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{computer} + {design, designing} + {graphic, graphics, graphical} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
iml-imaging labo iml-imaging labo (Tokyo) - Here is a WEB Gallery of IML, a technical graphic llustrator (pers , photo , graphic , architect , illust , bluepoint, design , animation , property )
JunkPlace JunkPlace (Osaka) - A janitor distributes the exhibition of sweets and the calendar of the wallpaper for desktops which were made from the hobby. (sweet , desktop , material, calendar , design , gourmet , CG )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
soft soft (Okayama) - Kobe, Hyogo, Japan (soft , cg , web , free , flash , design , school , adobe , cad , macromedia )
my life my life (Chiba) - satokun's arts (art , arts , CG )
Mizutani design office Mizutani design office (Saitama) - This is the site of work introduction of WORKS, such as interior design of the interior design of the Mizutani design office, a construction design, and 3DCG, construction Perth and graphics, DTP, and an illustration. (interior , design , 3DCG , construction , Perth , illustration , graphics , DTP )
T.F : 1/f T.F : 1/f (Osaka) - It is doing an illustration, by the work, ( approximately whole ) of the WJ work seal god and a cartoon and a game, the display of the own composition poem. (illustration , poem , original , design , CG , work , WJ)
FACTORY34 FACTORY34 (Tokyo) - T-shirt and illusrations. (T-shirt , illustrator , design , character , card , 3DCG , work , logotype, cut , cray )
pastel cube pastel cube (Saitama) - this site is CG & flash site. (illust , CG , FLASH , movie , diary , trance , techno , art , design )
Art Design Art Design (Tokyo) - Tokage's HP(Designer).There are shinsengumi&original's illustration. (CG , original , illustration , shinsengumi , poster , hijikata , hino , comic , tokage, drama )
3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan 3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) - idea-creats's HomePage (3DComputerGraphic, 3DMOVIE, 3DSimulations, Illustrations , BoothDesign, PackageDesign , CharacterDesign , GraphicDesign )
shun's hompage shun's hompage (Ishikawa) - shun'homepage is like desiner page. Shun wants to be dezainer.For the future shun will create 3DCG. Thanks. (ohba , art , CG , conputergraphic, design , gonsuke, photo , illustration , lightwave, shunsukeohba)
WAVE-NET WebSite WAVE-NET WebSite (Shizuoka) - The proposal and work of information dispatch, such as WEB, DTP, CD-DVD, Illustration, 3DCG, and DegitalVideo. (WebDesign , WebSystemDevelopment , DTP , CD , Illustration , 3DCG , HandmadeBag , Japan , DVD , DigitalVideo)
Slash/One Slash/One (Tokyo) - Design Team Slash/One Homepage. (Team , Design , Illust , slash-one, CG , photo , movie , ISM )
artos'toshiya artos'toshiya (Tokyo) - artos'toshiya. GraphicArtist,CG,Graphic,Web,Drawing,Painting.. (artos, art , 2dcg , 3dcg , illustration , design , graphic , drawing , toshiya , painting )
1stPHACE 1stPHACE (Tokyo) - 3DCG, a character design, motion, movie. Presentation of a work.Order received. (3DCG , characterdesign , motion , movie , illustration , virtualidle, satoshi , game , TVcommercial, computergraphic )
CG's MOONcc CG's MOONcc (Tokyo) - CG's MOONcc's HomePage itabashi,tokyo,japan (CG'sMOONcreatecommitee, CG'sMOON, DESIGN , ILLUST , ART , DARK )
kyoto_japan_takagamiwajin kyoto_japan_takagamiwajin (Kyoto) - WAJIN'S WEBSITE I am an artist. (art , Illustration , WAJIN, takagami, comic , write , paint , create , design , game )
Designer is Speaking On a Slum Designer is Speaking On a Slum (Tokyo) - Kenji Yamamoto's HomePage (Japanese only) (comic , illust , flash , japanese , design , cg )
KAT.S'S WORLD KAT.S'S WORLD (Fukuoka) - KAT.S'S WORLD (KAT.S'S, WORLD , photoshop , Illustrator , web , CG )
RADIONOID STUDIO RADIONOID STUDIO (Tokyo) - RADIONOID STUDIO is creator's unit to work Computer Graphics, WEB designing, and Character illustrations. (radionoid, web , design , 3D , graphic , flash , shockwave , studio , CG , VJ)
