tokyo,japan drummers of tokyo,japan (Tokyo) - The Professional Wadaiko Drummers Tomoetaikokai Shichisei (drum , music , percussion , arts , performance )
KANSAI-GACHIBUKURO-TEN KANSAI-GACHIBUKURO-TEN (Osaka) - KANSAI-GACHIBUKURO-TEN (stage , art , theater , OMS, backstage, scenograhy, scenery , hammer , staff )
U-stage U-stage (Tokyo) - U-stage is a Japanese marching band, CHINDONYA, we are a perfomance-workshop, we'd like to help you with your events or advertisements, we'll try to do everything as good as we can. (U-stage, performance , Japan , Tokyo , Art , advertisement , abroad , drama , workshop , exiciting)
C.A.N. OZONE net room C.A.N. OZONE net room (Tokyo) - We love Contemporary Art,Design,Fashion,Music... We have creater's network. (contemporary , art , design , music , Macky , Masaaki , Ohno , performance , BBS , ozone )
pyongyang little artists pyongyang little artists (Aichi) - pyongyang little artists
The page of art music business trip performance The page of art music business trip performance (Osaka) - Service of musical performance by business trip. (art , music , business trip , performance , classical music , popular music , translation , French )
maruoka-kodomokabuki maruoka-kodomokabuki (Fukui) - Kids KABUKI Page (KABUKI )
TaneyaWEB TaneyaWEB (Gunma) - The art event at Gunma in the summer!! (taneya, maebashi , gunma , artevent, performance , live , artexhibition , tane-ya, minka, exhibition )
Naniwa-bushi Reciter Tenkouken Singetu Naniwa-bushi Reciter Tenkouken Singetu (Osaka) -(2002) Naniwa-bushi(ryokyoku) reciter, Tenkoken Shingetsu, Master of Goshu Dancing Song, Master of Kawachi Dancing Song, Naniwa-bushi(Rokyoku), Japanese Traditional Entertaiment, Traditional Performing Art (Naniwa-bushiReciter, GoshuDancingSong, KawachiDancingSong, TraditionalEntertaiment, PerformingArt, TenkokenShingetsu, Kabuki , Bunraku, BonFestival)
Music Company ProjectM Music Company ProjectM (Saitama) -(2002) It is doing the music plan and the stage performance of the combination of the music such as the drama and the talk, the dance and the art and all the art where to share time, space and consciousness is made. (The, music , The, composition , The, Saxophone , Matsumoto , Shuichi , Matsumoto )
Beautiful Sound Alien Beautiful Sound Alien (Hiroshima) -(2002) Weel come Beautiful Sound Art World!! (ART , SOUND , ALIEN , DESIGN , PEACE , BEAUTIFUL , CITY , ARTIST , LOVE , PHOTO )
bonobos homepage bonobos homepage (Tokyo) -(2002) this is about perfomingart group BOnoBOS , workshop and performance .
Performance In Humain Rights Performance In Humain Rights (Tokyo) -(2002) performance/art/poem/mucsic/dance/theater/human rights/society/politic (performance , art , poem , mucsic, dance , theater , human , rights , society , politic )
hn680802 hn680802 (Kanagawa) -(2002) come on! (hn680802, gulten, Natural , Junk , Factory , movie , art , interior )
YASUHIRONISHIGUCHI YASUHIRONISHIGUCHI (Kyoto) -(2002) yasuhiro nishiguchi (yass)
Asahi Art Festival Asahi Art Festival (Tokyo) -(2002) Art exhibition, concert, performance, art beer garden, club event etc., will be held in Asakusa, one of the most popular and traditional downtown in Tokyo. Please come and join us ! (art , beer , performance , concert , club , event , festival , asahi , sumida , cafe )
MIND THE MIND MIND THE MIND (Tokyo) -(2002) Intoroduce my campus life at Waseda Uni. Second school of literature. (Waseda , university , literature , second , performing , arts , degree , buchelor, taggart)
performing arts team Tenpachi performing arts team Tenpachi (Osaka) -(2002) Web site for a performing arts team Tenpachi which produces stages as Dramatic Off-broadway style. (tenpachi, performing , arts , stage , play , team , group , drama )
This site deals with the stage setting fixtures of the kabuki and nou which are traditional performing arts of Japan. This site deals with the stage setting fixtures of the kabuki and nou which are traditional performing arts of Japan. (Tokyo) -(2002) This site deals with the stage setting fixtures of the kabuki and nou which are traditional performing arts of Japan. (stage , setting , fixtures , japanes, nou , kabuki , traditional , performing , arts )
