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[ top
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{com} + {information, informational} + {service}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
Reference(frequency) {circle, sorority, clubbing, club}
{community, commune}
{gather, gathering}
{internation, internationally, internationalization, international}
{mail, mailing}
{network, internetworking, networking, net, internet}
Elmic systems Products and Services (Kanagawa) - Elmic Systems provides and develops various tools for implementing real-time processing in embedded equipment. (TCP/IP, IPv6, GEM , COM , ISDN , embedded , RTOS , communications , board )
net (Tokyo) - net (omiai)
CLIMBING (Osaka) - CLIMBING Home Page (climbing )
suiryuken (Saitama) - suiryuken (suiryuken, 0480-66-3606, info@suiryuken.com)
Teachers.com (Kanagawa) - teachers'data base.Non Government Page.chat,BBS,TEST DATABASE,curricurum database,and so on. (chat,BBS,TEST, DATABASE,curricurum, database )
tocoop.com (Tokyo) - Shopping imfomation (setagaya , tocoop, PR )
halkatze.com (Saitama) -(2002) come and join! (bbs , profile , friend , link , murmur , homepage, virus , help , material)
t.s com (Okayama) -(2002) ivent,strip,dancer,bbs,chat (tscom, ivent, chat , bbs , avdancer, storip, kyujin, computer , link , company )
koreikura.com (Kyoto) -(2001) search engine (kyoto , search , service , shop , infomation, mail , japan )
johoseikatsu.com (Tokyo) -(2001) You can get any information from our members. And offer your knouwledge to anyone who needs your help! (life , information , question&answer , money , knowledge , advice , bbs , communication , advise , wisdom )
gc-net (Aichi) -(2001) gctv info gc-net tv (gctv, info , gc-net, tv )
jouhouyanet (Osaka) -(2001) jouhouyaNet
kaitolupin.com (Tokyo) -(2001) questionnaire (monitor , questionnaire , information , present , lupin , free , membership )
Narita Town Navi Narita-web.com (Chiba) -(2000) Narita Town Guide.hotel,airport-parking,restrant,shop,event. (narita , narita-airport , hotel , parking , festival , restrant, airport-parking , area-guide, bbs )
Welcome to liveds.com (Hyogo) -(2000) It is the homepage productioncompany which moved Kobe Akashi to the center. (Japan , Kinki , Hyogo , Kobe , Company , Computer , Homepage, Production , Web , service )
Hokkaido Net Community Lat43n.com (Hokkaido) -(2000) Hokkaido Net Community, Hokkaido Japan (community , Hokkaido , BBS , Chat , information )
OngakuDB.com (Tokyo) -(2000) Iihara Management Institute (Music , Information , Reference , Database , Bbs , Hit Chart, Music Magazine, Live , Event , TV Information, News )
myitss.com (Tokyo) -(2000) Information Technology Service & Support (InformationTechnology , service , support , pc , internet )
Biso.com web site (Tokyo) -(1998) Biso.com internet web hosting service. Virtual community hosting,web contents and many other services for the member's home-page. (WebHosting service , homepage, business , information , translation , WebDesign , virtual communication)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
こちら 。