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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom} + {personal, individual} + {soft, software}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom}
@2={personal, individual}
@3={soft, software}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.


  • [System Engineering]Project K (Tokyo) -
    Project K HOME PAGE sorry, Japanese only...
    (SOHO, Programmer, System Engineer, Web Creator, Software, Applixation, Developer, Windows, Tokyo, Inagi, Freelance)

  • Freelance's HomePage (Tokyo) -
    (system, freelance, programer, JAVA, VB, C, VC)

  • Personal HomePage (Kanagawa) -
    FreeSoft Download And Photo
    (photo, download, picture, shutdown, freesoft)

  • Soft Plan, Inc. (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    This is a Software Developer.
    (Delphi, Java, SE, CTI, Software)

  • Submit URL to Power Search (Osaka) -(2001)
    Also the POWER Search of the personal engine has designated speed as one merchandise. When you try looking the distribution original page, " high-speed searching is possible, " it is written, it proves that prepares also the page " of actual proof of high-speed search ". We would like to service speed as a operator of the searching sight, in the person who is thought perhaps the one item which you recommend.
    (Freeware, Shareware, Personal Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, Submit Homepage, What's New, Access Up, express search, rapidly search)

  • Submit URL to Pocket Navigator (Osaka) -(2001)
    There is a freeware and a shareware as a type of software which can download from on the net and try using freely in trial. Former is distributed being gratuitous, but latter after it is probation of 1 month, is something where the shareware register / remittance of resist fee becomes necessary. As for the Pocket Navigator one of the personal search engines which are distributed as the latter shareware.
    (Freeware, Sharewear, Personal Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, What's New, Access Up, Site Registration, Add URL to Search Engine, Submit Homepage)

  • Submit URL to Net Surfing Navigator (Osaka) -(2001)
    Applying, Internet which was called information dispatching and the like facing toward the world global it contrasts with utilization method, utilization method of regional close adhesion oriented, specification field oriented or private oriented has advanced. Global only those of comprehensive type, either the search engine being applied has increased, things such as regional dependence type and special field limited type of specification steadily. And the personal engine reached the point where important position is occupied in the field such as that. The changement of Igosso Navi to the Navi of Kochi seems like symbol of the flow such as that.
    (Personal Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, What's New, Access Up, Site Registration, Add to Search Engine, Freeware, Distributor, Localized)

  • Submit URL to Ninja Search Engine (Osaka) -(2001)
    The Ninja Search Engine, omitting, the N.S.E the fan has been attached well enough. It seems are many that here and there and such as the adult sight which sows the visitor to the smoke with the building HP which looked at the CGI as though it is patience technique. The adult sight, using one some technique, you say there are kind of some which it hides. Show, show! Show more! Showing to everyone, make faithful!
    (Patience method note, Personal Search Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, What's New, Access Up, Site Registration, Add to Search Engine, Freeware)

  • Submit URL to Incredible Directory Search Engine (Osaka) -(2001)
    As for the searching management sight which utilizes the Incredible Directory as for new entry compared to it seems that the case which for a long time continues management is more. As for the notion that where, the operator of the veteran is many, appearing, directly, in the searching sight which keeps going out, you can think that the sight which can put in placereliance is many.
    (Personal Search Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, What's New, Access Up, Site Registration, Add to Search Engine, Freeware, Submit Homepage, Category tree)

  • Imediate register to Yomi Search with banner (Osaka) -(2001)
    The individual becoming subject, if you mention big charm of the small-scale search engine which is managed, when it registers HP, it probably means that the sight which adds the data instantaneously is Sawayama. When the register button is clicked, after the contents verification and the like, " the register completed ", if it is delightful to be indicated, is. Immediately, it is possible to click your own register URL, and with such as new arrival information and the searching result really the surf to do, it can verify at that place.
    (Personal Search Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, What's New, Access Up, Site Registration, Add to Search Engine, Freeware, WonderLink, Category tree)

  • Add URL to Japanese Personal Search Engine Cosmo Navi (Osaka) -(2001)
    The Cosmo Navi does being something whose popularity is very high as the personal search engine which the individual installs. There is no wastefulness and the specification which was collected to the compact seems that is high relied on even from the side which is searched and the side which is registered. If you think, if from now on you will install the search engine in your own sight, when that is unprecedented, it is the one item which you recommend.
    (Personal Search Engine, Add URL, Submit URL, Homepage URL notice, What's New, Access Up, CGI, Add to Search Engine, Site Registration, Freeware)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan