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{diary} + {philosophy, philosophical, philosophic}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
DREAMFACTORY (Hyogo) - shiki's homepage (animal , book , mistery, chat , mail , sience, diary , link , study , photo )
Notes of a thinking man (Kanagawa) - Notes of a thinking man (diary , sex , love , pussy , soccer , baggio , hemingwey, maradona, movie , music )
Poem (Nagano) - Poem,thinking,thougt and diary.this page is japanese only. Nagano,Japan (poem , diary , thinking , thougt, morry, philosophy , love , pensively, feeling )
KAELU SPOON (Tokyo) - The comment of a mystery, philosophy, the universe, physics, the essay diary about a throat arm being also good every day. (mystery , philosophy , physics , universe , diary , text , comment , reading , novel , essay )
success (Saitama) - I want to success!! (success )
sweet red-bean broth shiruko (Chiba) - I love philosophy. This is my dialy. HAHAHA (psychology , eliminator , sweet , red-bean, broth, dialy, philosophy )
MANSINYUUGI (Toyama) - Coela_Canth Home Page (philosophy , etc)
Blue Philosophy (Kanagawa) - This site is not sane. (CC, cowgirls, cosmic , cowgirl, blue , philosophy , cosmiccowgirls, DM, drummania , drum )
BLACK or WHITE? (Aomori) - It is the homepage of Inuarai Hasunosuke. I think that anyone can enjoy himself. Please come. (BLACK , WHITE , FUZZY , POEM , DIARY , PHOTO , PHOTOGRAPH , QUESTION , UNION , DOG )
P@ssage (Osaka) - Site "P@ssage" is seeking the CORE of many topics on philosophy, art, literature, motion picture. Site's concept is paving the actual way for the THINGS which seems difficult, using the pictures in connection with Karl Marx, Jean-Luc Godard, Shinobu Orikuchi, and so on. (modern , thought , philosophy , sapiens, Wissenschaft, reason , ratio , passion , critique , space , node , cyber , esthetic , beauty , art , literature , film , cinema , arts , painting , picture , music , baroque , social , economics , Adorno, Benjamin , derrida, Hegel, Kant , foucault, Marx , Godard, zizek, surrealism , deconstruction, structure , OrikuchiShinobu, mode , diary , essay , link , charisma , journal , capital , stamp , ruins , meeting , happening , despair , fate , photo , image , fetishism , image , progressive , rock , crimson , SM , masochism , sadism , fetishism , fetish , feminism , feminine , system , class , history , lover , immorality , art , Eros , custom , scape )
fromstar (Shizuoka) - This page is Japanese only. There are same novels. (tender , novels , novel )
lee (Tokyo) - lee (lee )
tyonmage (Tokyo) - Tyonmage's Home Page (Samurai , a, topknot, traditionalism)
bar hatonosu (Tokyo) - nothing
HOUSE OF THE FUMY (Tokyo) - fumy's Home Page (fumy, fumi , web , contruct, philosophy , diary , java , dhtml , album , music )
EasyTimeplatonic (Shiga) -(2002) philosophy&platonic&love is my private site! (GLoveAndSpecialSauce, platonic , philosophy , private , BenFoldsFive, PulpFiction, love , coffeetime)
EasyTime platonic (Shiga) -(2002) philosophy&platonic&love is my private site! (GLoveAndSpecialSauce, platonic , philosophy , private , BenFoldsFive, PulpFiction, love , coffeetime)
Heito's Phenomenology (Tokyo) -(2002) Chinryu's web page.Sorry,my page is Japanese only.But, if you can understand Japanese,you'll enjoy my intellectually stimulous essays! (phenomenology, philosophy , love , sword , storm , essay , diary , germany , thought , student )
EasyTime platonic (Shiga) -(2002) philosophy&platonic&love is my private site! (GLoveAndSpecialSauce, platonic , philosophy , private , BenFoldsFive, PulpFiction, love , coffeetime)
Heavenzdoor (Kyoto) -(2001) hevenzdoor (wittgenstein, Wizardly, philosophy )
nichijo (Fukuoka) -(2001) nichijo (poem )
adoor's days (Miyagi) -(2001) This page is written in japanesen,sorry. I wrote my everydaylife. (Picture , diary , life , philosophy , way , of, thinking , personal )
retro_freak a go go (Tokyo) -(2001) you might just waste you time, you should not be bothered. (jazz , funk , philosophy , funkjuzz, rock , fashion , ambient , diary , trend , car )
retro_freak a go go (Tokyo) -(2001) you might just waste you time, it is not worth for reading.you should not be bothered. (jazz , funk , philosophy , funkjuzz, rock , fashion , ambient , diary , trend , car )
arinko's page (Tottori) -(2001) arinko's page (Diary , Love , Life , Philosophy , Individual , Self-introduction , Ant , Boyfriend , Girlfriend , Human )
yotsumeya digital (Tokyo) -(2001) yotsumeya's HomePage.You can know about me.Japanese language only. (play , philosophy , essay , dialy, photo , newyork , KoreanJapanese , Koreancooking , books , keyholder )
frisco (Tokyo) -(2000) frisco (McCoy's , Rock , Futsal , Baseball , Riders , Band , Life , Style , Leather , Jeans )
homepage valdubieda (Tokyo) -(2000) This page shows Jiro Asukayama's art(literature,music,play,draws),philosophy(creative,theories),and travel diaries (art , literature , music , rock'n , roll , play , draw , philosophy , science , travel )
ANOTHER JOURNEY (Tokyo) -(1997) ANOTHER JOURNEY 17 (novel , trip , travel , world , cycling , hiking , HitchHiking, backpacking , philosophy , literature , diary )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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