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{board, plate, boarding} + {CGI} + {WWW, web, W3}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
FwpSearch Japan. FwpSearch Japan. (Kyoto) - Fwp Search. (fwp, freeweb , domain , webspace , free , rental , cgi , php , asp , rentalbbs )
Broken Heart Xstasy-ZCKSS Act.2- Broken Heart Xstasy-ZCKSS Act.2- (Chiba) - Sorry Jpanese only.It is the Unofficial Web of a Japanese artist Shena Ringo here. (you, alone , ringo , aoshima , cgi , shena , web , apple , hikki, material)
Free Information/freeDB Free Information/freeDB (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
server information server information (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
All men's groupware GroupCGI All men's groupware GroupCGI (Tokyo) - Groupware GroupCGI. Family Ware Plan which can be used for free immediately. (groupware, webgroupware, groupcgi, asp , perl , bbs , free , linux , unix , windows )
Okazaki,Aichi,japan Okazaki,Aichi,japan (Aichi) - rei's HomePage (sleepin', johnnyFish, WebDorama, CBK, LineresBBS-K, K-DB)
Web Frames Web Frames (Gifu) - Web Frames's HomePage (web , HP, html , xhtml, cgi , javascript , bbs )
Apeskin Design Apeskin Design (Osaka) - Apeskin Design (Japanese , Link , Material, cool , CGI , Website , Design , BBS , apeskin , apeboard)
nagatayukito nagatayukito (Chiba) - nagatayukito's Home Page (soft , perl , pc , computer , frend, news , like , www , internet , sex )
Joying Net Joying Net (Tokyo) - Hosting Service Joying Net (Hosting , Domain , Server , Rental , CGI , SSI , JPNIC , Web , Mail , BBS )
WEB DESIGN CROW WEB DESIGN CROW (Osaka) - Good design! good job! WEB DESIGN CROW (homepage, html , cgi , web , banner , bbs , javascript , design , crow , site )
Aimoudo Web Power Aimoudo Web Power (Osaka) -(2002) Rental BBS & Chat (Chat , BBS , Rental , BBS )
CyberCafe CyberCafe (Tokyo) -(2002) Creator's Cafe (music , beat , picture , cinema , movie , cgi , graphic , webmail, bbs , chat )
Web-Up-Search Web-Up-Search (Hiroshima) -(2002) ComputingHardSoftWareWebHostingrentalsite (Free , rental , CGI , counter , chat , diary , bbs , space , Web , Search )
2STYLE.NET 2STYLE.NET (Yamagata) -(2002) New Style Free Hosting (free , hosting , web , bbs , chat , easy , ssi )
TOKYO MISSILE TOKYO MISSILE (Kanagawa) -(2002) Don't miss it! (text , essai, column , diary , design , stylesheet , programing, web , CGI )
T-LINK T-LINK (Tokyo) -(2002) Total Web Coordinate (web , homepage, make , CGI , progrum, access , bbs , PHP )
ToroToroPage ToroToroPage (Kanagawa) -(2001) Many contents in my homepage. (union , materials, webring , playstation , game , cgigame , chat , bbs , accessup , dokodemoissyo)
billiken's WEB billiken's WEB (Osaka) -(2001) this site is very cute and cool site. contents is game(baseball ect...) and chat room 7rooms. BBS is 4room. but japanese only site. (if you can speak japanese, come in!) (game , ssrver, hakoniwa, baseball , chat , board , multi , comunity, meet , CGI )
M-SHIFT Webmaster Support Site M-SHIFT Webmaster Support Site (Tokyo) -(2001) M-SHIFT is a Webmaster Support Site. We have a bunch of materials, icons and useful BBS. All for FREE!! (M-SHIFT, FREE , BBS , SUB , DOMAIN , ICON , SCRIPT , Virtual , Rental )
Hyogo.material Hyogo.material (Gunma) -(2001) material (material, web , link , bbs , Explorer , counter , CGI , free , pc , yahoo )
Jupiter_bb's WEBSITE Jupiter_bb's WEBSITE (Shizuoka) -(2001) Jupiter's Home Page (Chat , BBS , Jupiter , Mail , Friend , BGM , CGI , GIF , MIDI , jpg )
