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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{edition, editional, edit} + {make, manufacture, making}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={edition, editional, edit}
@2={make, manufacture, making}


  • (Tokyo) -
    (, DVD)

  • Multi-Writing System Kanagawa Japan (Kanagawa) -
    produce, edit , and writing of mail magazine,
    (mail, magazine, write, edit, paperwork)

  • discmatic (Tokyo) -

  • Context, Inc (Tokyo) -
    Context, Inc.

  • Translation Expert Minos Agency (Saitama) -
    Quality, Speed, Reasonably Priced. Over 800 competent translators, artists and writers. Well-rounded and prompt language services for business, education, government and foreign missions.
    (translation, language, multimedia, interpretation, English, teacher, E-learning, proofreading, editing, lectures)

  • Making Mobile Phone Graphic (Tokyo) -
    Makeing mobile phone graphic for personal computer.
    (Mobile, Phone, Window, Personal, Computer, Graphic, Phote, Size, Edit, Send)

  • dabhand HomePage (Tokyo) -
    dabhand HomePage
    (homepage, illustration, freepaper, advertisement, publicity, magazine, freemagazine, condition, design, editing)

  • Tohoku Eion (Yamagata) -
    The comprehensive production which begins the radio TV program of commercial broadcasting each outside Yamagata within the prefecture, and deals with work at large from the plan of various events etc. in total to CM, a promotion video, and it.

  • CandB Homepage (Aichi) -
    CandB's Homepage
    (plan, editorial, design, creative, marketing, promotion, CandB)

  • museum (Tokyo) -
    DTP museum issue

  • Web Creator in Northern Land (Hokkaido) -
    Web Creator in Northern Land, especially JavaScript/DHTML/CSS.
    (Web, Creator, Hokkaido, Javascript, DHTML, CSS, Edit, Design, Game, Maintenance)

  • Daishin Printing Co., Ltd. (Osaka) -
    Daishin Printing Co., Ltd. is Total Printing & Publishing Solution Company at Osaka Japan.
    (Osaka, Printing, Prepress, DTP, Desktop, Publishing, Out, sourcing)

  • Web Frames (Gifu) -
    Web Frames's HomePage
    (web, HP, html, xhtml, cgi, javascript, bbs)

  • DVD duplicator (Tokyo) -
    CD& DVD short run duplkication service

  • Return To Castle Wolfenstein Map Editting Japan (Tokyo) -
    Return To Castle Wolfenstein Map Editting Tutorials
    (rtcw, wolfenstein, map, editting, tutorial, castle, return, make, edit, radiant)

  • EDIT's HomePage (Nagasaki) -

  • cut:ana design (Kanagawa) -
    It is the site of the comprehensive production cut:ana design (KATANA DESIGN) with which it deals from a WEB design to plane graphics, an image, and sound producing. I develop the concept work set by each business plan based on the design which thought the heart Wabi-Sabi of Japan as important.
    (katana, WEB, HTML, DTP, VJ, DJ, design, image, graphic, japan)

  • creativecast (Tokyo) -
    (creativecast, graphicdesigner, editor, webdesigner, eastside)

  • KS Service's Home Page (Tokyo) -
    Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan.
    (DTP, PDF, Windows, input, layout, print, Setagaya)

  • Move Emotions (Saitama) -
    Move Emotions is Digital Design Production.We are making Movie and WEB Design.
    (move, emotions, movie, web, design, edit, editing, streaming, homepage, digital)

  • Kotani Film (Tokyo) -
    9 minute short films might replace the90 minutes movies as 50 minutes symphonies became was beaten by 5minute pops.
    (short, film, movie, image, director, edit, mpeg, real, audition, media)

  • MojiBakation (Tokyo) -
    DTP and WEB biginer's Page.
    (mojibakation, DTP, WEB, Digital)

  • BORG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENTS -official web- (Saitama) -
    Sound Produce <Compose,Arrange, Rap, Vocals>, Recording Studio <ProTools24|MixPlus system>, Street Dance School<Locking, New Soul>, Voice Trainning, WEB Design<HTML, JavaScript>
    (Hip Hop, Dance Music, Sound Produce, Locking, House, Dance School, Recording, Mixing, Studio, Remix)

