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{beauty, beautiful} + {computer} + {girl, woman, Musume, lady, daughter} + {graphic, graphics, graphical}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
wing of angel wing of angel (Kyoto) - angel,China,girl,fantasy,fairy,dress,Links,frill,Game CG,wallpaper,Miyu's original CG Home Page (angel , girl , CG , wallpaper , fantasy , elf , fairy , puni , lecture , photoshop , Illustration , doujin )
BABY ANGEL BABY ANGEL (Saitama) - It's 3DCG art gallery. Please check it. (art , gallery , cute , girl , baby , angel , cg , shade )
Beast King Brand Beast King Brand (Chiba) - Beast King Brand(Original Illustration Site) (Flash , Illustration , 2D , Original , Zenji)
HEAVENLY BLUE HEAVENLY BLUE (Hokkaido) - Shinchan's CG-site (CardCaptor , sakura , KinomotoSakura, CardCaptorSakura, ayanami , rei , AyanamiRei, asuka , ojamajo, doremi , OjamajoDoremi, SegawaOnpu, segawa , onpu, LoveHina , narusegawa, naru, NarusegawaNaru, MobileSuit, gundam , MobileSuitGundam, shar, Zion , dunbine, doraemon , evangelion , eva , NewGenerationEvangelion, Gainax , FruitBasket , furuba, SpaceBattleship, YAMATO , MiyazakiHayao , Totoro , FujikoFujio, hattorikun, CLAMP , chobits, SakuraWar , erika , FF , hikarunogo, ToHeat, Multi , illustration , GirlsIllustration, comics , manga , CGLaboratory, ComptureGraphics)
ageha ageha (Tokyo) - Haririn's illust site. elf,angel,girl,bloody,original illust,fantasy,gothic,eyepatch,mystical,MIDI,Lord of the Rings,diary...etc (gothic , artworks , girl , fantasy , angel , original , elf , music , fanart)
PRE-SEARCH PRE-SEARCH (Tokyo) - PRE-SEARCH ! simple and fast search system for MOE-ZOKU(OTAKU) ? (CG , DO-JIN, garage-kit , costume-play , miko-san, puni , GAME , animation , otaku , moe )
onigunsou onigunsou (Tokyo) - onigunsou's homePage CG manga anime Japan (girl , Japan , animation , cartoon , manga , ninjya , game , rorita, heavymetal , onigunsou)
SELFISH SELFISH (Tokyo) - An original character for poser is free, and it is being distributed at my site. musashi for MICHAEL. Nagiko for the girl. yoko HIRO for the adult woman. (DOWNLOAD , FREE , DRESS , Clothing , shade , CG )
OTOMEZAKARI.COM OTOMEZAKARI.COM (Tokyo) - Virtual girl work studio. OTOMEZAKARI. (Virtual , girl , 3DCG , Fetish )
Tenshin's CG workshop Tenshin's CG workshop (Kanagawa) - Tenshin,Mitsufumi.'s Illustration site. There're some original CGs & fanarts. (cg , illustration , gpm , pixia , opencanvas, dark , warbirds , panzerdragoon, silenthill, bloody )
Solitary Island Solitary Island (Kyoto) - Brick Koiwai's HomePage (brick , koiwai , CG )
Marine Canvas Marine Canvas (Osaka) - sorry,this page is japanese Only (sorry,this, page, is, japanese , Only )
sweetdrugs sweetdrugs (Saitama) - CHAKI's Home Page (CG )
oreZAKU oreZAKU (Tokyo) - 3DCG work made from MAYA in the intervals of work is carried. He wishes the schedule which wants to strengthen flash from now on. (car , beauty , girl , mechanical , background , restraint , 3DCG , FLASH , SM )
moemoekoubou moemoekoubou (Kanagawa) - Welcom to moemoekoubou. This site is japanease game character's CG site. (kanon , game , quiz , otaku , illust , wind )
Studio Maya Studio Maya (Tokyo) - Poser Hair,Poser character (Hair , Poser , Digital , Beauty , Character , Illustration , Free , MayaX, 3DCG , CG )
Wing of Angel Wing of Angel (Kyoto) - angel,China,girl,fantasy,fairy,dress,Links,frill,Game CG,wallpaper,dog-picture,Miyu's original CG Home Page (angel , Illustration , original , fantasy , fairy , girl , dress , China , Game , Lecture )