TokyoStory TokyoStory (Tokyo) -(2002) This summer, Dr. Russell, the artistic director of NYC-based Entree Des Artistes, will return to Tokyo to organize and direct an experimental, collaborative performance combining poetry, dance, music, photography and video. Based on themes drawn from the participating artists, the resulting production will be showcased in Tokyo this August (performance , art , performing , theater , tokyo , collaboration , direction , martinrussell, project , experimental )
TOASTGIRL POP SHOP TOASTGIRL POP SHOP (Tokyo) -(2002) TOASTGIRL's Online Shop (TOASTGIRL, music , art , performance )
Kenzo Junko Takao Site Kenzo Junko Takao Site (Hyogo) -(2002) Kenzo Junko Takao Site (Art , Painting , ModernArt , Piano , Soloist , Accompanist, Drawing )
dukatti performance&design studio dukatti performance&design studio (Okinawa) -(2002) Introducing artists and art of okinawa. (okinawa , yamada , art , artist , design , illustration , performance , goods , shop )
Guitarist Etsuko Nishimoto's Homepage Guitarist Etsuko Nishimoto's Homepage (Kanagawa) -(2002) This is Etsuko Nishimoto's homepage. She is a japanese classical guitarist. There are her profile, performances and CD information. (MUSE-ART, Etsuko , Nishimoto , classic , guitarist , Japanese , performance , profile )
butoh-ultraego.com butoh-ultraego.com (Hokkaido) -(2001) Butoh,Daisuke Yosimoto's HomePage (butoh , daisuke_yosimoto, kyokushi_kukan, butoh_ultraegospace, performance , bodylangage, avant-gardestage, impromptu)
Viva La Art! Viva La Art! (Yamanashi) -(2001) Viva La Art! Pantmaime. (Pantmaime)
Meisai official site Meisai official site (Tokyo) -(2001) paformance dance team Meisai's official site. (trance , hardhouse, techno , dance , paformance, school , club , event , team , art )
Jet Li's Home Page Jet Li's Home Page (Aichi) -(2001) Nagoya.Aichi.Japan (jet , li, shorin, temple , kanfu, chaina, KOD)
Kim Art Institute Kim Art Institute (Osaka) -(2001) Kim Art Institute Kim Sang Soo (Kim , Art , Institute , Artist , Isle )
kasei's performing arts in TOKYO kasei's performing arts in TOKYO (Tokyo) -(2001) We have to fight against gravity to create any dance forms. The most beneficial way to capture the beautiful figure in dance is knowing the relationship between the body and the floor. Let's lay down the full body onto the floor, stretch from head to toe with breathing, and adjust the posture. (ballet , paforming, stretch , bar , dance , contemporaly, arts )
ALOK DANCEDRAMA COMPANY, Tokyo, Japan ALOK DANCEDRAMA COMPANY, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) ALOK DANCEDRAMA COMPANY's HOMEPAGE. Stage Information, etc.. (alok, dance , stage , dancedrama, art , ticket )
PROJECTFUKUROW PROJECTFUKUROW (Tokyo) -(2001) PROJECT FUKUROW is the performing art unit leaded by a creator named FUKUROW ISHIKAWA. (dance , performance , performingart, robot , stage , motion , projectfukurow, fukurow, art , choreographer)
Reiko Matsuoka Ballet Company Reiko Matsuoka Ballet Company (Aichi) -(2001) Reiko Matsuoka Ballet Company (ballet , dance , stage , class , school , art , performance )
Simasiman WEB Simasiman WEB (Tokyo) -(2001) Simasiman the Danger is mysterious hero.Who patroles around the metropolitan Tokyo,in order to infom us the Danger of our community,wearing yellow-and-black-stripe-colored costume.What is ART? Who is HERO? but Simasiman may stand by your life. (simasiman, danger , art , perfomance, live , Ippe, japanese , hero , Kanji )
Starry-Planning Starry-Planning (Tokyo) -(2001) Starry-Planning (blidal, magic , gospel , Ivent)
kuroneokoenji kuroneokoenji (Tokyo) -(2001) hiyoko's HomePage (design , performance , art , funny , Tshirt , rockbilly)
wellcom to artoffice-sano wellcom to artoffice-sano (Tokyo) -(2001) warks (scale )
BOKUDEATHWebSite BOKUDEATHWebSite (Tokyo) -(2001) Masahiro Kohama (BOKUDEATH) Presents WebSite (BOKUDEATH, dance , u-ench.com, nibroll, performance , UFO , alt.2, flying , saucer , man )
Gene Performing Arts School Gene Performing Arts School (Aichi) -(2001) This is the official HomePage of Gene Performing Arts Shcool!! (gene , perfoming, arts , school , aichi , toyota , kids , nagoya , GPAS, dance )
seeress art/dance space seeress art/dance space (Ishikawa) -(2001) seeress art/dance Space is located in the historic old town of kanazawa,japan. the space for workshops, dance classes, rehearsals, performances,art works. moon theatre: dance performance is held by chika utsunomiya and guest every full moon. (seeress, art , dance , moon , see , luna , space , performance )