  • Eizou Gijuku Gakuin's Home Page (Tokyo) -
    (egg, studio, TV, movie, DV, film, tape, MA, school, camera)

  • KS Service Windows DTP (Tokyo) -
    KS Service's HomePage Windows DTP
    (Windows, DTP)

  • INNOCE CO.,LTD (Tokyo) -
    INNOCE-Services include Web Site Design,Building,and Renovation,plus Bookediting and Planning.
    (edit, design, innternet, planning, innoce, web, publish, designer, editor, book)

  • computer service kashiwa,chiba,japan (Chiba) -

  • Books&Magagine Editional Office TechDOC (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    We are writing and edit production of the book and magazine. It copes with an extensive medium to development of a program, mastering of the CD-ROM and DVD. TechDOC copes with it widely from the advanced technology document and the program to the article for the beginner.
    (marketting, certificate, translation, university, labolatry, sales, strategy, distribution-channel)

  • coordinator Michiko Zentoh web site. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    visual/cultural coordination, language assisting , visual production, etc...'Michiko Zentoh website'
    (coordinator, coordination, visual, cultural, language, assisting, japan, tokyo, cordination, cordinator)

  • The Editorial Workshop (Kyoto) -(2002)
    This is the workshop where master of the book editorial is working on your own books. Translations, writing, or cricizeing creative writing is also accepted.
    (editorial, writing, translation, pablishing, printing, DTP)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Jspec's HomePage

  • Band Wagon Inc. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Band Wagon Inc.
    (Band, Wagon, machineta, broadband, web, movie, DVD)

  • Multimedia Design Studio DESIGN LIFE (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Web Design & Multimedia Title

  • Nuclear Graphic Arts (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Graphic Desginers

  • ARMS EDITION (Ibaraki) -(2002)

  • Make your MIDI Good! (Tokyo) -(2002)
    A PRO Helps your MIDI systems & songs
    (DTM, MIDI, Recording, Mix, CDR, HDR, Song, Vocal, demo, Studio)

  • officewill (Tokyo) -(2002)
    officewill's web site
    (Desk, Top, Publishing, Women, Work, DTP)

  • asuwado (Wakayama) -(2002)
    An image plan and edit Homepage creation etc. is done.
    (Image, zero, Homepage, School, media, works, Event, Design, Advertising, asuwado)

  • Rewritehouse Kazu (Hyogo) -(2002)
    I'm sorry,but this homepage describe Japanese only. Various Tape (spoken) transcribe written language and IT instruction catered for at our site.
    (SOHO, edit, tape, personal, computer, layout, excel)

  • RYU'S ART COMPOSITION (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (Illustrator, Photoshop, DTP, Mac, font, tokyo, RYU'S, Quark, water, suprion)

  • Surrealism (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Surrealism.Yuichiro's HomePage.
    (Surrealism, Surreal, SimCity3000, Special, Edition, Story, Game, Hokkaido, Sapporo, NailArt)

  • sport's man (Tokyo) -(2001)
    sprt's man is oidon's home page(japan)

  • DOLPHIN CORPORATION (Tokyo) -(2001)
    AD is fun
    (AD, PLANNING, DESIGN, WEB, internet, dolphin, editrial, tie-up)

  • Shinjo Digital Infomation Center. (Yamagata) -(2001)
    Shinjo Digital Infomation Center. Produced by Ad-design, Inc.
    (broadband, printing, hosting, DV, web, mall, market, school, streaming, ISP)

  • Welcome to the WriteStaff's Home Page (Tokyo) -(2001)
    WriteStuff offer high quality English wirting, editing and translation services. Our staffs are experienced writers and editors in the scene.
    (translation, editing, writer, editor, native, english, copy, rewriting, Japanese, writing)

  • Media-Beacon (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Media Beacon's HomePage
    (Media, Beacon, media-beacon, edit, editing, publication, book)

  • artract (Tokyo) -(2001)
    artract's HomePage

  • office Yunde's HomePage (Nara) -(2001)
    Sakurai, Nara, Japan.
    (mailmagazine, contents, copywriter, nara, salespromotion, shop, planning, smalloffice, assist, webmaster)

  • making press master disc and duplicatuin CD-R manufactured by Sound Lab Nakata (Osaka) -(2001)
    manufactured by Sound Lab Nakata. making CD-DA press master disc
    (CD-DA, CD-R)

  • Jyocos Inc HomePage (Aichi) -(2001)
    Nagoya, Japan, Jyocos
    (jyocos, nagoya, web, design, writing, writer, gpaphic, ad, press, copy)

  • MilkBar (Saitama) -(2001)
    japanese film-maker's forum, milkbar
    (milkbar, NLE, CG, miniDV, japanese, filmmaking, filmmaker, forum)

  • plusmedia (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    PlusMedia HomePage
    (plusmedia, sapporo, word, processor, web, pdf, animation, graphic, cg, hp)

  • atelier POLARIS (Chiba) -(2001)
    On line Promnade by atelier POLARIS,a professional unit for the creative works.
    (DTP, Editorial, Web, Writing, Photograph, Gallery, Graphic, SOHO, Design, Printing)

  • carabiner (Tokyo) -(2001)
    A virtual office created on the Internet by four freelance professionals
    (writer, designer, translator, illustrator, manual, DTP, design)

  • StrayCats (Tokushima) -(2001)
    StrayCats is small miscellaneous goods shop selling creation thing with a personal computer.
    (StrayCats, PcCreater, Windows, DOS/V, PcRescue, DvEditing, Bookbinding)

  • StrayCats (Tokushima) -(2001)
    StrayCats is small miscellaneous goods shop selling creation thing with a personal computer.
    (StrayCats, PcCreater, Windows, DOS/V, PcRescue, DvEditing, Bookbinding)

  • From Ashiya (Hyogo) -(2000)
    From Ashiya
    (Wave, Editor)

  • DTP guide with Japanese (Kyoto) -(2000)
    Guide for DTP with Japanese
    (DTP, publishing)

  • Memory dial editor programing (Japanese Only) -(2000)
    Japanese Only.
    (memory dial, programing, cellular phone, edit, free, mail magazine, personal computer, software, of one's own making, sample program)

  • kaneki printing industry co.,jp homepage.japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    kaneki printing indutry co.,ltd 's homepage

  • Media Office Pixelart (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    MOP's HomePage
    (HomePage, web-design, CG, ScreenSaver, Kaleidoscope, CyberMuseum)

  • Editional Prodaction ReviewMagazineGroup (Tokyo) -(2000)
    edition design homepage make staff expert
    (edition, design, homepage, make, staff, expert)

  • kk karatt Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    kk karatt
    (publishing, web, EditorialMagazine, karatt)

  • plan's act (Tokyo) -(2000)
    advertisement adition
    (advertisement, edition, event, planning, commercial, design, publicity, agent)

  • LunaNet (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Luna Net Home Page : Soft/HP/PC/Deta/ Japanes Only!
    (LunaNet, soft, HP)

  • PacciWorks Web (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Translation, Desktop Publishing, Web Authoring, Icon
    (Translation, Internet, Intranet, Interface, Icon, SOHO)

  • welcome to DeskOh (Tokyo) -(1998)
    welcome to DeskOh
    (DeskOh, PublicInformation, PlanningProduction, WritersGroup)

  • AJEC (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Tokyo, Japan.
    (publishing, magazine)

  • Tonescape Production (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Converts DAT to Music CD-R. Can Convert DAT(48KHz) to DAT(44.1KHz) digitally as well. Noise shaving also possible.
    (Music, CD-R, sampling, rate, conversion, editing, noise, shaving)

  • We can create PDFs for Acrobat Reader. (Fukui) -(1996)
    The home page of Garan is just updated with animation GIFs and a PDF file.Please visit our site, and enjoy animated GIFs created by Ahiru. You can download them if you found a favorite GIF. Please order to Garan for creating and distributing English PDFs if you need it in Japan.
    (Internet Presence provider, Editing, Publishing, agency, consultation)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan