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{design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust} + {photograph, photography, photographical, photographic, photo}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
iml-imaging labo iml-imaging labo (Tokyo) - Here is a WEB Gallery of IML, a technical graphic llustrator (pers , photo , graphic , architect , illust , bluepoint, design , animation , property )
nemyu nemyu (Tokyo) - entertainment (Nature , Animal , Plant , Illustration , Design , Picture , Music , Photograph , Postcard , Brand )
PICHICON GRAPHICS PICHICON GRAPHICS (Kyoto) - PICHICON GRAPHICS (photo , illust , pichicon, graphics , design , kyoto )
eroica eroica (Chiba) - design project team eroica eroica is designed in Original Illustration and graphic. Sale of a T-shirt and a postcard. (tshirts , postcard , eroica, graphic , illustration , photo , design , movie )
1969square 1969square (Tokyo) - artist site (1969, art )
TokyoHelmets TokyoHelmets (Tokyo) - The ATSUI group who expresses regardless of genres, such as a photograph, an illustration, and a DTP design. It is under activity in the Tokyo suburbs. (photograph , illustration , design , group , tokyo , dog , Work , Expression , Exhibition )
aple22 aple22 (Fukuoka) - aple22,graphic design,design,art,artist,illust,photo,japanese animation,japan,fukuoka (aple22, graphic , design , art , illust , photo , book , printing , japan , fukuoka )
poperdesign.net poperdesign.net (Shizuoka) - This is gallery site of illstration and Web Design,Movie... (poper, design , illustration , graffic, movie , photo )
magoshi designing magoshi designing (Chiba) - MagoshiDesigning's HomePage (graphicdesign , advertisement , printing , consulting , marketing , salespromotion , illustration , character , photography , public )
Illustration,Map,works-land, Illustration,Map,works-land, (Tokyo) - Illustration Map,works-land, (Illustration , Map , Bird'seye, works , land , make , Draw , Photo , Design )
ozakimay artpage ozakimay artpage (Tokyo) - This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, food , diary , artist , photo , spain , kanji )
pears pears (Kyoto) - The site of pears's funny collection. The name of a site is pears. A producer's name is also pears. It is sending from Kyoto in Japan. It is only a Japanese notation. (pears , GIF , animation , theater , photograph , Illustration , icon , textile , design , Kyoto )
0-KING 0-KING (Tokyo) - Character-Design ART-Direction Illustration WEB-Design leave it to me!!! (WEBDesign , ARTDirection, Illustration , CharacterDesign , art , Illustrator , pro , photo )
ASAMI STUDIO ASAMI STUDIO (Kanagawa) - ASAMI STUDIO's illustrations, photos, photo-diary page. (illustration , photography , photo , diary , web-design , model , figure , grage-kit)
WATER HIP WORLD WATER HIP WORLD (Saitama) - This is creator's homepage. (image , design , photo , designer , illust , illustrator , homepage, photoshop , create , art )
webshop nemyu webshop nemyu (Tokyo) - entertainment (Illustration , Design , Photograph , Cd , Sale , Nature , Animal , Plant , Wonderful , new )
uplift association. uplift association. - we are Japanese and Swiss creative team. Designer, Photographer,Illustrator etc. just pop in!! (design , photograph , art , masato , takahashi , minoru , suwa , hiromitsu, uplift)
Adphics Adphics (Okayama) - web and graphic design, illustration, photography, logo design and animation (web , graphic , design , photography , illustration , web design , okayama , japan , japanese , animation )
mino-mushi mino-mushi (Nara) - masayoshi saeki's Home Page (minomushi, masayoshisaeki, masayoshi , animal , design , illust , movie , photo , insect )
mito0410 mito0410 (Tokyo) - prairiedog photo,illust, Japan (mito , drinker , prairiedog, illust , photo , sake , design , Bar , ikeba, mobile )
S-Bot S-Bot (Tokyo) - Design (Design , Photo , COOL , flash )
shun's hompage shun's hompage (Ishikawa) - shun'homepage is like desiner page. Shun wants to be dezainer.For the future shun will create 3DCG. Thanks. (ohba , art , CG , conputergraphic, design , gonsuke, photo , illustration , lightwave, shunsukeohba)
WaShimo's HomePage WaShimo's HomePage (Fukuoka) - WaShimo's HomePage (travels , photograph , illustration , boooks, reports , engineering , mechanical , designing , science , management )
Lu Shuppan Lu Shuppan (Kanagawa) - The World of Lu Publishing (illustration , art , design , picturebook , animal , photograph , graphicdesign , advertising , music , university )
Slash/One Slash/One (Tokyo) - Design Team Slash/One Homepage. (Team , Design , Illust , slash-one, CG , photo , movie , ISM )
Rental 3D-illustration (2,500 / year) Rental 3D-illustration (2,500\ / year) (Aichi) - Rental 3D-illustration (3,500\ / year) (illustration , rental , Photo , website , image , images , homepage, art , 3Dillustration, design )
Please peep my right brain Please peep my right brain (Hyogo) - psychedelic art (illustration , design , psychedelic , art , poem )
Design Dictionary Design Dictionary (Shiga) - This page is design'spage. The concept of this site are the mood. The photos and illustrations,animations,etc are greatly influenced by the mood. (desgin, flash , photo , illust , movie , cool , mood , fine )
nya miya mi nya miya mi (Kanagawa) - nya miya mi's home Page. (Flash , cat's , photo , illust , 2D , 3D )
SweetVirgin SweetVirgin (Osaka) - hallo,This site is Sweet virgin. como on this site!! (degine, illust , photo )
KAT.S'S WORLD KAT.S'S WORLD (Fukuoka) - KAT.S'S WORLD (KAT.S'S, WORLD , photoshop , Illustrator , web , CG )
ozakimay artpage ozakimay artpage (Tokyo) - This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, mayozaki, diary , artist , photo , spain , espana )
will2luv will2luv (Hyogo) - diary,poem,present,lomo,photo (design , illust , homepage, sunada , diary , dreams , poem , suzu , lomo, photo )
Scraps Company Scraps Company (Kyoto) - Website GALLERY (sample , site , arawone, rawone, HTML , gallery , chat , diary , photo , library )
naomi naomi (Ishikawa) -(2002) welcome to naomi's homepage! (camera , design , illust , art , seragull, holga, pizzicato , fantastic , DJ , photo )
logosdesign*studio logosdesign*studio (Tokyo) -(2002) logos= Art>web.mono.movie.flash.graphic.photo.illust>design (logos , logosdesign, flash , web , movie , graphic , illust , art , photo , HP)
Stylescape.web Stylescape.web (Nagano) -(2002) Illustration and animetion. (Illustration , Image , Pictuer, Paint , Graphic , CG , Anime )
punklemon punklemon (Tokyo) -(2002) artbook&othersite by punklemon (art , artbook, photo , punk )
MacMax MacMax (Saitama) -(2002) Welcome to MacMax.This page is CG-illust and CG-ART GALLERY. (Max, ComputerGraphics , illust , gallery , art , photo , comic , net , design , Mac )
Welcome to KAZZ's room Welcome to KAZZ's room (Ishikawa) -(2002) Illusutrated by KAZZ (illustration , snapshot, dog , cat , taste , handdraw, handmade , design , picture , woodprint)
Jardin Asiatique Jardin Asiatique -(2002) This site is an on-line gallery of K.Nas, a graphic student at the London Institute. You can view a series of college works and self directed illustrations. Photo images of Japanese scenery are also available. (graphics , design , art , London , Institute , photo , cafe , gallery , asia , japan )
NONAME Produce NONAME Produce (Tokyo) -(2002) NONAME (design , illust , photo , circle , waseda , art , create )
MIRUMIRU/ART/ROOM MIRUMIRU/ART/ROOM (Tokyo) -(2002) mirumiru/art/room (art , illustration , design , he, photo , talk , illust , mirumiru , image , do )
SHASHIN KAGAKU CO.,LTD. SHASHIN KAGAKU CO.,LTD. (Shiga) -(2002) Through flexible ideas, rich sensitivity and trustworthy technology, we aim at being a total producer of media. (design , ad , kyoto , CD-ROM , DVD , Planning , Contents , Management , Program , DTP )
JAN DESIGN COMPANY JAN DESIGN COMPANY (Tokyo) -(2002) JAN DESIGN COMPANY is the design work company in Japan. (JAN , JANDESIGN, JANDESIGNCOMPANY, design , web , homepage, glaphics, photograph , illustration , webdesign )
neatical neatical (Kyoto) -(2002) neatical Design's official website. (neatical, design , photo , flash , illust , Kyoto , Nagano )
i-work i-work (Aichi) -(2002) i-work is showing 3DCG illustlation images that is mainly photoreal comics image. (illustlation, design , comics , images , photo , arts , graphic , gallery )
