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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom} + {program, programming, programmable, coding} + {soft, software}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={free, liberty, liberte, liberal, freely, freelance, freedom}
@2={program, programming, programmable, coding}
@3={soft, software}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • Museum of VBAProramCode (Chiba) -
    code of ExcelVBA,Freesoft,Games
    (code, program, download, freesoft, game)

  • Yuuya's software (Okayama) -
    Yuuya's HomePage
    (software, .NET, free, programming, illustration, ComputerGraphics, grid, VisualBasic, C)

  • Touring (Niigata) -
    Hikopy's HomePage
    (touring, bike, spa, download, free, visualbasic6, nudle, program, stereoart, soft)

  • Free Soft Life (Hyogo) -
    Good free software is full!
    (free, soft, life, good, fsl, full, hp, web)

  • gehirun sever (Iwate) -
    (freesoft, chat, homepage, bbs, program, programmer, C++, C, BASIC, CGI)

  • WHS LABORATORY (Aichi) -
    We member of WHS are going to publish our products - Computer Graphics, musics, original softwares and so on - in this sight.
    (game, programing, music, computergraphics, freesoft, c)

  • DataFactory (Gunma) -
    (software, free, japanese, Pl@M)

  • Style Free (Hokkaido) -
    (StyleFree, Network, Soft, NTACY, TCP, IP, TCP/IP, C, VC, Java)

  • guildteam (Kanagawa) -
    guildteam home page
    (GUILDTEAM, JabaScript, freesoft)

  • FreeSoft Library (Kanagawa) -
    (Delphi, Visual, Basic, Calendar, Free, Style, Guide, Pascal, Step, Counter)

  • hacklight (Yamaguchi) -
    sorry,This page is japanese only.
    (hack, light, game, 2channel, program, original, freeware)

  • Program room (Aichi) -
    This is My program room.
    (MyProgram, Access, ISO9001)

  • (Osaka) -
    You can download and use (on line) many tools in this site.
    (Program, Internet, Free, Software, HTML, Windows, API, JavaScript, HSP, Web)

  • Cuckoo Soft (Niigata) -
    This page is Tanasuke's Webpage.
    (game, soft, free, bbs, diary, green, gamesoft, goldensun, C, Programing)

  • Pleasure!! (Fukuoka) -
    Pleasure!! is Mo2's Web Site .
    (turedure, programing, music, MIDI, game, applet, Mo2, freesoft, C#, Java)

  • Namio's Creation Rabbo (Hyogo) -
    FreeSoft.TypingSoft Koiuti. Article About Object Orient
    (freesoft, ObjectOrient, Typing, Program)

  • Yasuhiro's HomePage (Aichi) -(2002)
    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Yasuhiro's HomePage!
    (Excel, VBA, Game, HomePage, BBS, MineSweeper, Italy, freesoft, WallPaperChanger, Calender)

  • Freeware Space (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Sorry! This page is japanese only.
    (C++, Basic, Java, program, osero, reversi, freeware, free, soft, visual)

  • yu188 WebSite (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Windows Free Softwares&Fonts
    (Software, Programing, Font)

  • Bugler Project (Fukushima) -(2002)
    Bugler Project's HomePage.
    (Program, Software, Download, Computer, Freeware, Idea, Application)

  • KeiSoft (Gunma) -(2002)
    VisualBasic freesoft KeiSoft
    (VisualBasic, keisoft, freesoft, VBA, KeiSoft)

  • Ares' Home Page -(2002)
    If Visual novel creation software Ares is used your image can be (easily )acheved as you desire.
    (script, adventure, tool, free, program, software, multimedia, game, soft, otaku)

  • System Alive HomePage (Osaka) -(2002)
    System Alive HomePage
    (SystemAlive, Development, Free, Soft, WebRemote, MailDelivery, FreeSoft, VisualBasic, VB, Microsoft)

  • mono (Osaka) -(2002)
    Yasuhiro Umeki,JN3KYI Home Page
    (Help, windows, HTML, eel, JN3KYI, movie, program, freeware, shareware, graphic)

  • Add URL to Japanese Search Engine Amigo Navigators (Osaka) -(2001)
    There is a search engine sight which installs the Amigo Navigator. There is an impression that specification makes rather strong. For example in order not to be able to call the CGI directly from outside, the CGI wrapper is set at specified value. Therefore like every night it seems that bets the program register on new arrival of the bulletin board and the search engine keeping out " the customer who is not caused " it is convenient to to do. Perhaps it is something where the operator who has the bitter experience where with the other search engine it was bothered in the awful repetition register and the like arrives lastly. Specification for hard user, with it probably is the place where you said?
    (CGI Wrapper, Add URL, Site Registration, Search Engine Program, Perl Script, Recomendation, URL Submit Guide, URL Notice, Freeware Script, What's New)

  • DreamFactor (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    The gallery of a picture to move which adopted Java for the picture, popularity! Many useful site which introduced the free software of the popularity were collected. It was composed in the theme, and it tried to put a dream in oneself together the four seasons artistically.
    (SonicWings, DreamFactor, dream, GalleryRoom, pictureMove, FreedomSoft, four, seasons, Shockwave, java)

  • HSPHOT (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    hsp progaramming. you can make any games out of this.
    (HSPHOT, HSP, hotsoup, hotsoupprocessor)

  • Pakirapon (Tokyo) -(2001)
    MIZUNAGI Kyohei's Home Page
    (Diary, Text, Freeware, Shareware, smile, programming, tenor, chorus)

  • Legend of Site-King (Osaka) -(2001)
    Legend of Site-King
    (Legend, King, Japan, Woeld, Web, Cercle, Rich, Money, Idea, Program)

  • Chrono-bit (Osaka) -(2001)
    chronobit epson
    (chronobit, epson, PDA)

  • JuNi Web (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (SOHO, Web, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, CGI)

  • Martian house (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Very excite page!
    (chat, i-mod, photo, rumor, Mars, house, portable, computer, program, free)

  • peck's Free-Zone (Hyogo) -(2001)
    peck's Free-Zone! You can download Free-Softwares and Free-Sources developed by VB, VC++ and Palm
    (peck, software, download, lupin, palm, VB, VC++, MINILOTO, SKI)

  • Crazy Access to Access (Tokyo) -(2001)
    The site produced by Mr.Raita who is a free software programer. Japanese only.
    (Access, MS-Access, MS-DOS, VBA, Visual, Basic, Programing, Development)

  • compact phone - [SITE - K] japan (Gifu) -(2001)
    image tool and image upload bbs for PC / i-mode / J-sky / eZweb
    (jsky, program, mobile, phone, freesoft, imode, eZ)

  • thk Japan (Nagano) -(2001)
    Windwos FreeBSD
    (thk, FreeBSD, UNIX, thk, Windows)

  • ETRN : e-TRaiN (Aomori) -(2000)
    Train photo and Sounds in JAPAN Programs and DLLs for HSP(popular sclipt language in japan)
    (EMS, HSP, Program, Free, Software, DLL, FPD, MOD, MP3, HPI)

  • Ogi' s room. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This page is about free wev service.
    (FREE, SERVICE, VisualBasci, Clanguage, Soft)

  • PROG (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    (photo, text, diary, program, surf, soft, Mac, Auction)

  • private HANDLE youchi (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    you-chi private web site.
    (youchi, LAGREAT, Kohmi, Game, Software, C++, C++)

  • Software Atelier (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Please try to use freewares I made!
    (freeware, software, windows)

  • MaeP!age Revolution! (Ibaraki) -(2000)
    Do you want some HOT games and MIDIs? OK. Please visit my web site. You'll find what you want. (I'm sorry, but my web site is Japanese Only.)
    (game, pazzle, RPG, MIDI, program, BBS, link, download, free, soft)

  • Masaki's Home Page!! (Chiba) -(2000)
    (poem, diary, bbs, soft, link, profile, etc, Cool, Free, Hot)

  • Sho's Software (Fukui) -(2000)
    Sho's Software
    (software, freeware, development, program, programing, tips, C#, OO, Windows, Links)

  • The Room of Matsuju (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    You can play interesting games here!!!
    (CGI, Programming, Computer, Language, Games, PC, GameCenter, Internet, GameSoft, FreeSoft)

  • Memory dial editor programing (Japanese Only) -(2000)
    Japanese Only.
    (memory dial, programing, cellular phone, edit, free, mail magazine, personal computer, software, of one's own making, sample program)

  • Tender Brains (Chiba) -(2000)
    Tender Brains is specialized in Computer Communication and Entertainment system.
    (Free, Entertainment, network, Computer, Internet, software, brain, create, Programming, system)

  • RAID@Web (Gunma) -(2000)
    Welcome VisualC++!
    (ICQ, VisualC, Microsoft, VC++)

  • DP Software (Nagano) -(2000)
    (SoftwareSpace, freesoft, computer)

  • Yasu's Home Page (Tochigi) -(2000)
    Yasu's free soft and programming tips page.
    (Visual, C/C++, MFC, wallpaper, sources, code, Free, soft)

  • MYNS (Tokyo) -(2000)
    business ok play ok
    (soft, love, good, play, game, freesoft)

  • PINO @ [ digital - LIFE ] (Gifu) -(2000)
    PINO @ [ d i g i t a l - L I F E ]
    (program, visual, c++, delphi, freeware, shareware, screensaver, photoshop, link)

  • PROTEC (Fukuoka) -(1999)

  • My original softwares (Tokyo) -(1998)
    This page introduces my works.
    (download, original, software, freeware, game, HSP, C)

  • Matsunaga's Room (Chiba) -(1998)
    Taku Matsunaga' Home Page!! There is Free ware!!!
    (Matsunaga, Taku)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan