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{call} + {company, incorporation, incorporate, enterprise, corporation}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
MediaSystem Co,Ltd. MediaSystem Co,Ltd. (Fukuoka) - IVR/CTI/FAX System (CTI , IVR, FAX , VOIP, IPPHONE , WEB , VOIS, TAGE, ASP )
Accela Technology Corporation Accela Technology Corporation (Tokyo) - Accela Technology Corporation provides full-text retrieval software. (eAccela, Full-text, retrieval , knowledge , CRM , document , translation , software , database )
hishocenter.com.inc hishocenter.com.inc (Tokyo) - call center page in japan (callcenter , telesecretarysaervice, CTI )
Brain Links Corporation Brain Links Corporation (Tokyo) - Brain Links Corporation (VolP, NTT , ME, brain , links , blc, Web , ip , h323, sip)
SANKUNET.ltd., SANKUNET.ltd., (Tokyo) - PC-Support & Keep. Call-Center & Outsoucingcenter. Remortmaintenance. (setup , keep , support , paesonalcomputer, remote , digital , outsoucing, computer , smallofficehomeoffice, callcenter )
Save money for telephone charges Save money for telephone charges (Aichi) - You can easily compare telephone charges among telephone companies and their discount services here. (dialing , charge , call , discount , telephone , saving , rate , myline , off )
Netsupport.inc Netsupport.inc (Tokyo) - Netsupport.inc is the company of Information Technology but we would like to help not only the companies of IT but also all of the other compaines except IT. (IT, internet , voice , telephone , web , call , center , cell , phone , homepage)
eAddress Corporation eAddress Corporation (Tokyo) -(2002) eAddress Corporation's HomePage (eaddress, call , center , infomation, company , profile , database , internet )
SUN MOTION INC Callcenter Fulfillment Outsourcing SUN MOTION INC Callcenter Fulfillment Outsourcing (Tokyo) -(2002) SUN MOTION INC. Callcenter&Fulfillment&Outsourcing (CTI , DataBase , Fuifillment, Outsourcing , Callcenter , Contactcenter, DM, CD-ROM , MOTION , CRM )
Twinkle's Home Page Twinkle's Home Page (Tokyo) -(2002) Tama. Tokyo. Japan. (system , call , senter , company , phone , human , data , twinkle )
Nissei Communication Co.,LTD Nissei Communication Co.,LTD (Saitama) -(2002) Nissei Communication Co.,LTD (nicomu, CAMNIS, HTR, HSC, TWT, HSC, TWT)
Secretary center in Japan Secretary center in Japan (Osaka) -(2001) Telephone saport HomePage (telephone , inbound , outbound, internet , business , secretary , market , reasonabl, work , saport)
DAI-ICHI ADSYSTEM,INC. DAI-ICHI ADSYSTEM,INC. (Tokyo) -(2001) services include telemarketing, market research and surveys, and fulfillment management,staff suport. (DAI-ICHI, ADSYSTEM,INC., telemarketing , inbound , mail , order , e-business , staff , suport, call )
MyLine Telephone Charge MyLine Telephone Charge (Saitama) -(2001) Provides the complete comparation list for telephone charge. (MyLine , TEL-charge , Telephone-service-vendor, NTT. , KDDI. , Japan-telecom , TTNET , QtNet, Fusion-communications, communication-charge)
internet ip telephone service internet ip telephone service (Hokkaido) -(2001) internet ip telephone service.low rates around the clock.it connects to the 230 countries. (internet , overseas , telephone , call , long , distance , tourist , student , from, abroad )
The company where handling does a rental TDSC The company where handling does a rental TDSC (Tokyo) -(2000) TDSC is the rental specialty store of the telephone. The portable telephone which an international telephone call can be used for from Japan does handling, too. Payment can use VISA or Master. It is very convenient while it stays in Japan. (portable telephone , rental , japan , international telephone call , FAX )
FOR YOU Corp. FOR YOU Corp. (Tokyo) -(2000) FORYOUCorp,InternationalTelecommunicationDSIcall0071HomePage (FORYOU, Corp. , Call-007plus, UV&IRCutCoating, AtShieldClear,Color, Reflexplate)
I-MUSIC LINK I-MUSIC LINK (Hyogo) -(2000) music homepage free link by i-mode (mobile , phone , i-mode, keitai , docomo , denwa, Music , band , menber, classic , Rock , Pop , Amature, Indies, Artist , search , Musician , drums , keyboard , JAZZ , fusion , vocal , guitar , bass , strings , orchestra , bbs , live , want , seek , board , join , R&B, MP3 , participation , notice , bulletin , realaudio , soundVQ, MIDI , AIFF, WAV , QUICKTIME , Techno , instrument , record , studio , CD , LINK , check , suport, HP, SITE , AUTO , registration , fan , J-pop , classic , man , woman , copyright , compose , vocal , singer , words , searchengin, support , access , ranking , recordingcompany, musiccompany, fan , pro , artist , melody , studio , free , TelephonCall, japan , service )
Introduction of ServiceWare Corporation Introduction of ServiceWare Corporation (Tokyo) -(2000) As a subsidiary of CSK, ServiceWare Corporation is providing superior Support Service for your Information Technology needs with high standard of technology. (support , helpdesk , callcenter , outsourcing , e-business , IT, technical , system , solution , computer )
DSI Telecom Japan DSI Telecom Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) Economical international call company. \22 for USA, \31 for England, \45 for Hongkong, \67 for China, \44 for Korea, etc. 24 hr flat rate, 6 second increment. No deposit, No service charge. Call charge only. (tele , telephone , mobile , international , internationalcall , global , usa , china , hongkong , korea )
direct'ors department direct'ors department (Kagawa) -(2000) direct'ors department HomePage (dm, rfm, crm , ltv, DirectMarketing, DatabaseMarketing, simree, image , marketing , DirectMail)
TWOWAY SYSTEM INC. TWOWAY SYSTEM INC. (Osaka) -(2000) Infomation of TWOWAY SYSTEM INC. (tele marketing, marketing , a temporary staff agency, call center , direct marketing, mail order )
Internet Call Center in the New Generation Internet Call Center in the New Generation (Tokyo) -(2000) professionally providers outsourcing management, represents the integration of call center management with Web, and seeks to improve the quality of 24 hour customer service (bilingual , call , center , customer , service , management , solution , eGain, helpdesk , internet )
Welcome to PCI-Pacific online Welcome to PCI-Pacific online (Tokyo) -(2000) Remote Control software - NetSupport Manager and it's classroom version - NetSupport School. You can download for free evaluation from this website. (CAI , NetSupport , RemoteControl , RemoteMentenance, Call-Center , HelpDesk , PCIP)
Internet Phone Internet Phone (Tokyo) -(1998) Internet Phone Service (InternetPhone , AliceCorporation, InternationalCalling )
Telecom IA - Callback Service Telecom IA - Callback Service -(1998) Discounted International Callback Service. No registration and No monthly fees! (callback , international , trade , import , export , travel , business , agent , asia , university )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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