WATs A Wonderful World WATs A Wonderful World (Tokyo) -(2001) Graphic Design,Mystery,Child,essey,Travel, WWW Entertainment Magazine! (Design , Graphic , illustration , travel , Children , Photo , magazine , Bar , Mystery , book )
capsule circuit graphic capsule circuit graphic (Chiba) -(2001) Designing with Photoshop, Illustrator & Flash ! (Web , Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , Quark , SOHO , Mac , design , photo , HTML )
HappyScale HappyScale (Chiba) -(2001) We are HappyScale!! (Happy , Music , Movie , Illust , Photo , Live , design )
transphere transphere (Miyagi) -(2001) The graphic site which made the illustration and the design main. (illustration , graphic , design , photo , techno , art , creator , digital , game , wallpaper )
OsakaZokeiCenter OsakaZokeiCenter (Osaka) -(2001) OsakaZokeiCenter(art&design school/gallery/theater) (art , design , school , cafe , gallery , theater , illust , photo , dessin , artschool)
Labo Design Labo Design (Tokyo) -(2001) We offer free(not acadenic)style art education. desgin,painting,drowing,aclilic,photograph,design & computer graphic. (art , design , desgin, painting , computer , graphic , school , illust , drowing , fashion )
Syl:s line Syl:s line (Okayama) -(2001) Design Web pages with all kinds of objectives in mind Experiment.Such as devised by Syl:s line.....! (graphic , Error , Experiment , Syl:s, line , design , illustration )
ufufuchannel ufufuchannel (Tokyo) -(2001) KANA's Homepage (web , design , cute , Flash , ufufu, ufufu-channel, creator , designer )
gogonest.com gogonest.com (Kumamoto) -(2001) welcom to nestgraphics. (kumamoto , design , diary , photo , illust )
chaos art design chaos art design (Chiba) -(2001) Tsutomu Miyata HomePage (fashion , photo , music , graphic , movie , motion , design , art , chaos , illustrator )
Chowder House Exhibition Chowder House Exhibition (Tokyo) -(2001) Artist Group HomePage (Art , Illustration , Design , photograph , Gallery , Ginza )
SHIMOMOTO'S HOME PAGE SHIMOMOTO'S HOME PAGE (Osaka) -(2001) This site was established as an announcement place of my work. Updating is carried out as soon as new work is made. (illustration , design , photograph , flyer , japan , osaka )
my design my design (Tokyo) -(2001) [bam-boo's HomePage] advertisement flash illust design gallery contribution (flash , photo , illust , design , gallery , contribution )
cutech cutech (Chiba) -(2001) i am japanese designer & illustrater.current works present online. etc.....! (design , illustration , free , music , mobile , photo , recommend , goods , days , cute )
Studio PLEASE Studio PLEASE (Osaka) -(2001) sory japanese only (photo , Illustration , news , design , Homepage, WEBpage, printing , DTP , program , anime )
prism prism (Tokyo) -(2001) Prism is a non-genre creator's web magazine, which aim to stimulate creative viewpoints.In every issue, creators will put their imagination and creativity toward a certain creative focus point. A theme will be setup in every issue. The theme will be developed around the aggregate in the every day life which everyone is familiar with and the aggregate in society, etc. Around the aggregate, elements will be created with the creator's viewpoint. Furthermore, each of that creators work concentrates as an element of a new aggregate in Prism. (prism , Japan , creater, magazine , creative , photo , design , art , illust , viewpoint )
amateur graphics amateur graphics (Saitama) -(2001) graphics (graphic , amateur , photoshop , supercar , nakatani , sakamoto , dog , web , design , music )
WaterHipWorld WaterHipWorld (Saitama) -(2001) this is water hip world. joke,rerax,rabbit,etc. shall we party! (water , frend, design , party , photo , rabbit , soho , relax , illust , world )
DesignEXchange WEB DesignEXchange WEB (Tokyo) -(2001) design,art,,,,material,photo,illust,clipart,sound,movie,font,,,,,artist,creator,, (design , material, digital , photo , illust , font , download , search , artist , designer )
Eb labo Eb labo (Saitama) -(2001) flash movies here!! (flash , web , webdesign , flashmovie , graphic , graphicdesign , design )
various creative house various creative house (Saitama) -(2001) various art(illustration,painting,CG), photograph and shop(original design goods). (art , illustration , painting , photograph , CG , shop , original , design )
may's artpage may's artpage (Tokyo) -(2001) This is may ozaki's site. I live in Tokyo. I'm designer. there are illust,photo,monodiary, in this site. (design , illust , cat , may, mayozaki, diary , artist , photo , spain , espana )
os planning os planning (Aichi) -(2001) desing Macintosh printing an illustration Illustrator Phtoshop planning (desing, Macintosh , printing , an, illustration , Illustrator , Phtoshop, planning )
131 GRAPHIC Home page,Fussa,Tokyo,Japan 131 GRAPHIC Home page,Fussa,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) 131 GRAPHIC is a personnal Graphic Design Office. Please enjoy some ART design and ART information. Please let me know, if you have any comments on my work! (graphic , phtography, T-shirt , fashion , CD , fussa , illustration , poster , rogo)
Creators Channel Creators Channel (Tokyo) -(2001) Global ommunity site for all creators. It has 2 serching engins for serching creators and their works Also, it has abundant in an entertainment contents, too (creator , design , community , work , auction , photograph , illustration , architeuture, advertisement , graphc)
Running Body Running Body (Osaka) -(2001) yas's illust site (illust , photo , mac , macintosh , camera )
Tracisum Magazine Tracisum Magazine (Tokyo) -(2000) Design,Literature,Music,Visual,Illustration,Animation,Photograph and others Information of Art Male Magazine. (MAGAZINE , ART , MUSIC , DESIGN , LITERATURE , MOVIE , ANIMATION , VISUAL , ILLUSTRATION , PHOTOGRAPH )
digital painting & photographic illustrations digital painting & photographic illustrations (Shiga) -(2000) [It] introduces the work and the author of group (DPI) which announces the illustration, the photograph, and the graphic design expressed digitally in the exhibition. Please <bulletin board> hear the secret story etc. of the impression, the question concerning the work, and the manufacture process directly from the author. (digital , painting , photograph , illustration , exhibition , garphicdesign, dpi, group )
MOTOFF-Design MOTOFF-Design (Tokyo) -(2000) MOTOFF Design's Home Page (cgi , Java , C , illust , flush , charactor, design , HomePage)
25 graphic 25 graphic (Yamagata) -(2000) graphic (25 , graphic , CG , kawamura , mac , gallery , bbs )
Yoshiko's HomePage Yoshiko's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2000) tokyo, kodaira, japan. (Illust , Design , Photo , Yoshiko , Sakai , link , Typo, fashion , black )
Illustrator Motoki Yamashita Illustrator Motoki Yamashita (Kanagawa) -(2000) Illustrator Motoki Yamashita's Home Page (illustrator , design , textyle, diving , designer , graphic )
005 Web Project 005 Web Project (Tokyo) -(2000) Homepage & DTP (Homepage, DTP , Design , Photo , Illust , Copy )
SHINKA.Net - creator's LINK SHINKA.Net - creator's LINK (Osaka) -(1999) List of more than one thousand Japanese artists!!,Japanese Only. (CREATOR , ART , FINE ART , DESIGN , ILLUSTRATION , PHOTO , PAINT , CRAFT , LITERATURE , FASHION )
bambino land bambino land (Hyogo) -(1999) norico's Home Page. Graphic Design,Illustration,Photograph,Book....and more! (Graphic , Design , Illustration , Photograph , Book , freepaper , editorial , Tshirt , clock , toy )
Art & Design ELEPHANT HOUSE Art & Design ELEPHANT HOUSE (Tokyo) -(1998) Art,Design,Mac,Online soft,photo,Illustration... (Art , Design , Mac , OnlineSoft, photo , Illustration , ElephantHouse)
MAUD BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS MAUD BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS (Osaka) -(1997) BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS, FOR ARCHITECTS, FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. (graphics , design , book , interior , architect , architecture , photo , picture book , illustration , foreign books, CD-ROM )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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