Kazuya's web Kazuya's web (Osaka) -(2001) If it writing, there are also the bulletin board and mutual link which grow. (bbs , link , kazuya , flash , fun , interesting , enjoy , original , improvement , position )
Inside Web Inside Web (Tokyo) -(2001) Network Technology Information, Chat and BBS rental services. (InsideWeb, CHAT , BBS , SEARCH , RANKING , FREE , RENTAL , CGI )
NET PARK NET PARK (Ishikawa) -(2001) NET PARK Let me introduce to you FreeHomePage and FreeMail. Advertisement CGI perl (BBS , perl , CGI , www , park , freemail , advertisement , Internet , banner , homepage)
Rental CGI Parktown Rental CGI Parktown (Ibaraki) -(2000) rental,count,access,nikki,diary,bbs,board,form,mail,fsmole,icon (RentalCGI, BBS , Diary , Chat , Dorama, Banana , imgboard, Quiz , Vote , Count )
430@CC Web 430@CC Web -(2000) This site has information of Japanese game. About Dreamcast,Card Captor Sakura,etc... (dreamcast , cardcaptor , sakura , kinomoto , tomoyo , kero , novel , cgi , information , news )
Happy Web Happy Web (Yamagata) -(2000) Homapage Makeing Support HappyWeb (BBS , CHAT , Counter , Vote , CGI , Free , Homapage, HappyWeb, Happy-Web)
web omocyabako web omocyabako (Shiga) -(2000) kazuya's HomePage (CGI )
PAYA Web Site Index PAYA Web Site Index (Saitama) -(2000) CGI,FLASH,Rent a BBS,BBS,GAME (CGI , FLASH )
WebCITY WebCITY (Tokyo) -(2000) good (rank , webcity, ps , bbs , win , rink , adult , goo , infoseek , chat )
Websaite Benriya Websaite Benriya (Yamagata) -(2000) Free material & Search Engine (material, link , searchengine , cutt, freeboard , yamagata , cgi , animation )
Muryoukeijiban Muryoukeijiban (Hyogo) -(2000) freeBBS (free , homepage, WEB , BBS )
Free WWW BBB CHAT mail service from kyoto,japan Free WWW BBB CHAT mail service from kyoto,japan (Kyoto) -(2000) [INTER GET!]is Free BBS service. (BBS , chat , CGI , shop , homepage, onlinesoftware, internet , catalog , freeware , PlayStation2 )
Ir-i-BBS, A BBS script for mobile phone Ir-i-BBS, A BBS script for mobile phone (Hyogo) -(2000) Try our Bulletin Board System script for mobile phones, say i-mode, J-skyweb, EZweb/EZaccess. (BBS , script , i-mode, EZweb , J-skyweb, mobile-phone , CGI )
panapana WEB-ri-kata panapana WEB-ri-kata (Osaka) -(2000) panapana WEB-ri-kata (PANAPANA, WEB , ACCESS , UP , CGI , BBS , FREE )
Cside Net Cside Net (Tokyo) -(2000) rental server (Cside Net, rental server , chat , subdomain, homepage, CGI , SSI , rental webspace, rental space , BBS )
Hiroshi Okada's Page Hiroshi Okada's Page (Tochigi) -(1999) Java guest book etc. (Java , JavaScript , CGI , Genum, TG)
HIRO'S HOMEPAGE HIRO'S HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -(1998) kimitu,chiba,japan (GALLERY , PHOTO , CHAT , BBS , wwwBoard, AHO)
AutoWebPageBuilder AutoWebPageBuilder (Saitama) -(1998) AutoWebPageBuilder. Try! (cgi , html , web , page)
-e m w- the electric mujin web -e m w- the electric mujin web (Tokyo) -(1998) This is the famous chatter of NiftyServe,MUJINKUN's webpages. CBers Page Navigator and many cgi programs are here. (CGI , NiftyServe, chat , board , CB , CBer, WebDrama, WEBZINE, animation , gif , mujinkun, diary , rock , yanase , DJ , search engine )
JC Web JC Web (Tokyo) -(1997) JC Web Homepage CGI Server RENTAL (RentalServer , Homepage, Mobile , Chat , BBS , Guestbook , CGI Script )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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