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{base, basis, basics, basic} + {program, programming, programmable, coding} + {visual, visually}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
SystemAssistTeam's SystemAssistTeam's (Kanagawa) - PC-CLINIC,VB,System (AutoCAD , LT , CS-CAD, VisualBasic , Delphi , PC-CLINIC, HomePage, ARX, CAD , SOFT )
VisualBasic & Access 's HomePage VisualBasic & Access 's HomePage (Osaka) - VisualBasic & Access 's HomePage (VB , Java , VisualBasic , Access )
MasSoft MasSoft (Tokyo) - MasSoft's HomePage (MasSoft, AMX, PIC , VB , soft , AV , ITV)
Yuuya's software Yuuya's software (Okayama) - Yuuya's HomePage (software , .NET , free , programming , illustration , ComputerGraphics , grid , VisualBasic , C )
Touring Touring (Niigata) - Hikopy's HomePage (touring , bike , spa , download , free , visualbasic6, nudle, program , stereoart, soft )
Lupin's Any Room Lupin's Any Room (Osaka) - Lupin's Any Room (VisualBasic )
VisualBasic Programing school VisualBasic Programing school (Kanagawa) - By e-learning system of internet,you master a programing technique of VisualBasic language. (programing, e-learning, VisualBasic )
ToMyHero.com ToMyHero.com - Programming tip web site. C++,VB,PHP,PERL,ASP.NET,C#,ASP (Programming , .NET , Sample , VB , PERL , PHP , C++ )
VisualGamer VisualGamer (Tokyo) - Programing room for VisualBasic user (VisualGamer, VisualBasic )
tukanope tukanope (Osaka) - Script VB SQL HTML CSS Java DHTML UDL Magick Linux (Script , VB , SQL , HTML , CSS , Java , DHTML , UDL, Magick, Linux )
Irie Real Estate Irie Real Estate (Osaka) - Irie Real Estate Home Page, Now On Price Down Sale! (real , estate , higasiosaka, debate , rent , sale , aikidou , computer , programming , VB )
yokotcomputingschool yokotcomputingschool (Hokkaido) - vb,c.java learning school (C , VB , Computing , School , SE, j2sdkee, WebSphere, programing, ACCESS )
sofnet communication sofnet communication (Kyoto) - pc (pc , ASP , VB , NT )
Programing Labs Programing Labs (Kanagawa) - programing page! (program , VB , ORACLE , PLSQL, CGI )
JavaJava-HP JavaJava-HP (Tokyo) - Toshiii's HomePage (JavaHP, VisualBasic , JavaJava-HP, Java , ActiveX)
21stStar.net 21stStar.net (Kagawa) - Kimistry's Official Page (Kimistry, novels , KS , Kiminari, Program , VisualBasic , text , bbs , 21st , star )
FreeSoft Library FreeSoft Library (Kanagawa) - FreeSoft (Delphi , Visual , Basic , Calendar , Free , Style , Guide , Pascal , Step , Counter )
Homepage Lessons Homepage Lessons (Osaka) - This site is prototypes to make homepage. If you need these pages ,you may use many codes. (homepage, purograming, Linux , javascript , vbscript, xml )
nihonprogrammingschool nihonprogrammingschool (Chiba) - programmingschool (programming , java , c , school , software )
nippon programming school nippon programming school (Chiba) - nippon programming school (Java , programming , VB )
PC Support PC Support (Fukuoka) -(2002) PC Recovery, Java (Recovery , Tutor , JAVA , VB , C )
Bonty's Home Page Bonty's Home Page (Ibaraki) -(2002) This home page is made by Bonty (VB , programming , Tips , technique , compression , extract , module )
Freeware Space Freeware Space (Kanagawa) -(2002) Sorry! This page is japanese only. (C++ , Basic , Java , program , osero, reversi, freeware , free , soft , visual )
WinAPI Database for VB Programmer WinAPI Database for VB Programmer (Shizuoka) -(2002) My site name is 'WinAPI Databese for VB Programmer'. Sorry! This site is Japanese only. (Windows9x, Application , Programming , Interface , Basic , Refalence)
nobuyasu.com nobuyasu.com (Osaka) -(2002) nobuyasu.com is japanese only (.NET , C# , ASP , VB , Csharp, Visual , studio )
dentsusystem dentsusystem (Hokkaido) -(2002) dentsusystem (dentsusystem, program , system , VB , C )
tecnolab tecnolab (Aichi) -(2002) Web designing & Computer graghics & Programming (Web , design , Computer , Designing )
Programming Directory Programming Directory (Tokyo) -(2002) Directory Links (link , VisualC++, Delphi , CGI , PERL , Java , MAC , Windows , Html )
AutoCADCustomCommand AutoCADCustomCommand (Kanagawa) -(2002) The VBA custom command download & script for the measure drafting by AutoCAD (script , program , visualbasic , visual , basic )
KeiSoft KeiSoft (Gunma) -(2002) VisualBasic freesoft KeiSoft (VisualBasic , keisoft, freesoft , VBA , KeiSoft)
Programming Library - VB/VC/Delphi/CGI/Perl info page Programming Library - VB/VC/Delphi/CGI/Perl info page (Tokyo) -(2002) VB/VC/Delphi info (vb , vc, delphi , cgi , perl , programming , midi , graphic , api , sample )
Forbidden? Forbidden? (Fukuoka) -(2002) TERU'S WEB PROGRAMMING WORKS (Programming , SOAP , LINUX , VB , VisualBasic )
PCLINK PCLINK (Nara) -(2002) PC-Link (Link , PC , Program , Software , Hardware , VB , DataBase , VB )
oek-pc-college oek-pc-college (Kanagawa) -(2002) oek-pc-college (web , java , C++ , visualbasic , OA , access , program , computer , windows , net )
oek-pc-college oek-pc-college (Kanagawa) -(2002) oek-pc-college (web , java , C++ , visualbasic , OA , access , program , computer , windows , net )
System Alive HomePage System Alive HomePage (Osaka) -(2002) System Alive HomePage (SystemAlive, Development , Free , Soft , WebRemote, MailDelivery, FreeSoft , VisualBasic , VB , Microsoft )
HOSOI'S WEBSITE HOSOI'S WEBSITE (Saitama) -(2002) VB,VC++,C#,Java,JavaServlet (VB , Java , Servlet , C# , C++ , JavaScript , Tips )
vbe,excel,macro,basic,vb,photo,japan,kumamoto vbe,excel,macro,basic,vb,photo,japan,kumamoto (Kumamoto) -(2001) VBE, Macro, Excel, VB6, VisualBasic, minariku HomePage (Macro , Excel , program , VisualBasic )
CYBER CRAFTS EXHIBITION CYBER CRAFTS EXHIBITION (Tokyo) -(2001) This page deal in Visual Basic programing and Graphics and Sister princess!! (CYBER , CRAFT , EXHIBITION , Visual , Basic , Programing, Graphics , Program , CG , Girl )
V-Bee V-Bee (Yamagata) -(2001) Visual Basic Programings. (Visual , Basic , Program , free , link , JR , Highway , post , useful , introduce )
Le Premier Soleil Le Premier Soleil (Kanagawa) -(2001) Image Processing with C/C++ and more... (Programming , ImageProcessing , Algorithm , C# , VisualBasic , JavaScript , Software , Compiler , Library , Computer )
Project Analyzer-Overview- Project Analyzer-Overview- (Toyama) -(2001) Tools and tips for Visual Basic programmers. Project Analyzer: dead code detection, cross-references, call trees, automatic document generation. VB Watch: profiler, debugger, and protector (adds error handling). RegExpr. Eval (math parser). ActiveXplorer. VB Friend, CodeSMART productivity add-ins. Source+ code librarian. EasyAPI. Optimization tips and VB links. (VisualBasic , code , analyze , download , VB6, DeadCode, add-in, documentation , VB7, VB5)
Project Analyzer-Overview- Project Analyzer-Overview- (Toyama) -(2001) Tools and tips for Visual Basic programmers. Project Analyzer: dead code detection, cross-references, call trees, automatic document generation. VB Watch: profiler, debugger, and protector (adds error handling). RegExpr. Eval (math parser). ActiveXplorer. VB Friend, CodeSMART productivity add-ins. Source+ code librarian. EasyAPI. Optimization tips and VB links. (VisualBasic , code , analyze , download , VB6, DeadCode, add-in, documentation , VB7, VB5)
information of program information of program (Aichi) -(2001) information of program (Delphi , SQL , C++ , Basic , VB , VC, program , soft , engineer , Visual )
ManyMenuInterestingSite ManyMenuInterestingSite (Fukuoka) -(2001) This page is very interesting. It has many subjects. Get!Get! Produce by Shota Koya. (ManyHomPage, Game , Programming , Play , Study , Download )
Support to Become Contract SE Support to Become Contract SE (Tokyo) -(2001) Support software engineers to become a contract engineer. Helps to find project for you to join as contract engineer. (SE, PG, SKK, VB , Java )
Soft Garden Soft Garden (Osaka) -(2001) Soft Garden's Home Page (Soft , Garden , Develop , System , Visual , Basic , Programing, Movie , Student , C )
KEN OA SCHOOL KEN OA SCHOOL (Chiba) -(2001) PC SCHOOL (MOUS, MOT , MCP , VB , JAVA , VisualBasic , VBA , SQL , school , windows )
AkikoMitsu's Report from Canberra AkikoMitsu's Report from Canberra -(2001) (Canberra, Australia , life , information , emigrant , map , program , VisualBasic , JavaScript )
Le Premier Soleil Le Premier Soleil (Kanagawa) -(2001) Image Processing Programming with Visual Basic, and more! (Programming , ImageProcessing , VisualBasic , C , C++ , COM , JAVA , Graphics , Psychology , Statistics )
peck's Free-Zone peck's Free-Zone (Hyogo) -(2001) peck's Free-Zone! You can download Free-Softwares and Free-Sources developed by VB, VC++ and Palm (peck, software , download , lupin , palm , VB , VC++, MINILOTO , SKI )
Matsuju's HomePage(Game...) Matsuju's HomePage(Game...) (Kanagawa) -(2001) A lot of GAMES MIDI STORYS and SearchEngine. (Game , MIDI , JavaScript , Java , Flash , CGI , VB , WWA , VisualBasic , HomePage)
Crazy Access to Access Crazy Access to Access (Tokyo) -(2001) The site produced by Mr.Raita who is a free software programer. Japanese only. (Access , MS-Access, MS-DOS, VBA , Visual , Basic , Programing, Development )
SOVAC HOMEPAGE SOVAC HOMEPAGE (Shiga) -(2001) SOVAC's homepage. But,this homepage is Japanese only. Yokaichi,Shiga,Japan. (SOVAC, satoshi , VisualBasic )
CosmoComputerSystems CosmoComputerSystems (Aichi) -(2001) SoftWareDeveropper (EDI , POS , EOS , BPR , COBOL , C , VB , PROGRAM , SYSTEM , COMPUTER )
STAR SOFT STAR SOFT (Kumamoto) -(2000) Visual Basic Software Site (Star , Soft , Visual , Basic , Programming , Software , Keiba )
kari kari (Miyagi) -(2000) Naraseen's HomePage (program , Naraseen, game , VisualBasic , VB )
Ogi' s room. Ogi' s room. (Tokyo) -(2000) This page is about free wev service. (FREE , SERVICE , VisualBasci, Clanguage, Soft )
ICP Programming Seminar ICP Programming Seminar (Tokyo) -(2000) provides computer training; subjects include C, C++, VC++, VB, Java, Perl and Linux. (training , seminar , programming , school , C , VC++, VB , Java , Perl , Linux )
The Room of Matsuju The Room of Matsuju (Kanagawa) -(2000) You can play interesting games here!!! (CGI , Programming , Computer , Language , Games , PC , GameCenter, Internet , GameSoft , FreeSoft )
English & Computer THINKBIG English & Computer THINKBIG (Shiga) -(2000) THINKBIG gives you information about English, Computer and Textile Design, from Hikone, Japan. (English , computer , textile , school , VB , Design , Simulation , Hikone , THINKBIG, weaver )
DP Software DP Software (Nagano) -(2000) SoftwareSpace (SoftwareSpace, freesoft , computer )
Take's Homepage Take's Homepage (Osaka) -(2000) This is FreeSoft Page. Please Come in. (Take'sHomepage, HTML , VB , Program )
VB programming VB programming (Miyagi) -(2000) See a VB, programmer. Image treatment sample loading fully! Use a sample freely as soon as of course a party gets crowded softly. With the sample of each image treatment! (Programming , sample , image , treatment )
easy programming from moka, tochigi, japan easy programming from moka, tochigi, japan (Tochigi) -(2000) After Year 2000, When Man Of Cobol Try To Learn Vb Or Access, Make It Easy And Relax (hit , soho , Vb , Access )
G-Project HP G-Project HP (Tokyo) -(2000) G-Project HomePage (CG , VB , VC++)
PoppunLand JAPAN PoppunLand JAPAN (Fukuoka) -(1999) POPPUNLAND HomePage (PersonalComputer , Programming , Train , Windows , CE, Java , VBScript)
Digital City Ohka Digital City Ohka (Osaka) -(1998) Digital City Ohka (Computer , Program , CGI , AT , Visual , Basic , C , C++ , Java , Perl )
Okada's HomePage Okada's HomePage (Osaka) -(1998) Osaka,Hirakata,Japan (VB , Builder , C++ , Game , BBS , Soft )
Programming BBS Programming BBS (Hokkaido) -(1997) Programming FAQ BBS (VB , FAQ , VC, JAVA , Windows )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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