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{board, plate, boarding} + {CGI} + {Perl}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
How to use .htaccess How to use .htaccess (Osaka) - Do you want to keep villains from your sites? .htaccess is the solution you are seeking. You can keep villains with specific IP address from your sites by a simple text file. We will tell you how you can do it. (bbs , attacker , access , restrict, error , custom , htaccess, .htaccess, default, cgi , perl , php , SSI )
nix laboratory nix laboratory (Nagano) - popular script for mod_perl (mod_perl, apache::registry, kent , Apache::Registry, CGI )
All men's groupware GroupCGI All men's groupware GroupCGI (Tokyo) - Groupware GroupCGI. Family Ware Plan which can be used for free immediately. (groupware, webgroupware, groupcgi, asp , perl , bbs , free , linux , unix , windows )
Failed People.com Failed People.com - Flash Design Factory. Downloadable Contents->CGI, Flash, Sound, Hit Counter, Message Board, Mail Form. All contents are zip-formatted. Financial Plan and Management. (flash , cgi , perl , swf , fla , download , finance , management , plan , script )
uraosaka uraosaka (Osaka) - Welcome Uraosaka! (uraosaka, 2ch, uploader, cgi , html , adlut, machibbs, osaka , tanteifile, perl )
kanomono kanomono (Kanagawa) - This page is my hobby page!! perl, delphi, etc. I made programs of interest. (hobby , bbs , delphi )
Yaminabe Laboratry Yaminabe Laboratry (Kagawa) - Yaminabe Laboratry (PERL , RENTAL , LOTO , HPMAKE, COOK , LINK , BBS , CGI )
your-system your-system (Tochigi) - Sory,this page is japanese only. (php , perl , javascript , jsp , asp , cgi , apache , html )
gotyamaze gotyamaze (Kyoto) - All OK page?Gundam etc... (2ch, perl , Java , script , UG, CGI , yahoo , ROM , PS , hack )
FLEUGEL SOFTS FLEUGEL SOFTS - mizuki's php/perl scripts site. (php , mizuki , cgi , perl , fleugel, soft , group , flashphp, flashcgi, phpbbs)
mayakashi-do mayakashi-do (Mie) - This is mayakasi-do. This page is made by Japanese. (CGI , Perl )
nagatayukito nagatayukito (Chiba) - nagatayukito's Home Page (soft , perl , pc , computer , frend, news , like , www , internet , sex )
osajiro homepage osajiro homepage (Kanagawa) -(2002) Welcome!osajiro homepage (CGI , FLASH , coffee , gaiants, perl , rm, free , bbs , chat , counter )
CompactCGI CompactCGI (Fukuoka) -(2002) CompactCGI (CGI , PERL , BSS, i-mode, J-Sky , Ezweb , Script , Freeware , Cellularphone , HP)
ALPHA CGI ALPHA CGI (Aichi) -(2002) CGI Script site. (bbs , thread , script , ALPHA )
Multyz Multyz (Gifu) -(2002) MultiContents (CGI , adult , Perl )
Kobe,Hyogo,Japan Kobe,Hyogo,Japan (Hyogo) -(2002) Please request. Please nice idea. (mailmagazine , chat , cookie , java , gestbook, BBS , ats)
Ahhan!BBS HTML TOOL Ahhan!BBS HTML TOOL (Tokyo) -(2002) Ahhan!BBS HTML Making tool (Ahhan!BBS, Ahhan, BBS , HTML , MAKING , TOOL , DONLOAD, CGI , PERL )
Beginner's Room Beginner's Room (Aichi) -(2001) Toshi's Homepage. For PC Begginer's. (CGI , PERL , BBS , FORUM , LINKER , C , BEGINNER , WindowsXP, Linux , LAN )
private of sin private of sin (Hyogo) -(2001) The perl lecture aiming at the BBS creation for distribution of a its original work CGI script, and a beginner etc. (CGI , perl , Free , BBS , Link , Diary , Free , BBS , Link )
i_3104 i_3104 -(2001) cgi for perl.chat and bbs. (cgi , perl , chat , bbs , script , javascript )
CGI Pal CGI Pal (Osaka) -(2001) Free CGI script for webmasters.Message board,access counter,and so on. (CGI , PHP , Flash , Perl )
SABBATH-JAM SABBATH-JAM (Osaka) -(2001) Interactive homepage work is supported focusing on pop and cute free CGI distribution. (CGI , perl , free , down , chat , FREE , chat )
MANNEQUEEN MATRIX MANNEQUEEN MATRIX -(2001) simple and advanced multi-notes community system. anyone can open data file easily. design and function-setting is entrusted to users. (rental , Perl , tree , thread , counter , guest-book , community )
aterior-eitaro,tokushima,Japan aterior-eitaro,tokushima,Japan (Tokushima) -(2001) I'm free CGI presents.I speak Japanese.I read a little Engrish.sorry. (CGI , Perl , Script , JavaScript , Free , Soft , PC , DOS/V, Pentium , Cerelon)
Program Garden Program Garden (Tokyo) -(2001) There is programs programed or edited by Pam. (CGI , Delphi , Perl )
free rental BBS cgi free rental BBS cgi (Kanagawa) -(2001) We rent our confortable web-board without any cost,FREE. (board , free , cheap , rental , broadbandsite, community , perl , communication , server )
Daby's Hakoniwashoto Homepage Daby's Hakoniwashoto Homepage (Kanagawa) -(2001) sorry Japanese only. (HakoniwaShoto, Game , CGIgame , Japanese , SouthernAllStars, Music , Perl )
NET PARK NET PARK (Ishikawa) -(2001) NET PARK Let me introduce to you FreeHomePage and FreeMail. Advertisement CGI perl (BBS , perl , CGI , www , park , freemail , advertisement , Internet , banner , homepage)
T's world T's world (Osaka) -(2000) T's world Home Page (C , Perl , CGI , T-chiyo, SSI , programing, BBS , gallery , diary , counter )
CGI Room CGI Room (Kanagawa) -(2000) CGI Room (CGI , perl , BBS , chat , counter )
officetaka.com officetaka.com (Tokyo) -(2000) Let us know your business request. (CGI , Perl , Visual , Basic , Database , Macintosh )
MSR's Homepage MSR's Homepage (Hyogo) -(2000) This is the MSR's homepage. (msr, canbe, windows , cgi , bbs , perl , pc , 98 , 21 , hdd )
the fool's miniature garden the fool's miniature garden (Tokyo) -(2000) the fool's miniature garden (teachat, munzer, cgi , perl , FireEmblem , FE , akaneia, chat , bbs , iserlohn)
private of sin private of sin (Hyogo) -(2000) LAN CGI JavaScript (LAN , CGI , JavaScript , perl , BBS )
Falcon World Falcon World (Osaka) -(1999) CGI World (CGI , Perl )
A Starry Night A Starry Night -(1999) Chat & Guestbook (chat , whiteboard, postpet , pospe, slot , ranking , cgi , perl )
Tea Cup Tea Cup (Tokyo) -(1999) BBS rental and 24h active chat. (CGI , chat , BBS , free , perl , rental , easy , japan )
TAMA WORLD TAMA WORLD (Kagoshima) -(1998) Tamasaburo's interactive site.We have many free BBS board in TAMA Mansion in TAMAWORLD. CGI BBS collection,Music Hall,Shockwave Flash,MIDI,Japanese Picture, Photo Library. (BBS , FREE , GIANTS , HORSE , RACE , SHOCKWAVE , FLOWER , MIDI , FLASH , PERL )
Free Message Board Free Message Board (Aichi) -(1998) Free Message Board! (Free , Message , Board , Perl )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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