T.F : 1/f T.F : 1/f (Osaka) -(2002) It displays the illustration of the copyright one,being original,the work. (novel , illustration , CG , work , original , design , illustrator )
3DCG CANNED CREATIVE 3DCG CANNED CREATIVE (Tokyo) -(2002) Air Brush&3DCG Architecture,Technical Illustration,QT,QTVR,Objectmovie,3DCG Character. (ArchitectureLandscape, Illustration , TechnicalIllustration, Character , WEBDesign , QTMovie)
S_fish S_fish (Fukuoka) -(2002) KotoSakanata's illustration homepage. I use AdobePhotoshop and AdobeIllustrator. (AdobePhotoshop, AdobeIllustrator, CG )
shinkawa's Homepage shinkawa's Homepage (Tottori) -(2002) tottori,tottori,japan (Graphix, Design , modeling , illustration , Shade )
Jamie Baker Folio Jamie Baker Folio -(2002) Artwork done for animation illustration and comics. Includes storyboards, character designs and animation samples from Commercials, TV series and Feature films. (animation , manga , illustration , CG , storyboard, character-design )
Stylescape.web Stylescape.web (Nagano) -(2002) Illustration and animetion. (Illustration , Image , Pictuer, Paint , Graphic , CG , Anime )
world bazaar world bazaar (Tokyo) -(2002) picturebook(webEHON),CGillustration (illustration , picture , art , creative , design , graphic )
moko moko (Chiba) -(2002) Illustraion site (Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , CG , design , illustration , material, wallpaper )
NAHO works NAHO works (Chiba) -(2002) NAHO kodama's HP (kdoama, naho , character , design , illust , 3DCG , GAME , zooop, TV )
MacMax MacMax (Saitama) -(2002) Welcome to MacMax.This page is CG-illust and CG-ART GALLERY. (Max, ComputerGraphics , illust , gallery , art , photo , comic , net , design , Mac )
Good Grief! Good Grief! (Hyogo) -(2002) Showing the series of animation charactors( 3D Graphics) created by Tamie Aaskura with her original design.Microsoft Agent will guide you through the site. (character , 3DCG , shockwave3D, Agent , Tamie, Asakura , original , design , computer , graphics )
MIX WORKSHOP MIX WORKSHOP (Tokyo) -(2002) We are workshop of graphic design and WEB design in Tokyo. (design , graphic , WEB , homepage, illustration , CG , tokyo , logo , free )
KYUCON.COM JAPAN KYUCON.COM JAPAN (Saitama) -(2002) Flash&shockwave games,Illustrations,Anime,3DCG and more. (flash , shockwave , 3D , CG , illust , animation , japan , game , funny , design )
MIRUMIRU/ART/ROOM MIRUMIRU/ART/ROOM (Tokyo) -(2002) mirumiru/art/room (art , illustration , design , he, photo , talk , illust , mirumiru , image , do )
design room vivo design room vivo (Kumamoto) -(2002) design room vivo's homepage (graphicdesign , webdesign , illust , designroomvivo, printing , flash , cd-rom , multimedia , homepage, cg )
SHOZI.COM SHOZI.COM (Hiroshima) -(2002) The HomePage of SHOZI DESIGN OFFICE, Inc. (illustration , CG , advertise , design , hirosima , animation , character , comics , Mac )
glad glad (Okayama) -(2002) Do you like to see paintings? Illustrator tuna's HomePage (cg , tuna , Illustrator , Illustration , Flash , graphic , character , paintings )
Banner&homepage atelierD Banner&homepage atelierD (Yamagata) -(2002) Web Desighn & banner & CG &illsut atelierD We love hot & Cool WEB pages. (free , banner , rogo, CG , illust , web , design , anime , material, planning )
Ignis of Art & Design Ignis of Art & Design (Kanagawa) -(2002) Ignis of Art and Design.plezented by Ryuuto Nekozuki. (nekomimi , art , design , CG )
i-work i-work (Aichi) -(2002) i-work is showing 3DCG illustlation images that is mainly photoreal comics image. (illustlation, design , comics , images , photo , arts , graphic , gallery )
*)dis-sign *)dis-sign (Osaka) -(2002) Kaoru's Illust Home Page (Graphic , Illsut, Rogo, Symbol , Design )
What's Creative by NKY Design What's Creative by NKY Design (Tokyo) -(2002) Design Q&A (design , graphic , Q&A , illust , designer , NKY, Nakaya , creative , mac , column )
hibi no utakata hibi no utakata (Kanagawa) -(2002) Illust Gallery (CG , Mac , Macintosh , Graphic , Design )
BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign (Hyogo) -(2002) BryanOzaki illustlation and design homepage (illustration , illustrator , japanese , hanga, cg , design , designer , music , snowboard , surf )
Aquatic Mole Aquatic Mole (Kumamoto) -(2001) Aquatic Mole. T244's HomePage (Aquatic , Mole , Illust , ComputerGraphic , 3D , Tsuyoshi , Bryce , Photoshop , Design )
ART OF BASEBALL ART OF BASEBALL (Tokyo) -(2001) This Site Is The Exhibition of Baseball CG Art & Uniform Design. (CG , baseball , art , design , uniform , picture , junito, flyers , exhibition )
tamao's note tamao's note (Hiroshima) -(2001) Design&Illustration homepage Tamao's note. (real , graphic , illust , art , anime , original , Tamao , note , photoshop , design )
Aki Toda's Official Site Aki Toda's Official Site (Tokyo) -(2001) Artist, Aki Toda's official site. Just click and take a look at the art works! (art , artist , graphic , design , work , illustration , computer , graphics , print , exhibition )
paint bbs group paint bbs group (Saitama) -(2001) illustlation (computer , graphic , usi, chat , illustration , design )
flowers flowers (Tokyo) -(2001) Miki Sekiguchi's HomePage (illustration , CG , illustrator , art , artist , design , flash , Mac , Macintosh , love )
Labo Design Labo Design (Tokyo) -(2001) We offer free(not acadenic)style art education. desgin,painting,drowing,aclilic,photograph,design & computer graphic. (art , design , desgin, painting , computer , graphic , school , illust , drowing , fashion )
DOMUS MUTOH PERS STUDIO DOMUS MUTOH PERS STUDIO (Oita) -(2001) Domus Mutoh Pers Studio Home Page (Pers , Desigh, CAD , 3DCG , illustration , graphicdesigh, art , presentation , gallery )
Funny Style Funny Style (Tokyo) -(2001) Funny Illustration Home Page (ILLUSTRATION , GOD , Funny , Japanese , cute , design , pop , fun )
Gradis Gradis (Hokkaido) -(2001) Welcome to Gradis. Gradis is a Mihiro Yuzuki's private site. My artworks are introduced in this web site. All images Mihiro Yuzuki's original. Please read a this web site. (Image , CG )
otenTV otenTV (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese online culture magagine. (computer , japan , magagine, culture , music )
TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2001) TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan.(3D illust,2D illust,WEB design,DTP design) (design , illust , 3Dillust, 2Dillust, DTP , web , homepage, package , CG , graphic )
Electric Sheep Graphix Electric Sheep Graphix (Tokyo) -(2001) ESG is OOLONG&RYO's graphic(2D3DCG,illustration,web design) gallery site.(language:Japanese only) (electricsheepgraphix, esg, graphic , illust , webdesign , cg , design , 3dcg , oolong , ryoimura)
various creative house various creative house (Saitama) -(2001) various art(illustration,painting,CG), photograph and shop(original design goods). (art , illustration , painting , photograph , CG , shop , original , design )
-computer graphics gallery- HOY-HOY Design -computer graphics gallery- HOY-HOY Design -(2001) computer graphics gallery(postcard size) (computer graphics , design , tetris , corp circles, postcard )
Art People BBS Art People BBS (Saitama) -(2001) This site is a comic,an illustration,a CG Art & Other-related BBS. (Comic , Illustration , CG , Design , BBS , Kamui )
UnknownZone UnknownZone (Hyogo) -(2001) Welcome AsakaMukai's illustHomePage!! (illust , Harry , Potter , comic , fantagy, girl , novel , character , desain)
SPIRITEK SPIRITEK (Osaka) -(2001) The site develops as a place for the work announcement like the illustration etc. It is thought that the web design is one of the expression methods by aiming at interactive Web site which can be felt "It is happy" because accesses it. It is moving when the impression can be written in BBS. (Illustration , Design , Photoshop , llustrator, CG , SPIRITEK, Art , Gallery , Sketch , Creator )
other world USI other world USI (Saitama) -(2000) illustlation (computer , graphic , usi, chat , illustration , design )
ASH INSTITUTE ASH INSTITUTE (Kanagawa) -(2000) Car styling design,3d modeling,surface data,proto type making,etc (styling , design , surface , modeling , rendering , 3DCG , sportcar, supercar , illustration )
2GNOZUI 2GNOZUI (Osaka) -(2000) Good works of art are. (cg , soho , illus, flash )
PC-Jobnet -ibaraki- PC-Jobnet -ibaraki- (Ibaraki) -(2000) job serch support only Ibaraki and for creator (CD-ROM , 3DCG , ibaraki , mito , PC , job , design , multimedia , illust , contents )
Digital Graphics Digital Graphics (Hokkaido) -(2000) Desktop Wall Papers (desktop , wall , paper , design , graphic , picture , free , illustration , cg )
tuna tuna (Okayama) -(2000) This homepage picks up illustration, CG, a character design. (cg , illustration )
nonstar wab nonstar wab (Tokyo) -(2000) indie graphic design! (design , graphic , illustration , comick, art , indiepop, subculture , culture , CG , game )
25 graphic 25 graphic (Yamagata) -(2000) graphic (25 , graphic , CG , kawamura , mac , gallery , bbs )
TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. (Hokkaido) -(2000) TOP CREATION S HP (STUDIO , MAX, 3D , 3DCG , CG , movie , design , illustration , TV , CM )
Mega graphics Mega graphics (Osaka) -(2000) Mega graphics from japan Pop&Cute illustration!! (illust , illustrator , gallery , postcard , soho , lightwave, 3dcg , photoshop , desigh, artist )
WILDPEACH WILDPEACH (Tokyo) -(2000) Humorous and mysterious character site. You meet japanese oriental,Wildpeach ! (wildpeach, cg , 3d , max, lightwave, koike , japanese , design , manabu , food )
Absolute Blue Absolute Blue (Tokyo) -(2000) Excellent 3DCG charactor,2DCG,FLASH site. (3D , Lightwave, character , illustration , FLASH , design , manga , animetion, japanimetion, autolink )
Tolly's Room No.222 Tolly's Room No.222 (Tottori) -(2000) Japan (cg , materials, illustrate , design , gag , comic , tolly, review , graphic , maniac )
CG and Dada CG and Dada (Okayama) -(2000) okayama.Japan (CG , movie , illust , graphic , 3DCG )
METABANANA METABANANA (Kanagawa) -(2000) cool computer generated art. (CG , gallery , graphics , design , photoshop , illustrater, anotherworld, art )
Ocahnomizu Technical Institute DTP Course Ocahnomizu Technical Institute DTP Course (Tokyo) -(2000) Kuwa's Home Page (Computer , Graphic , Illustration , Art , Design , School )
the the of mitosismix the the of mitosismix (Kanagawa) -(2000) the website of the webdesign office mitosismix. You'll find some of our webdesign works and other CG graphics. Please feel free to contact us. (webdesign , illustration , flash , CG , design )
Digital design Point South Digital design Point South (Aichi) -(2000) I can design for DTP, website, Industrial, 3DCG etc. I want to work with forgin contries people. Now I studing English. Please write a messege and teach me ! (design , web , product , dtp , cganimation)
Museum of Digital Sculpture Museum of Digital Sculpture (Tokyo) -(1999) This is the virtual museum of Kohtani's studio, having an eye on Digital Sculpture. (art , illust , 3D , CG , SF , fantasy , design , bryce , shade , graphic )
Design pursue Design pursue (Tokyo) -(1998) Design pursue.3DCG. (2DCG , 3DCG , illust )
neutral neutral (Tokyo) -(1998) about design, typography, kid's culture, music,... This site is made by a 16 year-old girl. (highschool , logo , design , kids , column , illustration , shibuya , graphics )
K&K Unit WEB tokyo K&K Unit WEB tokyo (Tokyo) -(1998) K&K Unit kaw's Home Page (Design , Public , advertisement , illustration , Picture , Current , Topics , CAD , 3D , DTP )
SMAC SMAC (Saitama) -(1998) Japanese graphic designer Hiromi Shimizu's home page. Art gallery, free icons & pictures & textures, and more. (Illustration , Graphics , Icon , Design , Photoshop , Texture , Picture )
Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery (Tottori) -(1996) japan tottori sanin yonago kishimoto Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery 3d cg ZEKE Shockwave (Shockwave , Japan , design , Tottori , 3DCG , Sanin , Yonago , Gallery , Kishimoto , art , propaganda , illustration , DTP , Club , Designers )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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