Taro Nishimoto Taro Nishimoto (Tokyo) -(2001) my art works + bbs (art , design , media , degital, dance , performance , movie , directar, nest , mac )
S-ECT homepage S-ECT homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) we are the fullpaformanseteam.come join us! (danse)
Theatre Akatsuki Theatre Akatsuki (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese Modan Play Group "Theatre Akatsuki" official page. (Red Moon, Play Group, Theater , No , Performance , Art , Review , essay , Tokyo , Kamakura )
INDEPENDENT WORLD INDEPENDENT WORLD (Tokyo) -(2000) It is a site of the communications practice by the Internet by the art person of the present age. (modern-artis, performance-art-writer, Communication-theory, Marketing , advertisement-plan, sale-promotion-plan )
ROOM RUDENCE ROOM RUDENCE (Tokyo) -(2000) drama theater play performing arts salome rudence onikenbai performance dance (drama , theater , play , performing , arts , salome, rudence, onikenbai, performance , dance )
festival in Nagoya festival in Nagoya (Aichi) -(2000) Nagoya,Aichi,Japan (festival , art , design , town )
wellcom to artoffice-sano wellcom to artoffice-sano (Tokyo) -(2000) print design picture novel musicplay (choufutownnews, picture , novel , musicplay , design , print , artofficesano, artgallery , scale )
Living Light LIVE ART HIKARI (LAH!) Shinkilow Living Light LIVE ART HIKARI (LAH!) Shinkilow (Kanagawa) -(2000) with Shinkilow's special methods through the power of illumination control we reveal the dimensions of space into art. (Shinkilow, art , illumination , light , live , performance , space )
My-keyhole My-keyhole (Shimane) -(2000) Ciao's Contemporary Art Page. Let's enjoy art With me. (cotemporaryart, performance , art , instaration, picture , painting , chirld, workshop , beginner , artist )
Living Light LIVE ART HIKARI (LAH!) Living Light LIVE ART HIKARI (LAH!) (Kanagawa) -(2000) with Shinkilow's special methods through the power of illumination control we reveal the dimensions of space into art. (Shinkilow, art , illumination , light , live , performance , space )
Home page of the Society for the performing artists of Kanazawa Home page of the Society for the performing artists of Kanazawa (Ishikawa) -(2000) the Society for the performing artists of Kanazawa, Ishikawa Japan (Director )
Nori Performance Nori Performance (Gunma) -(2000) This site is the homepage about my own performance video and drowing art. (performance , art , modern , video , drowing , drow, installation , concept , photo )
DesignFesta DesignFesta (Tokyo) -(2000) Designfesta Official Web Site.It's an art event in tokyo.It includes informations about art,fashion,photo,sculpture,performing art,artist,gallery,shop etc. (DesignFesta, japan , tokyo , ArtEvent, art , event , gallery , perfomce, visual , fashion )
9miles: video production and coordination in Tokyo 9miles: video production and coordination in Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2000) Coordination in Tokyo, Japan for film/video production and other entertainment related business. Inquiries in English are welcome. (coordination , Tokyo , film , video , production , Japan )
Hamachi's HomePage Hamachi's HomePage (Hiroshima) -(2000) Hiroshima,Hiroshima,Japan (play , performance , actor , fish , arts , Hiroshima , actress , comedy )
SEERESS Art & Dance Space SEERESS Art & Dance Space (Ishikawa) -(2000) SEERESS located in Kanazawa(old historic town). is used for performances/rehearsals/showing art works etc. (seeress, dance , art , moon , performance , see )
Gidayu-Ningyojoruri,harebuta-anime,JAPAN Gidayu-Ningyojoruri,harebuta-anime,JAPAN (Kyoto) -(1998) gidayu-ningyojoruri-bunraku/Japanese classical performing arts,music. haretokidokibuta/Japanese TV animation. (JapaneseClassicalArts, JapaneseClassicalMusic , Japanese TV animation)
BUJIN-DAIKO BUJIN-DAIKO (Tokyo) -(1998) Bujin-Daiko's Homepage (BUJIN-DAIKO, Japanese-Drum )
osaka city performing arts workshop osaka osaka city performing arts workshop osaka (Osaka) -(1997) Performing Arts Workshop by David Leveaux , Yukisha and Pranet Pistaccio at Osaka 1997 (play , workshop , osaka , performing , arts , hall , culture )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。