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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{electron, electronics, electronic} + {friend, pal, intimacy, chum, buddy} + {mail, mailing}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={electron, electronics, electronic}
@2={friend, pal, intimacy, chum, buddy}
@3={mail, mailing}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • Plat Mail magazine (Tokyo) -
    this HP is japanese only
    (mail, e-mail, hot, handy, change, couple, friend, stedy)

  • Magic Mail magazine (Tokyo) -
    This sight is for all Lovers.
    (mail, e-mail, hot, handy, change, couple, friend, stedy)

  • club-address (Saitama) -
    You can send and receive your e-mail using another mail address registered by our Club Address !
    (address, e-mail, mobile, spam, internet, i-modo)

  • FriendRYU (Kanagawa) -
    Let's talk with Japanese and Get wonderful goods!
    (Japanese, friends, email, penpal, job, search, chat, MSN, Japan)

  • 1616mail (Osaka) -
    looking for a emailfriend?? use your cellular phone to meet new people online by using email.

  • E-mail Friend Wanted (Tokyo) -
    Let's find e-mail friends from all over the world!
    (mail, friend, wanted)

  • OitaChatCircle (Oita) -
    Here is chat site in oita japan.
    (oita, e-mail, mail, friend, love)

  • Shigacco Club (Shiga) -
    Welcome to shigacco club. Our club is shiga e-mail circle. The almost all member live in Shiga Pref. and KINKI AREA. Please join us and have fun!!
    (Shiga, KINKI, Circle, e-mail, Male, Female, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, party)

  • Under the tree of the cherry tree of Okayama (Okayama) -(2002)
    It is the encounter system site centering around an Okayama person. There are the chat and Okayama person limitation chat etc. of a worry. I request it very much, because I am scheduled to be going to increase it all from this, although be possible and be new.
    (chat, e-mail, Friend, Encounter)

  • CapterTowns J-TOWN (Tokyo) -(2002)
    ALL FREE! You can make nice friendly relation to all people who live in over the world by BBS, Chat, Pen Pal and others.
    (Free, English, Foreign, BBS, Chat, Japanese, Asian, romance, marriage, e-mail)

  • glory be (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    This is site for penpal,union and HP items.
    (penpal, letter, mail, email, union, free, icon, line, botton, friend)

  • ICQ & E-mail Boys and Girl. (Osaka) -(2001)
    (iseeyou, Q, E-Mail, boys, girl, love, friend, kamikaze, adult, meet)

  • I like dog! (Aichi) -(2001)
    dog mail
    (pet, mail)

  • Pon's Room (Kochi) -(2001)
    (kochi, pon, friend, outlookexpress, news, get, child, joy, money, mail)

  • MYDO (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    This SITE is existed for J-PHONE user.
    (J-PHONE, Lng, E-Mail)

  • find! mail friends (Gifu) -(2001)
    find! mail friends
    (find!, mail, friends)

  • EasyMall (Hyogo) -(2000)
    ryosuke's HomePage
    (friend, mall)

  • Tarui (Gifu) -(2000)
    Tarui,Fuchu,Osa,Miyasiro,Iwade,Kurihara,etc. Tarui,Gifu,Japan
    (Gifu, Fuwa, Tarui-cho, Tarui, Fuchu, Miyashiro, Iwade, Kurihara, e-mail, friend)

  • HinamerumanyuSige (Tokyo) -(2000)
    outlookexpress hinagata(background) setup
    (hinagata, syosinsya, dennshimeil, merutomo, MIDI, OE, music, background, gazou, OutlookExpress)

  • A Lovely Meeting (Chiba) -(2000)
    This site is made for everyone being able to seek lovely meeting without regard to nationality orsex or age.
    (World, chat, Bulletin, board, bbs, Find, e-mail, friends, U.S.A., Canada)

  • mailware pman (Saitama) -(2000)
    MailWare PMAN! Easy Mailing List!
    (mailing, mail, PMAN, POST, easy, mailware, email, imode, list, free)

  • DOOR TO THE WORLD (Niigata) -(2000)
    (JAPAN, friend, culture, Japanese, English, e-mail, exchange)

  • K-Project Home (Tokyo) -(2000)
    I introduce about KIMIYOSHI & INSPIRE. We are musicians. So we talk about rock & pop music. We hope you enjoy our homepage.
    (music, band, vocal, love, DVD, CD, email, MP3, Artist, chat)

  • beginner (Aichi) -(2000)
    mail friend

  • mail friend (Aichi) -(2000)

  • 0 START group POTTO 2000 (Tokyo) -(2000)
    0 Start Group POTTO 2000
    (postpet, email, mail, pet, free)

  • Love Net A free area other encounter link collection (Okayama) -(2000)
    Amount of area another encounter probability. I support a wonderful encounter than a heart.
    (area, encounter, lover, link, collection, email, friend, love, search, Imminent)

  • IHONO/World of World (Aichi) -(2000)
    IHONO is creator group.Poet,Musician,Illustrator creat the Poetry Reading Musics.If you join them,come by all means!
    (IHONO, world, poet, Musician, illustrator, poem, friend, music, japan, E-mail)

  • meltomo club2000 (Ehime) -(2000)
    meltomo club 2000 The site where a Japanese friend and lover are found The 21st century new form meltomo This site is the place where a friend is found by E-mail (All of a cellular phone in Japan can access this)
    (friend, E-mail, meltomo, Japanese, iMODE, J-SkyWeb, phone, EZweb, 21st, correspondence)

  • InterChange (Nagano) -(2000)
    E-Mail friend and Ski Information
    (E-Mail, friend, Ski)

  • Uran's HomePage (Tokushima) -(2000)
    Uran's HomePage Please visit us! MyPet's&PostPet
    (Uran's, HomePage, Dog, e-mail, friend, Dachshund)

  • shuukan deainoie (Tokyo) -(2000)
    deai homePage

  • TopFreebies Net -(2000)
    free service on the internet: free money, email,homepage, gusetbook, friend, rent,job...
    (free money, email, homepage, guestbook, friend, rent, job)

  • TRANSJAWS English Services (Hyogo) -(2000)
    I have Web pages for English study and Translation Services. Many of my Japanese members really seek language exchange partners.(English and Japanese) If you like, please send me your profile and I will put it on my page.
    (Penpal, Japanese, Email, Friend, Translation, Services)

  • Jpals Email Club -(2000)
    Email Club for Japanese girls to make email or pen pal friends all over the world!
    (pen pal, email, friends, club, bbs, penfriend, penpal, friend, jpals)

  • Free English Mag! Ajet E - Mag World (Gunma) -(2000)
    Please visit our homepage and find Japanese e-mailfriend!
    (Penfriend, Japanese, Penpal, e-mail, friend, FreeE-mailMag)

  • h.s Home Page E-mail friend (Toyama) -(2000)
    (toyama, E-mail, friend)

  • Mail Friend Park (Niigata) -(2000)
    Lets Make a Mail Friends
    (meet, lover, mail, email, friend)

  • VISION CLUB (Nagano) -(2000)
    mail frend
    (E-MAIL, LOVE)

  • JukuJapan -(1999)
    Jukujapan is an interactive Japanese to English study system for Japanese people. Japanese people converse with English people using e-mail. We answer questions,help with English language problems, talk about hobbies and interests,become friends.
    (english, study, school, juku, jukujapan, friend, e-mail, language, conversation)

  • Kinochan's Toybox (Gifu) -(1998)
    I want many friends over the world.Please contact me on ICQ and E-mail.
    (E-mail, chat, kinochan, friend, pet, corolla, sheltie)

  • Cosmopolitan Xpress -Directory- -(1998)
    Super directory of web sites for the oversea Japanese & students studying abroad! Besides seek a penpal living abroad on BBS it offers !
    (japan, japanese, penpal, personals, friendship, e-mail, mate, communication, CrossCulture, international)

  • Kinochan's Toybox (Gifu) -(1998)
    I want many friends over the world.Please contact me on ICQ and E-mail.
    (E-mail, chat, kinochan, friend, pet, collora, MP3)

  • ore depot (Saitama) -(1998)
    you can find postpet and email friends
    (find, postpet, and, email, friends)

  • KoibitoSagasi (Kanagawa) -(1998)

  • search friend (Gifu) -(1998)
    search friend

  • Joyous Club (Tokyo) -(1997)
    [E-mail Friend link][Side Business link]
    (E-mail Friend, link, SideBusiness)

  • mail bank gypsy (Tokyo) -(1997)
    mail bank gypsy
    (communication, clover, mail, address, account, message, provider, gypsy, bank, friend)

  • Stardust-Cafe Community (Osaka) -(1997)
    This is the page to meet many international friends. chating-room E-mail-friend bulletin-board etc.
    (chat, bulletin-board, bbs, ICQ, mail, e-mail, friend, international, japanese, english)

  • Angel's Kiss (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Present of Email and Homepage
    (email, address, free, present, account, introduction, friend, association, production)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan