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Happy Life (Chiba) - Happy Life With HAPPY of Welsh Corgi Pembroke (HappyLife , Corgi , WelshCorgiPembroke, Disk , Frisbee, Dog , Camp , LifeWithDog)
Hokudai-Moai (Hokkaido) - Hokudai-Moai's HomePage! (Frisbee, Hokkaido , University , Flying , Disc , circle )
UltiTown.com (Chiba) - A website for ultimate players (flyingdisc, frisbee, ultimate )
Somehow, 3 hair dog (Tokyo) - Because it becomes thediskdog, (Australian , shepherd , Josef, Disk , Dog )
ROSEGARDEN (Iwate) - RoseGarden's homePage (dog , labradorretriever , rose , rosegarden , disc , frisbee, blacklab, kesen)
Dog Dog Dog (Gunma) - Hiro Sakai Homepage With Dogs (photo , labradorretriever , airedaleterrier, beardedcollie, diskdog, frisbee)
bordercollie nannna (Gunma) - bordercollie nannna (nanna, bordercollie, dog , pet , disk , frisbee, fryboll)
Dog Lover's Homepage. (Hyogo) - Companions who are enjoying Frisbee Dog. (Frisbee, Dog. , Golden , Retriever. , Border , Collie. )
atmarkwan (Hyogo) - atmarkwan'sHomePage
haro- (Niigata) -(2002) konnnitiha
Hiro&rish's page (Hyogo) -(2002) Hiro's page (usedcar , trip )
sakura&gonta (Hokkaido) -(2002) hokkaido,corgi,mix,dogfood,
visibleatheart (Niigata) -(2002) visibleatheart (visibleatheart, noveil, frisbee)
NeverLandDreams (Aichi) -(2001) FrisbeeDog BorderCollie Wendy&DIAS (FrisbeeDog, BorderCollie, Wendy , DIAS )
DOG SNORE (Osaka) -(2001) Dog Freaks' Web Site...DOG SNORE! (dogsnore, dog , made-to-order, shopping , raincoat , bbs , collar , frisbee, present , pet )
The page of Yudai (Tokyo) -(2001) The introduction of my dog and breeding diary (dog , border , collie , breeding , tokyo , Japan )
a-tan,sapporo,hokkaido,japan (Hokkaido) -(2001) W.CORGI.P a-tan's Home Page (dog , corgi , sapporo , japan , hokkaido )
bar [FRISBEE] for gau men (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka,Japan (gay , bar , drink , osaka , japan )
FRISBEE RECORDS (Oita) -(2000) Frisbee Records sell 12inches,albums of vinyl records. Not only DJ's for everyone. (Vinylrecords , Usedrecords, Recyclerecords, 12inchsrecords, Albums , Dancemusic , Secondhandrecords, Vinyl , Records , Hiphop )
4dogs (Osaka) -(2000) DOGS (DOG , RETRIEVER )
(^o^) Welcome!! *** (Mie) -(2000) frisbee dog story (frisbee)
Meiji-Univ.Free-Flyers (Tokyo) -(2000) Ultimate team-FreeFlyers(Meiji Univ.) (Ultimate , Frisbee, FreeFlyers, FlyingDisc, Disk , Bombers )
(^o^) Welcome!! *** (Mie) -(2000) frisbee dog story. thu.mie.japan (frisbee)
P's!!SACHI's sight (Chiba) -(1997) SACHI TOZAWA, female,age19. majoring in law at HITOTSUBASHI Univ.This page is about myself .ULTIMATE(a sport which is like touhfoot,using frisbee) and.etc... (hitotsubashi , frisbee, oin , ichikawashi)
Border Collie's House (Tokyo) -(1997) Dizzy is a female Border Collie. She is a very good Frisbee Dog! Please come to see her, and you will enjoy funny pictures! (border , collie , dog , frisbee, disk , jump , k9, dizzy , agirity, pict )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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