False Paradise False Paradise (Tokyo) - Arisa's website (CG , illustration )
Beauties-of-nature hall Beauties-of-nature hall (Tokyo) - It is the creation beauty girl CG site of a fantasy marchen system. (Fairy , Beauty , girl , CG , angel , Comics , Marchen , It, sprouts. )
3DCG Images and Web Design.T.N Works 3DCG Images and Web Design.T.N Works (Hokkaido) - Welcome to T.N Site.3DCG Images and Web Design.virtual beauty girl.Please Enjoy This Site. (graphics. , virtualgirl., 3DCG.WebDesign.TNWorks, T.NSite, Computegraphics)
Mad Tea Party Mad Tea Party (Kyoto) - Welcome to our site Mad Tea Party. there are pritty CG Garelly, chat and lot's of fun! (garelly, CG , chat , NOIR )
Kakeru Hinode's HomePage. Kakeru Hinode's HomePage. (Saitama) - Saitama,Saitama,Japan (Illust , radio , dorama)
Tenshin's CG workshop Tenshin's CG workshop (Kanagawa) - Tenshin,Mitsufumi.'s Illustration site. There're some original CGs & fanarts. (cg , illustration , gpm , pixia , opencanvas, dark , warbirds , panzerdragoon, silenthill, bloody )
1stPHACE 1stPHACE (Tokyo) - 3DCG, a character design, motion, movie. Presentation of a work.Order received. (3DCG , characterdesign , motion , movie , illustration , virtualidle, satoshi , game , TVcommercial, computergraphic )
Gallery Y's Gallery Y's (Fukushima) - Yuka's Original Illustration Site.Art works of beautiful boys and girls,fantasy,desktop wallpapers. (illustration , CGmaking, novels , arts , fantasy , boy , girl , wallpaper , bishounen, bishoujo)
Aoringo gundan Aoringo gundan - AoringoGundan's page (dojinshi, catgirl, comic , CG , aoringo, girl )
ORANGESKY ORANGESKY (Okayama) -(2002) This homepage is cg's site and game's site. (game , cg , siterprincess, adultgame, alicesoft, leaf , originalcg , key , d.o., elf )
Maria Garcia la Galeria Fantasia-Photoshop CG Collage Art- Maria Garcia la Galeria Fantasia-Photoshop CG Collage Art- (Tokyo) -(2002) Most of the CG Collage pictures on display were made by Japanese CG artist, Maria, using the graphic software Photoshop 6.0. And the model of pictures is Maria, too. Enjoy the fantastic CG art! (Maria , Photoshop , cosplay , anime , Japanese , woman , beauty , manga , howto, digital )
Angelic Angel Garden Angelic Angel Garden (Tokyo) -(2002) eltole's HomePage (CG , fantasy , angel , elf , comic , illustration )
+Greedy Griffon+ +Greedy Griffon+ (Mie) -(2002) OHSHI HANIWA'S HOME PAGE. (illustlation, girl , cg )
tonotani factory tonotani factory (Tokyo) -(2002) tonotani's HomePage (2DCG , SS, PaintShop )
HANA CG ROOM HANA CG ROOM (Iwate) -(2002) CG Gallery (aftereffect, oekaki, rakugaki, photoshop , CG , painter )
cavarisk cavarisk (Tokyo) -(2002) YukikoKurumi's HomePage (novel , CG , illustration , Photoshop , original , picture , poem , link , girl , boy )
Hiroyuki's homepage Hiroyuki's homepage (Kanagawa) -(2002) Japan (origenal)
Atelier Emi D Atelier Emi D (Tottori) -(2002) CG illustration gallery -Atelier emi D- (costume , cg , illustration )
Maria Garcia la Galeria Fantasia-Photoshop CG Collage Art- Maria Garcia la Galeria Fantasia-Photoshop CG Collage Art- (Tokyo) -(2002) Welcome to Maria's CG Art Gallery. I'm Maria Garcia, a CG designer. Most of the pictures on display here were made by me using the graphic software Photoshop 6.0. I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often. (Maria , Photoshop , Illustrator , anime , Japanese , woman , beauty , manga , howto, digital )
Hidyboy Web Hidyboy Web (Tokyo) -(2002) Yanagishima's HomePage3DCG(Softimage3D and SoftimageXSI) Meguro,Tokyo,Japan (SoftimageXSI, Softimage3D, Studio , HiD, 3DCG )
t.com illustration gallery t.com illustration gallery (Chiba) -(2001) takayama's illustration gallery (illastration, original , game , gallery , CG )
saitama saitama (Saitama) -(2001) Shiina's HomePage (Gallary, Illust , BBS , GAME )
Wing of Angel Wing of Angel (Kyoto) -(2001) angel,China,girl,fantasy,fairy,heel,dress,Gallery,Link,frill,Game CG,wallpaper,Miyu's original CG Home Page (angel , Illustration , heel , original , fairy , fantasy , girl , China , dress , Game )
CYBER CRAFTS EXHIBITION CYBER CRAFTS EXHIBITION (Tokyo) -(2001) This page deal in Visual Basic programing and Graphics and Sister princess!! (CYBER , CRAFT , EXHIBITION , Visual , Basic , Programing, Graphics , Program , CG , Girl )
gallary nobu2 gallary nobu2 (Ibaraki) -(2001) gallary nobu2 (NOBU2, nobunobu, CG )
LUNATIC ANGEL LUNATIC ANGEL (Miyagi) -(2001) Original CG illustlation HomePage (computergrafic, illust , angel , wing , boy , girl , bbs , game , ramune&40, sho-utajima)
ff ff (Tokyo) -(2001) ff (FF , CG )
+ CHELSEA + + CHELSEA + -(2001) CHELSEA is unofficial website, but I agree Mineko Okami. There are many DragonKnights and LumenLunae computer graffics. (DragonKnights, LumenLunae, MinekoOkami, computergraffics, paintbulletinboardsystem, Painter )
planet of takachan planet of takachan (Ibaraki) -(2001) takafusa's gallery(CG&painting) and postcard shop. (Computergraphics , CGgirl , Illustration , Postcard , painting , designer , 3DCG , Illustrator , gallery , shade )
Studio Noel Studio Noel (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese animation cg exhibition page (cg , japanese , anime , manga , animation )
Hikagesou Annex Hikagesou Annex (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese animation Lovehina cg and fan page. (anime , animation , japan , LoveHina , manga )
momoirotennensui momoirotennensui (Yamanashi) -(2001) originalCG, VIDEOreview, DIARY etc... (VIDEO )
Lau's home page Lau's home page (Kanagawa) -(2001) Lau's home page Cool 3DCG home page (3DCG , CG , Shade , LightWave, female , QuickTimeVR, Photoshop , game )
Tsumityang-Honpo Tsumityang-Honpo (Osaka) -(2001) Tsumityang-Honpo-Online (bisyoujyo, kyonyuu, anime , manga , doujinshi, otaku )
Moon Light Moon Light (Tokyo) -(2001) CG Gallery(Japanese Only) (CG , gallery , painter , photoshop )
hobbyspace hobbyspace (Wakayama) -(2001) Ryo=Fudachi'sHomePage.thispageisvaryfunny!!but,thispageisjapaneseonnry.sorry...! (illustration , computergraphic , comic , game , rollplayinggame, novel , RPG )
Moon Light Moon Light (Tokyo) -(2001) CG Gallery(Japanese Only) (CG , gallery , painter , photoshop )
tomsaga gallery tomsaga gallery (Hiroshima) -(2001) TOMSAGA GALLERY is updated every month for your enjoyment. Be prepared for various computer graphics. (tomokazu , sagawa , tomsaga, computer , graphics , girl )
studio BURST OUT studio BURST OUT (Niigata) -(2001) http://homepage2.nifty.com/burst_out/ (STORY , CG , STUDIO )
MotionTrack Technologies MotionTrack Technologies (Tokyo) -(2000) MotionTrack Technologies: Provides Presentation Solutions Powered by Real-Time Rendering Technologies. (LightWave, RenderWare, CG , PlayStation , DreamCast , Xbox )
GATE GATE (Tokyo) -(2000) CG (medialand, CG )
will will (Chiba) -(2000) YujiAsano's HomePage (illustration , will, sf , fantasy , anime , manga , 2dcg , cg , gallery , illustrator )
OffWorld OffWorld (Tokyo) -(2000) Happygovern's Homepage.2DCG3DCG.cartoon (imode, cg , 2d , 3d , cartoon , mac , win , game )
the World of Pritty Girls Illustlations the World of Pritty Girls Illustlations (Toyama) -(2000) the World of Pritty Girls Illustlations from masa (girls , pretty , illustrations , precious , cute )
MilkCap MilkCap (Tokyo) -(2000) MilkCap HomePage for ANIME fan (ANIME , GIRL , MANGA , CG )
Nekonote Shobou Nekonote Shobou (Ehime) -(2000) Illustrations pretty girls & Fantasic Stories written by Nekonta. This site is Japanese only. (graphics , illustration , ecchi, story , fantasy , cat , essay , maid , anime )
penta club penta club -(2000) gallery (CG , game , illustration , girl , comic )
CRA lik CRA lik (Osaka) -(2000) cracter desine!! (CG , GAME , 2DCG , 3DCG )
japan sudousloom japan sudousloom (Chiba) -(2000) Sudou's japanise animation and game's CG (animation , game , gun , ToHeart, comic , digicharat , viper , sogna, reaf, Lovehina )
Absolute Blue Absolute Blue (Tokyo) -(2000) Excellent 3DCG charactor,2DCG,FLASH site. (3D , Lightwave, character , illustration , FLASH , design , manga , animetion, japanimetion, autolink )
Algernon's Artless Arts Algernon's Artless Arts (Kanagawa) -(2000) Algernon's Illustration Gallery (Illustration , PhotoShop , Painter , Art , Macintosh , DoCoMo , iMODE, J-SKY , J-PHONE )
Dakku's HomePage Dakku's HomePage (Saitama) -(2000) saitama,oomiya,japan. (3DCG , 2DCG , ToHeart, Flash )
ama_natsu'sCGGallery ama_natsu'sCGGallery (Chiba) -(2000) ama_natsu'sCGGallery (CG , illustration , graphic , girl , lovely )
GRAPHIC WORLD GRATAN GRAPHIC WORLD GRATAN (Osaka) -(1999) JAPANESE GARL'S ILLUSTRATION SITE! 2D,3D etc... (illustration , garl, cg , 2d , 3d , photoshop , shade )
TMS-HomaPage2000 TMS-HomaPage2000 (Fukuoka) -(1999) TMS's HomePage (TMS , MP3 , CG )
CG, Illustrator,japanese CG, Illustrator,japanese (Osaka) -(1999) Nenashi's HomePage CG, Illustrator,japanese (cg , 3d , 2d , Illustrator , japanese , anime )
napzak napzak (Tokyo) -(1999) Arimoto's HomePage (IRAST, ART , GIRL )
NAGEHAME and RIROSOFT HOMEPAGE NAGEHAME and RIROSOFT HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -(1999) Japanese dojin CG and dojin comic group's page (dojin , dojin soft, dojin comic , cg arts , cg collection, animation , comike, game , game , leaf , kof , SNK , CAPCOM , comiket, comic market, pretty girls game, pasoket, pretty gals game, akihabara dennougumi, yuri sakazaki, riro)
HYPER LOVE HYPER LOVE (Tokyo) -(1998) Siora Hosho Presents original CG Illustration Web. (OriginalCG , Illustration , Anime , Game )
Chiiko's HomePage Chiiko's HomePage (Nagano) -(1998) Chiiko's HomePage. Spa,cg,sfx,cocking site. (spa , cg , tiga, CarRanger, CG )
STUDIO CAT'S PUNI STUDIO CAT'S PUNI (Tokyo) -(1997) This is Japanese MANGA drawer You Araki's page! The pages are full of MANGA and ANIME CG. At this time, sorry, Japanese only. The English version be will prepared. (comic , cg , fanzine)
Dr.Mad Shigetto Dr.Mad Shigetto (Tokyo) -(1997) Mad Scientist Dr.Shigetto VS Interpol investigators.3DCG Web_Stories,Movies,Comics,and... Dr.Shigetto is The Iron-man Mad Scientist. (art , 3dcg , mad , scientist, interpol, technology , robotics , Honda , vehicle , machine )
A Japanese's Nekomimi-OTAKU woman home page. A Japanese's Nekomimi-OTAKU woman home page. (Tokyo) -(1997) This is a BBS (boy , girl , otaku , bbs , anime , japanese , free , game , cat , beast )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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