International Language Academy Services, Nagasaki, Japan (Nagasaki) - We are an institution in Nagasaki that helps people of all ages learn English. We also prepare students for studying abroad, for entrance exams, for tests such as the TOEFL, TOEIC, and Eiken. Our software department develops Windows programs that help aid in the learning process. (English, Software, Education, study, abroad, teach, America)
Cambridge Young Learners tests for age 7 to 12 (Tokyo) -(2000) University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate newly developed Young Learners Tests for age 7 to 12. The reason for developing the tests is a response to changes in the school carriculum in many countries, with children starting to learn English at an earlier age. There are three levels; Starters,Movers, Flyers. Everyone receives an 'award' which shows the level they reached in each part of the test. (step, acet, jalt, japec, english, cambridge, school, international, education, yle)
ANDIC (Fukuoka) -(2000) We have opened our new cram school in Fukuoka Prefectre. We hope you will soon visit our Home Page. We show you the differences between other cram schools and us. (cram, school, education, study, program, ANDIC, Fukuoka, learning, examination)