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Word(s): @={collie}

/ border /

  • DISK DOG JAPAN (Kanagawa) -
    We are Diskdog japan... we present hi performance for you.
    (Diskdog, surf, carrier)

  • Pet-Lunch Homepage (Okinawa) -
    Baby dog shop Okinawa's
    (Petshop, Dogshop, Babydog)

  • Mademoiselle Chaton's Web Site (Tokyo) -
    I talk about my dog, my favoite singer, my travel in Europe and in Japan and what I my site.
    (Bearded, collie, dog, car, licence, school, travel, France, Miyuki, NAKAJIMA)

  • Dog Dog Dog (Gunma) -
    Hiro Sakai Homepage With Dogs
    (photo, labradorretriever, airedaleterrier, beardedcollie, diskdog, frisbee)

  • bordercollie nannna (Gunma) -
    bordercollie nannna
    (nanna, bordercollie, dog, pet, disk, frisbee, fryboll)

  • Collie HomePage (Aichi) -
    Collie introduction
    (collie, dog, pet, trade, Aichi, Toyohashi)

  • dogcatch (Osaka) -
    (dogcatch, naturalharvest, naturalbalance, wangoods)

  • Vivian's Room (Saga) -
    Show dog's home page of collie and shelutie.
    (collie, shelutie, humster, drive, kyuushuu, dogshow, horse, himi, goodtaste, niceshop)

  • departure from the number eight (Tokyo) -
    It lives on Setagaya-ku living of Tokyo happily with six dogs. A friend is under collection. Who is splendid neighboring one and the direction which is not so. Doesn't it become precocious in the talk of a dog happily?

  • innnoshimania (Saitama) -
    Wrighting about Ilands in Japan.Innnoshima Iland in Japan Also wrighting about things I like. Travel,My Diary,Pandabear,Borderkorii dog
    (Innnoshima, Ilands, in, Japan, Diary, of, HARU)

  • okiraku, garakuta (Tokyo) -
    okiraku HomePage JANISJOPLIN

    bordercollies's homepage.
    (bordercollies, cognac, kodak)

  • Dog Lover's Homepage. (Hyogo) -
    Companions who are enjoying Frisbee Dog.
    (Frisbee, Dog., Golden, Retriever., Border, Collie.)

  • abun dance sea god kennel (Chiba) -
    abun dance sea god kennel Dobermann breeder from japan
    (dobermann, puppy, breeding)

  • Yosigadaira Hutte (Gunma) -
    Yosigadaira Hutte Good!
    (Telemark, Yosigadaira)

  • YAMATO RIVER'S home page (Nara) -(2002)

  • Jilju (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (Click-B, K-POP)

  • Border Collie Mary's House (Miyazaki) -(2001)
    Welcome to Bordercollie Mary's Home. We are enjoying dog training in Miyazaki Japan at Kimura Dog Training School.
    (Mary, bordercollie, kimura, kuwabou, miyazaki, dog, obedience, agility)

  • Border Collie/ELDA (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Border Collie named Elda & her family
    (Border, Collie, pet, gospel, gardening, dog, children)

  • Hikarin&Marry(Collie)HomePage (Osaka) -(2001)

  • NeverLandDreams (Aichi) -(2001)
    FrisbeeDog BorderCollie Wendy&DIAS
    (FrisbeeDog, BorderCollie, Wendy, DIAS)

  • IRVING DIAMOND (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Bearded Collie's HomePage
    (Bearded, Collie, IrvingDiamond, ShowDog, Dog, Puppy)

  • TrimmingRoom Chocolat (Nagano) -(2001)
    TrimmingRoom Chocolat
    (trimming, dog, poodle, trimmer, discipline, nagano, Pet, cut, collie, golden)

  • The page of Yudai (Tokyo) -(2001)
    The introduction of my dog and breeding diary
    (dog, border, collie, breeding, tokyo, Japan)

  • TSUCHIDA's Art Goods (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Tsuchida's Art goods.
    (dog, art, keylest, stealart, board, lusty, luna, bordercollie)

  • Shin's tennis,LandCruiser,Gardening,Dogs Page (Osaka) -(2000)
    Shinsuk's funs page. Lexus430,Landcruisr,tennis,dogs,and so on. Sakai,Osaka,Japan.
    (Osaka, Sakai, Tennis, Shinsuke, Kobayashi, shinboo)

  • showdog (Osaka) -(2000)

  • collie (Tokyo) -(2000)
    hand made felt bag & accessory
    (felt, accessory, bag)

  • Beardies-Net (Chiba) -(1998)
    This home page is for mailing list of bearded Collie.
    (bearded, collie, mailinglist)

  • Bearded Collie-DAISY's page- (Chiba) -(1998)
    Hi , This is Daisy, Bearded Collie Girl in Japan. This page includes many photos and links about me and Beardies. And there is
    (Bearded, Collie)

  • Chacha and Marine 's Page (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    Many pictures of Dalmatian and Bordercollie and other dogs
    (Dalmatian, Bordercollie, Dog, Pet, Board, Chacha, Marine)

  • Border Collie's House (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Dizzy is a female Border Collie. She is a very good Frisbee Dog! Please come to see her, and you will enjoy funny pictures!
    (border, collie, dog, frisbee, disk, jump, k9, dizzy, agirity, pict)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan