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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom} + {soft, software}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom}
@2={soft, software}

{chat, chitchat, chatter}
{information, informational}
{mail, mailing}
{tool, utensil, implement}


  • The waste disposal place within a brain (Nagasaki) -
    Palmware, Schedule DA is exhibited.
    (SceduleDA, Palmware, Palm, Freeware)

  • hsp room (Hyogo) -
    Kobra' HomePage
    (hsp, tool, free, soft)

  • kaiware (Ibaraki) -
    its beautiful!

  • rental server mail Linux (Tokyo) -
    (Mail, Rental, Server, Sales, Linux)

  • pikopiko (Kanagawa) -
    PC-related information, and convenient usage, soft introduction What __ and the janitor considered suddenly is written.
    (soft, Version, up, Customize, Beginner, Support, Archiver, Compression, Defrosting, free)

  • HERION LIME (Kyoto) -
    Fantasy Novel Illust Gallary. Kunihiko Tanaka, Megumi Hayashibara
    (Illust, Novel, Horse, Legend, Kunihiko, Megumi)

  • Kenshinkun -
    You can download free proxyserver checker!
    (proxy, proxyserver, ip, proxychecker, proxyserverchecker, checker)

  • Takahashi Tomohiko (Osaka) -
    schedule soft freesoft math diary memorandom fortune-telling friends homepage contact
    (schedule, soft, freesoft, math, diary, memorandom, fortune-telling, friends, homepage, contact)

  • pikopiko (Kanagawa) -
    This site is PC-related information, and convenient usage and a soft introduction. What the janitor considered suddenly is written again.
    (Soft, free, mail, Browser, Archiver, ug, renewal, information, ware, mailer)

  • GATEKEEPERS! (Saitama) -
    It is communitysite about shadowflare.
    (shadowflare, freeware, GATEKEEPERS!)

  • flavors-labo (Kumamoto) -
    This page is aromatherapy and soft chiropractic`s .
    (aromatherapy, chiropractic, school)

  • M8-ZONE. (Yamaguchi) -
    The site of freeware. This is written in Japanese.
    (M8-ZONE., MeruCheka, Hyper-ShiShiMaru, mail, check, checker, Free, ware, Soft, HCPTOOL)

  • Black Box (Aichi) -
    Black Box Web Site
    (mod, mp3, midi, mid, freeware, ysflight, techno)

    DeltaSystem HomePage
    (VisualBasic, DeltaAddinTool, Tool, ASP)

  • type (Ehime) -

  • M&M Atelier (Chiba) -
    M&M Atelier Home Page
    (wooddeck, woodwork, carpentry, pet, freesoft)

  • FREEWAY (Saitama) -
    FREE-WAY homepage
    (tokyo, hokkaido, kyusyu, tohoku, kanto, tyugoku, shikoku, saitama, osaka, hukuoka)

  • X-FACTORY (Tokyo) -
    Here is japanese only. Let's study Japanese!
    (softwere, free)

  • a-t (Oita) -
    A-tomo's Home Page. You can download A-tomo's freeware.

  • Mucogsoft Enterprise (Osaka) -
    Mucogsoft Enterprise Website
    (Mucog, soft, interface, GUI, work, free)

  • habusan's horseracing HomePage (Tokyo) -
    habusan's horseracing HomePage
    (horseracing, horse, racing)

  • freeware clinicalpathsystem (Shizuoka) -
    There are corners of an outline of the clinical path system of freeware, download, a question reply, the newest information, etc. It is for a medical person.
    (clinicalpath, criticalpath, system, medical, wakamiya, hamamatsu, rousai, variance, informatics, excel)

  • HERION LIME (Kyoto) -
    Fantasy Novel Illust Gallary. Kunihiko Tanaka, Megumi Hayashibara
    (Illust, Novel, Horse, Legend, Kunihiko, Megumi)

  • BeeHouse Software Libraly (Kanagawa) -
    free software

  • carefree (Nagano) -
    (carefree, carefree)

  • UNKOWNED VIMIST (Kanagawa) -
    Use VIM Editer for JAVA Programming. Information for VIM.
    (VIM, JAVA, Script, Developer, Soft, Pure, Open, Source, Free, XML)

  • LGSOFT (Aichi) -
    free game download site

  • Yokanise's HomePage (Aichi) -
    (yokanise, kawasaki)

  • IT SOFTHOUSE HiTWareland CO. Ltd. (Nagano) -
    Software Developer and system solution provider from Inernet related system to business application and hardware contorol software at Nagano prefecture in Japan
    (Software, System, Development, Nagano, Suwa, Java, Linux, Database, free, PostgreSQL)

  • Home diary (Oita) -
    The photograph hobby diary software of my home is introduced.
    (Hobby, Photograph, Home, Free, software)

  • totoProject (Shizuoka) -
    (toto, totoProject, tool, software, soft, totoMsc)

  • - HomePage
    (china, literature, software, report, book, classical)

  • icon condominium repair plan simulation soft (Fukuoka) -
    This Software provides Management Plan for Periodic Repairs and Services by Condominium Associations and Cooperatives.
    (Condominium, Management, Repairs, Association, Cooperativ, Plan)

  • darts fun (Miyagi) -(2002)
    The store of darts relation is introduced with a photograph for nothing.
    (darts, soft, fun, No, charge, American, Hard, Registration)

  • The latest learning teaching materials software! (Kyoto) -(2002)
    The latest learning teaching materials software for the elementary schoolchild and the junior high school students!
    (junior, student, schoolchild, elementary, software, materials, teaching, learning, latest, study)

  • Jtech Co.,Ltd (Ishikawa) -(2002)
    Jtech Co.,Ltd's Home Page.
    (free, counseling, consulting, softweare, development, server)

  • TAMAGOKAKEGOHAN (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Poor eating habits - Japanese only
    (egg, rice, eat, food, recommend, freesoft)

  • TEGLET Inteligent Agency (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Introduces you how to get free-software.
    (diet, suite, room, resort, free-software, present, dear, ann, landers, love)

  • Welcome to Freelines (Nagano) -(2002)
    Wellcome to Freelines
    (Embedded, Device, driver, Digital, Software, Hardware, Firmware, Development, Real, Time)

  • R - Statistical analysis system and graphics (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Statistical freeware R.
    (statistics, freeware, software, graphics, S, GnuS)

  • LispStat (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    Introduction of LispStat (Windows, Mac, Unix)
    (statistics, lisp-Stat, xlispstat, graphics, freeware, software)

  • CRESCENDO (Tokyo) -(2002)
    The page of Jazz and OutDoor. The history of jazz known by the beginner, a basic lecture, a glossary, etc. Its original work free software is also introduced.
    (jazz, outdoor, mountain, trekking, free, soft, words, beginer, keke)

  • BASSLABO (Kyoto) -(2002)
    Bass Fishing
    (BASSLABO, Bass, Fishing, Free, Soft)

  • American Stocks Price Chart (Ibaraki) -(2002)
    Introducing software for drawing U.S. stock price chart using downloaded data form Yahoo Finance.
    (stock, chart, U.S., america, software, free)

  • MAJIMAIL (Tokyo) -(2002)

  • excellent English conversation teaching materials (Tokyo) -(2002)
    You can master English without fail.
    (English, conversation, LEARNING, travel, language, America, teaching, school, homestay, toeic)

  • OrangeSkunkTheaterHomepage (Tokyo) -(2002)
    MarionetteTheater OrangeSkunk's Official Homepage
    (orangeskunk, marionette, doll, free, soft, theater, stuff, yoshimoto, skyperfectv)

  • General art's studioR.J (Osaka) -(2002)
    This page product softwear

  • metaru yaneura-labolatory (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    (metal, VB)

  • Masaru space of SRC (Tokyo) -(2001)
    There are also the Masaru popularity vote, a their original work icon, and an icon bulletin board.
    (Free, software, Super, robot, great, war, Icon, SRC, Sexy, Commando)

  • FREE WORKS (Ibaraki) -(2001)
    MY FreeAccount & Free Soft

  • Frequency homepage (Akita) -(2001)
    This site introduce Japan streaming site or music compression technology. I want to visit heavy user,for example broadband or xDSL user.
    (streaming, news, freesoft, mp3midi, guide)

  • TOOL INDEX (Saitama) -(2001)
    You can read and know good free softwares in this page. You can read how to get these softwares, too. But this page is written in Japanese only, sorry.
    (freesoft, introduce, typing, expression)

  • Softworks (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Includes Free HTTP Server software for Windows9X

  • LEPRECHAUN CROSSING (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    The restration record of LOTUS ESPRIT ESSEX TURBO. And free 3 dimensional screen savers of super cars.
    (lotus, esprit, supercar, screensaver, freesoft, restore, minicar, 3D, directx, essex)

  • (Osaka) -(2001)
    comunity site
    (art, design, comunity, freeware, illust, graphic, column, software)

  • Frequency homepage (Akita) -(2001)
    This site introduce Japan streaming site or music compression technology. I want to visit heavy user,for example broadband or xDSL user.
    (streaming, news, freesoft, mp3midi, guide)

  • Steel Wheels Project (Osaka) -(2001)
    The Steel Wheels Project is a free software development project. It distributs the free software such as class library, applications, utilities. All software are free. These are distributed under GPL.
    (free, open, library, application, development, unix, linux, bsd)

  • villa-LeafCoco (Yamanashi) -(2001)
    Paya's homepage.You can know fine view and dericious shop in Kiyosato Yamanashi-pre. Japan.And this page show you some pretty icns made by Paya. Please welcome.
    (travel, Kiyosato, picture, icon, yamane, villa-leafcoco, Paya, Fumi, kuko, ivent)

  • Kushi36 (Chiba) -(2001)
    Rid'WebPage Useful Toolz&Freemail issue. &Proxy
    (Tool, Freemail, Proxy, Kushi36, Freeware, Software)

  • SIMPLE & EASY --original icons-- (Tokyo) -(2001)
    There're lots of original icons. They're all free, ofcourse. And It's also introducing How to simply and easily make your DESKTOP cool and neat.

  • Tom sai's software page (Saitama) -(2001)
    free software!! This software is Move Player. avi,mpeg,rm,ram,etc...
    (mpeg, avi, asf, wmv, mpg, rm, ram, MediaPlayer, RealPlayer, tom_sai)

  • PLATEAU DE EVIDEMMENT (Tokyo) -(2001)
    difference philosophy,Windows freesoft,TANKA
    (difference, philosophy, INDIA, freesoft, TANKA, carpenter, construction, poem, stopwatch, screensaver)

  • totoShot (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    (toto, totoshot, toto, totoshot)

  • Around the Life (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    The race information of running and XC-ski. Waxing Technique for beginner. Freeware for Macintosh. Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
    (Running, XC-ski, Mac, Freeware, PP, Connect, Logger, Linux)

  • Caramel*Mou (Toyama) -(2001)
    LUNA SEA un-official web site.Ryuichi Kawamura(RK),J,etc.
    (luna, sea, fire, wire, j, ryuichi, kawamura, zilch, youjeen, freeware)

  • all music park (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    It is the page that every information about music is sent. It has been renewed around the soft commentary (the center of the music software), the CD review, the lecture of a guitar, the lecture of DTM, the lecture of a term. A feature is being put together by the pace of one time in one month, too.
    (music, new, infomation, guitar, dtm, midi, software, free, word, nuno)

  • Eco Village (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    You and endangered speices characters change deforested village into beautiful scenery. There are abundant information of cooking, outdoor,event,fortune,calorie expenditure and endangered species.
    (animal, cooking, outdoor, event, freesoftware, fortune, calorie-expenditure, environment, saving, dog)

  • Mashinden (Nagano) -(2001)
    I'm sorry. This page is written in Japanese. If you understand Japanese, you'll be able to enjoy my page.
    (freeware, love)

  • Jet-Black (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    This Site is FreeSoftSite(MP3TagEditSoft). Japanese Only.
    (MP3, ID3v2, ID3v1, Tag, Lyrics)

  • photogenic blue (Saitama) -(2001)
    Hundreds of photos taken in Tokyo are waiting for you. You can see quite ordinary scenes of Tokyo through the standard lens, e.g. SMC PENTAX-M 50mm F1.7, CARL ZEISS PLANAR 50mm F1.7, etc.
    (photograph, optics, PENTAX, NIKON, lens, camera, freeware, NewFM2, MINOLTA, NewX700)

  • Aqua Wing (Iwate) -(2001)
    Come on
    (money, mail, Kanon)

  • Gottuan wakusei (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    Gottuan wakusei for creaters.
    (Vitalize, creater)

  • hosthing domain (Tokyo) -(2000)
    hosthing domain
    (hosthing, domain, com, FREE)

  • nina's world (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    nina's world

  • MugenGentoukan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Vampire Miyu fan page Illust&Game
    (vampire, miyu, yui, illust, freeware, doujin, mugen)

  • TKSOFT HomePage (Kochi) -(2000)
    TKSOFT HomePage

  • daido homepage (Fukushima) -(2000)

  • OverSpace(?) (Niigata) -(2000)
    This is Kaigara's HomePage.
    (Ura, Yane, Free, SoftWare, Onitama, Ring)

  • As if in a dream (Nagano) -(2000)
    L'Arc-en Ciel Site!!!!! It's very nice band!!!
    (music, hyde, ken, yukihiro, tetsu, L'Arc, en, Ciel, soft, all)

  • The monitor fan club (Yamaguchi) -(2000)
    The monitor fan club

  • katakanaC++ (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (katakana, C++, editor, freesoft)

  • C Moon (Aichi) -(2000)
    Pokochan's Home Page C Moon
    (free, C, profile, illust, soft, editer, Moon)

  • MOTER-jin Express (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    This page is made by MOTER-jin,who is Japanese and likes SUPER BELLZ.
    (MOTER, MOTOR, SUPER, railway, railroad, trip, freesoft, freeware)

  • Garb-Age Collection. (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Sakakibara Naoki's Page.
    (oil, ecocar, ALS, freesoft, interface)

  • Masquerade (Hiroshima) -(2000)
    Wallpaper and skin site. there are 2sites. 'Baby Univese' and 'Divine Design'
    (Wallpaper, skin, freesoft, customize, desktop, mp3, winamp, sap, soft, skinz)

  • GARDENIA (Gunma) -(2000)
    My homepage's contents are useful or amusing softwares, net business which use the Internet or E-mail and so on.
    (software, tool, access, business, mail, free, money)

  • execllent life institute (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    execllent life institute
    (cooking, recipi, database, free, soft, mickey)

  • 1st Clock -(2000)
    1st Clock is the advanced degital clock software.

  • R3's Home Page (Aichi) -(2000)
    Let's Go!!!!
    (FF, wave, wav, BM98, chat, MIDI, music)

  • The Eighth Color (Saitama) -(2000)
    The Eighth Color !
    (picture, photo, photogallery, gallery, diary, free, soft, tool)

  • Neuron (Aichi) -(2000)
    Lowcost Application for Small Office Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
    (freeware, neuron, cacao)

  • Small Ocean (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Small Ocean.soft for Win and national bar examination
    (soft, free, diary, bar, smallocean, chigasaki, windous, icq)

  • Tornado (Tokyo) -(2000)
    MP3,WAVE Player

  • TheBadCOMPany (Chiba) -(2000)
    (Freeware, proxy, secret)

  • 3rd Project's Room - Headquarters - (Osaka) -(2000)
    3rd Project's Room...MIDI & MP3 Music WebSite.
    (rave, techno, house, tmn, midi, dance, freesoft)

  • Miki's Homepages (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Miki's HomePages(Freesoft Music daily etc)
    (free, visual, basic, music, mp3, midi, soft, ntt, miki, kominami)

  • Ayaya's room (Kagawa) -(1999)
    raw materials for your home page.(e.g.wallpaper,gif animation.)
    (material, hamster, puzzle, wallpaper, free, home, page, animation)

  • DRIFT MOTORS (Kagoshima) -(1999)
    Miyamo's Home Page
    (butamusi, shooting, fighters, free, soft)

  • Fukada soft (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Fukada soft, Tokyo Japan
    (civil engineering, irrigation, drainage and reclamation engineering, software, hydraulics, freeware)

  • Yasuo's HomePage (Ishikawa) -(1999)
    Yasuo's HomePage
    (Free, Homepage)

  • miga art (Osaka) -(1998)
    miga's PostPet&favorite page.
    (PostPet, Fitzgerald, Gainsbourg, VorisVian, Free, FreeSoft)

  • YellowNail Software -(1998)
    Yellownail Software, Tokyo Japan
    (Macintosh, Freeware, Photoshop)

  • hisakane's HomePage (Hiroshima) -(1998)
    pop material and free soft
    (pop, price card, commercial, goods, material, free soft)

  • This page is about ramen. (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    This site is Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!! Aaaaaaaaand! YEAH!!!
    (derby, idol, ramen, cab, tv, freeware, lain)

  • TOMO'S HomePage (Osaka) -(1998)

  • Pachinko&Pachislot. (Toyama) -(1998)
    P.Club Home Page.Japanese only.
    (Pachinko, Slotmachine, gamble, free, soft, pro, slot, Club)

  • 10art-ni (Tokyo) -(1998)
    We promote 100% Pure Java in corporate environment from Java application development to intranet systems integratioThe era of Java computing is here.
    (10art-ni, Java, Linux)

  • Center (Tokyo) -(1998)

  • Music Laboratory (Tokyo) -(1998)
    This site provides you original MIDI files, original WAV files, an automated music composing system as freeware.
    (MIDI, freeware, music, composing)

  • Astronomy. Education. Freetalk (Toyama) -(1998)
    Astronomy=Comet HaleBopp,Star,Cluster,Nebulae,CCD image Education=Elementary school,Science,Hints for children FreeTalk=Amatuer Radio,Handmade Program(Free ware), Computer,DOS/V,my Familly,ilusts,Handmade Books,My Pets
    (Star, Comet, Eclipse, School, Science, Free, Soft, Child)

  • Untitled (Tokyo) -(1997)
    K Iinuma's WebSite. The name is Untitled
    (Hamster, Material, Photograph, Free, Software)


  • ICOT Free Software & FGCS Technology (Tokyo) -(1995)
    The Home Page of "ICOT Free Software and FGCS Technology" distributes IFS, the research results of FGCS technologies at ICOT, also introduces various activities of the Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology which enhances dissemination and development of the FGCS technologies.

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan