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{design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust} + {Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}
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sinojiro's web site from Japan sinojiro's web site from Japan (Tokyo) - It's sinojiro's web site showing graphic design,illustration,guitar,English conversation,shoes. (graphic , design , art , director , Tokyo , style , resonater, guitar , English , club )
genius,Japan genius,Japan (Tokyo) - genius (soccer , football , wrestling , mixstyle, t , ono , muto , illust , design , shopping )
Atelier White Atelier White - Kayo Narita's Art Atelier. Painting, Illustration, and Design. Galley, theory, and essay for art. (Kayo , Narita , art , Japanese , painting , illustration , design , galley , character , portrait )
MASHIRO nostalsy*pop MASHIRO nostalsy*pop (Tokyo) - artist[mashiro]original illustlation & originalhand made accessory (design , art , illustrator , original , goods , pop , handmade , perler, beads , japan )
HANG AROUND HANG AROUND (Tokyo) - HENG's HomePage name is [HANG AROUND] (Illustration , free , Japanese , recruitment , fuck , bang , juvie, design , cinema , crawler)
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
Nostalgic Sugar View Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) - ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese] (illustration , illustrator , CG , design , designer , Japanese , novel , material, comics , character , photoshop , painter , profesional, art , graphics , paint , draw , animation , nostalgic , original , text , diary , artwark, artist , tips )
nihon-ad kikaku co.,LTD nihon-ad kikaku co.,LTD (Osaka) - Japanese only! (print , printing , Design , illustrator )
aple22 aple22 (Fukuoka) - aple22,graphic design,design,art,artist,illust,photo,japanese animation,japan,fukuoka (aple22, graphic , design , art , illust , photo , book , printing , japan , fukuoka )
Yoshiteru Sakagami Design Yoshiteru Sakagami Design (Tokyo) - Japanese illustration,Art,ComputerGraphics, (japan,graphic,design,illustrator)
Buffer66 Buffer66 (Osaka) - Dragon Illustration (dragon , japan )
Character Creator Hikaru Matsumoto Site Character Creator Hikaru Matsumoto Site (Tokyo) - Let me introduce my works, which are used unique characters showing in this site. You can enjoy my unique works. All characters even background in my works were made by me. (Illustrator , Artist , Characters , Freelancer, Craft , Design , Hino Tokyo, Japan , Modeling )
Adphics Adphics (Okayama) - web and graphic design, illustration, photography, logo design and animation (web , graphic , design , photography , illustration , web design , okayama , japan , japanese , animation )
The place in which an ogre lives The place in which an ogre lives (Osaka) - Thank you for coming in my home page. Here, it is introducing the picture which I pictured. This Homepage is in Japanese language only. (illust , ogre , Japan , event , original , circle , osaka , cartoon , individual , design )
morez shoji morez shoji (Tokyo) - illustration design coach tokyo japan sushi sukiyaki harakiri geisya (illustration , design , coach , tokyo , japan )
3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan 3DCG&MOVIE/IDEACREATS.CO.,LTD./Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) - idea-creats's HomePage (3DComputerGraphic, 3DMOVIE, 3DSimulations, Illustrations , BoothDesign, PackageDesign , CharacterDesign , GraphicDesign )
A Collection of My Illustrations A Collection of My Illustrations (Osaka) - This is the site made by a Japanese storyboard artist for TV commercials in Japan. There are not only the storyboards, but also illustrations and Making storyboards pages. And more, the Japanese pages have short & long story comics (manga) talking about the daily lives in Japan. If you are interested in original TV commercial plans or comics, please take a look at them. (advertisement , artworks , commercials, design , drawings , illustrations , illustrator , Japanese , planning , storyboards)
A Collection of My Illustrations A Collection of My Illustrations (Osaka) - This is the site made by a Japanese storyboard artist for TV commercials in Japan. There are not only the storyboards, but also illustrations and Making storyboards pages. And more, the Japanese pages have short & long story comics (manga) talking about the daily lives in Japan. If you are interested in original TV commercial plans or comics, please take a look at them. (advertisement , artworks , commercials, design , drawings , illustrations , illustrator , Japanese , planning , storyboards)
YUtoRI YUtoRI (Hokkaido) - We are doing design and work of an illustration in Japan. The Internet radio program is under broadcast. (japan , design , illustration , flash , greetingcard , internetradio , movie , comics , monkey , room )
WAVE-NET WebSite WAVE-NET WebSite (Shizuoka) - The proposal and work of information dispatch, such as WEB, DTP, CD-DVD, Illustration, 3DCG, and DegitalVideo. (WebDesign , WebSystemDevelopment , DTP , CD , Illustration , 3DCG , HandmadeBag , Japan , DVD , DigitalVideo)
gungoographics gungoographics (Chiba) - hello (design , illust , photoshop , anime , japan , graphics , gungoo, gungoographics, fukai , painter )
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
Japan Illustrator rica2784's Japan Illustrator rica2784's (Tokyo) - Illustrator/rica2784's/HomePage (Illustrator , 2784)
the gold fish in a pond the gold fish in a pond (Tokyo) - illustration (goldfish , art , design , illustration , japanese )
kyoto_japan_takagamiwajin kyoto_japan_takagamiwajin (Kyoto) - WAJIN'S WEBSITE I am an artist. (art , Illustration , WAJIN, takagami, comic , write , paint , create , design , game )
LeeHouWeb LeeHouWeb (Kanagawa) - Ainokikousi's HomePage! Illust and text. (illust , game , comic , japanese , FF )
Designer is Speaking On a Slum Designer is Speaking On a Slum (Tokyo) - Kenji Yamamoto's HomePage (Japanese only) (comic , illust , flash , japanese , design , cg )
Orettier Orettier (Tokyo) - Ain's HomePage Internet of Liberty Island (Orettier, Ain , zeppetfactory, community , dream , design , illustration , liberty , island , JapaneseBazooka)
visiele47 visiele47 -(2002) We produce cool design T-shirt! (T-shirt , Newyork , cool , new , select , japanese , design , fashion , latest , tokyo )
total organize with encourage responce,nagoya,aichi,japan total organize with encourage responce,nagoya,aichi,japan (Aichi) -(2002) plan,design & illustrations. tower planning co,.ltd (tower , design , illust , advertisement , creative , realestate , DTP , graphic )
BB-linkUS links between US and Japan BB-linkUS links between US and Japan -(2002) bb-linkus.com is going to connect US and Japan by internet. We provide English inderstrial design, and many Japanese service to support your need. (design , industry , bb-linkus, electric , switch , panel , technology , Japan , Japanese , illustration )
KYUCON.COM JAPAN KYUCON.COM JAPAN (Saitama) -(2002) Flash&shockwave games,Illustrations,Anime,3DCG and more. (flash , shockwave , 3D , CG , illust , animation , japan , game , funny , design )
Jardin Asiatique Jardin Asiatique -(2002) This site is an on-line gallery of K.Nas, a graphic student at the London Institute. You can view a series of college works and self directed illustrations. Photo images of Japanese scenery are also available. (graphics , design , art , London , Institute , photo , cafe , gallery , asia , japan )
mantion design web mantion design web (Aichi) -(2002) mantion design web.Graphic Designer Naohiro's HomePage. (graphic , mantion, illust , web , designer , Japan , Nagoya )
Although You Can't See It Clearly Although You Can't See It Clearly -(2002) Animation, Illustration, or even Design! Drawing BBS and Galleries. Works done by Photoshop, Illustrator, and even flash. Please come and join us! Share your drawings and experience! (animation , Japanese , Cartoon , Drawing , illustration , cartooning, gallery , caricature )
kikki's kikki's (Osaka) -(2002) I live in osaka JAPAM. (Design , Mac , iMac , illustrator , photoshop , painter , kikki, osaka , japan )
coco&jasmine_japan coco&jasmine_japan (Kanagawa) -(2002) Flash creater Hiro's HomePage (WebDesign , Illustration , Flash , Gallery , Game , Movie , Simulator )
Moss bear Moss bear (Tokyo) -(2002) The comics art homepage of haku (Illustration , Art , Handbill , Poster , Comics , Design , GIF , Japan , haku)
Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Japan Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Japan (Yamaguchi) -(2002) Masumi Kuwahara Illustlations Home Page (Illustlation, Illustlator, Photoshop , Japanese , Girl , Mac )
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
Marble.co Marble.co (Kyoto) -(2002) Marble.co HomePage (design , kyoto , japan , download , Marble.co, illustration , graphic , t-shirt , cool , fashion )
Asian Bee's honey Asian Bee's honey (Kanagawa) -(2002) Asian Bee's honey is the personal site of poo. (CINEMA , ANIMATION , CAT , DESIGN , ILLUST )
Prism Heart Web Radio Prism Heart Web Radio -(2002) japanese only web radio/illustration/kirie/kabuki/BBS/NAVI etc. (web radio , illustration , BBS , NAVI , japanese , DTP , WEB )
BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign BryanOzakis FireWorksDesign (Hyogo) -(2002) BryanOzaki illustlation and design homepage (illustration , illustrator , japanese , hanga, cg , design , designer , music , snowboard , surf )
TT9 Web TT9 Web (Aichi) -(2001) tatsumi takehiro's Web illustration & picture book (ehonn, TT9, tatsumi , takehiro , illustration , picture , book , nippon , design , movie )
FUUYAAN FUUYAAN (Osaka) -(2001) Illustrator & Designer FUUYAAN's HomePage (Illustrator , Designer , Art , Japan , illustration , picture , design , drawing , tienetsu, sketch )
Funny Style Funny Style (Tokyo) -(2001) Funny Illustration Home Page (ILLUSTRATION , GOD , Funny , Japanese , cute , design , pop , fun )
SHIMOMOTO'S HOME PAGE SHIMOMOTO'S HOME PAGE (Osaka) -(2001) This site was established as an announcement place of my work. Updating is carried out as soon as new work is made. (illustration , design , photograph , flyer , japan , osaka )
sapporo,hokkaido.japan sapporo,hokkaido.japan (Hokkaido) -(2001) COLOR BOX The management person/kureshi menu/gallery/poem/novel (color , gallery , japan , word , poem , art , illustration , novel , cutouts, design )
prism prism (Tokyo) -(2001) Prism is a non-genre creator's web magazine, which aim to stimulate creative viewpoints.In every issue, creators will put their imagination and creativity toward a certain creative focus point. A theme will be setup in every issue. The theme will be developed around the aggregate in the every day life which everyone is familiar with and the aggregate in society, etc. Around the aggregate, elements will be created with the creator's viewpoint. Furthermore, each of that creators work concentrates as an element of a new aggregate in Prism. (prism , Japan , creater, magazine , creative , photo , design , art , illust , viewpoint )
otenTV otenTV (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese online culture magagine. (computer , japan , magagine, culture , music )
TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2001) TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan.(3D illust,2D illust,WEB design,DTP design) (design , illust , 3Dillust, 2Dillust, DTP , web , homepage, package , CG , graphic )
cherry cherry cherry cherry (Tokyo) -(2001) Hitomi Nagao's illustrations (illustration , illustrator , fasion, japanese , japanizm, dezign)
***planets*** secret society p.plax.plan,JAPAN ***planets*** secret society p.plax.plan,JAPAN (Saitama) -(2001) It is the site which has carried the original illustration of planeta. (illustration , flash , planets , design , avantgarde , provocative)
131 GRAPHIC Home page,Fussa,Tokyo,Japan 131 GRAPHIC Home page,Fussa,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) 131 GRAPHIC is a personnal Graphic Design Office. Please enjoy some ART design and ART information. Please let me know, if you have any comments on my work! (graphic , phtography, T-shirt , fashion , CD , fussa , illustration , poster , rogo)
winbird co.,ltd japan. winbird co.,ltd japan. (Nagano) -(2001) EPSON Styluspro Series FanForum in Japan matsumoto. (WINBIRD, EPSON , Styluspro, FanForum, EventProduce, Illustration , design , Bridal , Print )
Welcome to Anjo-jp.com Welcome to Anjo-jp.com (Kyoto) -(2001) Anjo's HomePage (Design , Illustration , CD-ROM , Web , Printing , Digital , Homepage, animation , 3d , movie )
art and design lab.sagamihara,kanagawa,japan. art and design lab.sagamihara,kanagawa,japan. (Kanagawa) -(2001) art and design lab.hirose's homepage (bookdesign, art , finearts , design , picturebook , object , illustration , craft , drawing , visualdesign)
creativekate,fukushima,fukushima,japan. creativekate,fukushima,fukushima,japan. (Fukushima) -(2000) creative kate homepage (web , create , design , illustlation, map , living , fukushima )
N-note N-note (Chiba) -(2000) Fumi's Illustration Gallery, exhibit of cartoons,Illustrations,and other designs. This page is written in japanese. Please take a look! (illustration , cartoon , design , N-note, Fumihe, japanese )
ninyu works ninyu works (Tokyo) -(2000) contemporary art,ninyu works homepage (art , design , contemporaryart , illust , diary , japan , pop , ai , yamaguchi , girl )
fuwafuwanatta fuwafuwanatta (Aichi) -(2000) An Internet picture book. The story that a heart of John and boy Tom of a pretty dog warms. (design , picture , illustration , japan , love , dog , art , story , child , book )
Your Design Advertisement Your Design Advertisement (Kanagawa) -(2000) Doesn't it have your proud illustration and a character?. It is the corner where your work can be contributed freely. It can appeal to the Japanese enterprise. (illustration , illstrator, charcter, Advertisement , flash , board , japanese )
COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS COBO_LABO_ILLUSTRATIONS (Kanagawa) -(2000) Japanese illustrator,COBO YAMAGUCHI's web site.The works has Japanese traditional tasts. (ILLUSTRATOR , ILLUSTRATION , character , DESIGN , FLOWER , SIGHT , PLANT , CRAFT , JAPANESE , TRADITION )
TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. TOP creation s HP,sapporo,hokkaido,japan. (Hokkaido) -(2000) TOP CREATION S HP (STUDIO , MAX, 3D , 3DCG , CG , movie , design , illustration , TV , CM )
sumiegyarari sumiegyarari (Tokyo) -(2000) sumie no ilast desu (sumie, ilusut)
HIRO'S HOME PAGE,Japan HIRO'S HOME PAGE,Japan (Osaka) -(2000) HIRO'S HOME PAGE,post card,accessory,from Japan (post , card , accessory , design , Illustrator , designer , stationery , Japan )
WILDPEACH WILDPEACH (Tokyo) -(2000) Humorous and mysterious character site. You meet japanese oriental,Wildpeach ! (wildpeach, cg , 3d , max, lightwave, koike , japanese , design , manabu , food )
Yoiko Tokyo Japan Yoiko Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) For your creative life.Let's join our club! Not business All free. (Illust , Style , Design , HTML , Art , Car , Joy , Chibita, Yoiko, Chance )
Coco and Jasmine_japan Coco and Jasmine_japan (Kanagawa) -(2000) Website creater Hiro's HomePage (WebDesign , Illustration , Flash , Gallery , Game , Movie , Simulator )
CP-FILM CP-FILM (Tokyo) -(2000) This page is under private management site. Japanese designer yutaka tono's page. (graphic design , illustration , japan , nakano )
COCO and JASMINE_japan COCO and JASMINE_japan (Kanagawa) -(2000) Hiro's HomePage (WebDesign , Illustration , Flash , Gallery , Game , Movie )
the nenga-show 2000 the nenga-show 2000 (Hokkaido) -(1999) design contest of newyear's card,2000 japan (newyear , 2000 , postcard , japan , dragon , art , illustration , comic , money , contest )
HaoHao,takarazuka,hyogo,japan. HaoHao,takarazuka,hyogo,japan. (Hyogo) -(1998) HaoHao's HomePage Picture book, travel essay (picturebook , travel , essay , illustration , design , delicious , dog , taiwan , roc, greece )
The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. (Tokyo) -(1997) The Official Home Page of MPC Co.,LTD. (mpc , clip art, art , design , software , soho , tokyo , japan , chiyoda , kanda )
MAAR-sha, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan MAAR-sha, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -(1997) Publish Art Design Multimedia Visual Font Illustration Picture Technic Job (Publish , Art , Design , Multimedia , Visual , Font , Illustration , Picture , Technic , Job )
Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery (Tottori) -(1996) japan tottori sanin yonago kishimoto Senden Club Yonago Designers Gallery 3d cg ZEKE Shockwave (Shockwave , Japan , design , Tottori , 3DCG , Sanin , Yonago , Gallery , Kishimoto , art , propaganda , illustration , DTP , Club , Designers )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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