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{diary} + {illustration, illustrate, illust} + {poem, poetic}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@2={illustration, illustrate, illust}
@3={poem, poetic}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • Nene Aiba's Private Paradise (Gunma) -
    Nene Aiba's HomePage
    (comic, cartoon, mailmagazine, diary, illustration, poem)

  • Cactus forest (Kanagawa) -
    This HP is original works site by Yuki Kaduki. Main menus are illustrations,poems,and materials.
    (illustration, novel, original, fantasy, diary, material, music, poem, translation)

  • Angel's Sleep breath (Tokyo) -
    Don't you go to the ambiguous and wonderful fancy world?
    (poem, writing, painting, Illustration, photo, dirry)

  • the website for bricolage (Miyagi) -
    art,liturature,music,cats...This homepage is owned by Atsushi Kadowaki.The word bricolage is from Levi-Strauss, the French anthropologist.I use it as the works scared up out of tin foil and chewing gum.
    (art, paintings, cats, photos, illustration, watercolor)

  • ACCADEMISM-C (Okayama) -
    This site is written in Japanese.But there are some illust.
    (novels, diary, sell, original, web, design, hobby, illustration, poem, student)

  • iruri (Tokyo) -
    Creative activity from which an original illustration and GETEKIMO character, a soliloquy, and power escaped
    (illustration, Diary, Poetry, 2D)

  • GERO (Tokyo) -
    K.T's room.Poem,painting,diary.....etc.....
    (poem, diary, painting, drowing, BBS, woman)

  • ELEVEN (Shizuoka) -
    Sorry !! Japanese only....
    (psychedelic, funny)

  • Carry out early. I go. (Tokyo) -
    Dobuyamada Tamegoro's HomePage.
    (poetry, illustration, Tamegoro, Dobuyamada, Dobu, diaty, photography, photo, manuscript, collection)

  • poet.illustration.myboomdiary.etc. (Wakayama) -
    (poet, illustration, diary, myboom, boom, of, japan, art)

  • Ring-Ring (Aichi) -
    Tachibana Rinya's HomePage. origenal illust,material and game and poem. Let's enjoy in my HomePage.
    (Ring, illust, game, fortune, poem, report, material, diary, paint, paradise)

  • Melting Point (Kanagawa) -
    This site is treated Mitsu's original illustrations,poems,and novels.
    (Illustration, Novel, Words, Poem, Art, Dialy, BBS, Sentence, mitsu, em)

  • descendant of dragon (Tokyo) -
    Yuna Suiki's HomePage Japanese Only!

  • kokoroito (Chiba) -
    kokoroito HomePage
    (kokoroito, manota, niyuru, poem, illustration, dialy, life, picture, consultation, board)

  • katharine (Kanagawa) -
    Kate Yoshikawa@s HomePage
    (Kate, Yoshikawa, illust, rupo, comic, diary, poem, column, books)

    please come here!
    (anime, animation, toy, illust, comic, marcket, gundam, maskedrider, fanzine, poem)

  • Akihi (Kagawa) -
    Homepage of carefree housewife. Illustration, MIDI, Poetry, diary, etc..
    (Poetry, Animal, Photo, MIDI, Gallery, Illustration, diary, chat)

  • will2luv (Hyogo) -
    (design, illust, homepage, sunada, diary, dreams, poem, suzu, lomo, photo)

  • tearoom enigma (Okayama) -(2002)
    tearoom enigma ... Art
    (poetry, art, diary, AIRHEAD)

  • The place you can hear my another voice (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    There are my original novels(scientific and fantasic story), illustrations and poems. Sorry,this site is written in Japanese only. But I think illustrations and pictures can be understood beyond difference of language. I hope you sense a clear atmosphere and enjoy it. Don't you,too,attempt to listen to the sound in my heart?
    (original, novel, illustration, poem, diary, profile)

    diary * illusion diary * music (THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT, Ringo Shina, BLANKEY JET CITY) and others. Emotion instability and a useless site.
    (Diary, poetry, music, illustration, THEEMICHELLEGUNELEPHANT, ShinaRingo, BLANKEYJETCITY, Emotion)

  • like a blue sky. (Hyogo) -(2002)
    An illustration and poetry are exhibited centering on the photograph taken at the travel place etc.
    (photograph, illustration, poetry, japan, Macintosh)

  • kicca show (Aichi) -(2002)
    This is entertainment! ha-ha-ha.
    (poem, novel, dialy, kicca)

  • hotpot (Tokyo) -(2002)
    mic's HomePage
    (material, cat, memorial, illust, diary, poem, pet, shop, photo, hotpot)

  • Eri's poem (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    It cures and is the homepage of a system. While the author itself fights with depression, the world of poetry or an illustration is built. The contents of a diary are also substantial. There is also a poetic bulletin board. ML is also taken out.
    (poem, illustration, diary, BBS, discussion)

  • Welcome to NORI-P'S WORLD (Tokyo) -(2002)
    There are many furry drawings. it's made in Japan. And colored pencils drawings are so cleary for your heart.
    (drawing, furry, fur, Japanese, artist, art)

  • HEARTMODEL (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    yukari's HomePage

  • Commonplace Homepage!!Yeah!!!japanese (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Welcome to the world that I am full! my world!!my world!! it fool :=) Aiming at the commonplace Homepage, I challenge various kinds of things! But an off page can, and switch has risen somehow so that there are you aiming at the commonplace Homepage. Even it goes not to be depressed with aho-power!! The woman whom there isn't of art runs this and that! Please visit me in right or wrong, us! No no no I will make you order word instead of honorific expression! I visit you and am an order! ...........I..I..I'm sorry sorry...I came to a play, yeah I am very glad and crawl(I am a timid person) But this Homepage is Japanese And this sentence uses translation software In strange English || I'm sorry
    (Diary, aho- movie revue, illustration, poetry, A question of 100, A soliloquy, every day update, Commonplace, A challenge, A fool)

  • MINOR TRANQUILIZER (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    please come here!
    (anime, animation, toy, illust, comic, marcket, gundam, maskedrider, fanzine, poem)

  • Mnemonic Albinism (Saitama) -(2001)
    Welcome to Mnemonic Albinism! Here is FINAL FANTASY fan site. Sorry, this web-site is written in Japanese. All contents in the windows directory belong to Haruno Suzuki. Don't copy, download and distribute them. Best viewed with resolution 800*600 and CSS capable brouser(IE5.5)
    (FF, finalfantasy, HUNTER, illust, CG, gallery, column, review, Tidus, Yuna)

  • floral (Hyogo) -(2001)
    illust,diary and live report and so on.
    (illust, diary, music, picture, BBS, poem, art, Australia, travel, link)

  • lumiere -(2001)
    My website has a diary with my drawing, and it also has poems. Please see my website, and please join me!
    (photo, drawing, illustration, like, yuko, diary)

  • My Revolution HomePage RyuH2O (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Welcome to My Revolution HomePage RyuH2O !! Please enjoy!!
    (Gallery, Song, misato, diary, illustration, J-DSL, RyuH2O)

  • Tachibana's HomePage. (Fukui) -(2001)
    (head, illustration, novel, original, poem, diary)

  • No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Yes!lots of gif-animations,poem,graphics about unknown creatures.
    (gif-animation, poem, graphics, daiary, design)

  • Natsuo no toko (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Natsuo's home page!!
    (photo, illustration, poem, gallery, sco, bbs, dairy, portlate, portrate)

  • Hourakuseri. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Come in!

  • Keiko's Photoshop (Nagasaki) -(2001)
    Keiko's Homepage
    (Cat, Kitten, Photo, Poem, Giants, Retouch, Free, Illust, BBS, Diary)

  • STAR SHIP (Osaka) -(2001)
    Impressions of Comics&movies Diary
    (Comics, Movies, MiyukiTakahashi, Diary, Poem, Illustration, Dog)

  • ANGELINIA (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Aiming to become a cartoonist,Harumi's HomePage.About original poem,essey,illustlation,diary,and MOBIL-SUITS GANDAM.
    (poem, essey, comic, diary, illustlation, MOBIL-SUITS, GAMDAM)

  • Nekomizu-jinja (Akita) -(2001)

  • NIghtMare (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Lqw's Homepage
    (poem, illstration, design, nightmare, post, card)

  • It's a Hiropon (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Hiropon's Home Page Sorry,this page is Japanese only... Poem and story etc...
    (poem, story, link, diary, Bass)

  • hiyoko (Nagano) -(2000)

  • FuckDuck (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Yajyuu's Homepage.original illusts and short story,etc...
    (illust, note, poet, girl, teen, high, school)

  • Saigetu's original collection 2000 the future day (Hiroshima) -(2000)
    saigetu's art homepage
    (water, color, illustration, art, gill, child, lover, future, Diary, poem)

  • CUTEC505 (Niigata) -(2000)

  • arumis house (Mie) -(2000)
    arumis Home Page story,gslarry

  • HELLO! (Osaka) -(2000)

  • (Osaka) -(2000)
    (CG, ugo)

  • 16th Moon (Oita) -(1999)
    Shu Kababa&Ken Kiyotani's HomePage Poem,illustration and words
    (Poem, Words, illustration, 16th, Moon, CG)

  • You can see the blue sea in my room. (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Let's go! my room.This room is very nice!
    (sea, MindRoom, SeaRoom, poem, dairy)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan