(Tokyo) - It is the searching engine of the sight which offers the free material for the web of the home page. Category it has done to divide the many free material sight finely. The method which has the free material sight the propriety register (GIF, Free, Material, Home Page, Anime, 3D, Font, Line, MIDI, Thema, Banner, Link, Search Engine, submit)
(Aichi) -(2002) It is the limited registration type search engine of a text site and a material site. I am waiting for your registration. (TESTER, web, ranking, search, link, text, material, limited, site, T/L/R)
(Osaka) -(2001) There is a search engine sight which installs the Amigo Navigator. There is an impression that specification makes rather strong. For example in order not to be able to call the CGI directly from outside, the CGI wrapper is set at specified value. Therefore like every night it seems that bets the program register on new arrival of the bulletin board and the search engine keeping out " the customer who is not caused " it is convenient to to do. Perhaps it is something where the operator who has the bitter experience where with the other search engine it was bothered in the awful repetition register and the like arrives lastly. Specification for hard user, with it probably is the place where you said? (CGI Wrapper, Add URL, Site Registration, Search Engine Program, Perl Script, Recomendation, URL Submit Guide, URL Notice, Freeware Script, What's New)
(Tokyo) -(2000) Mother of search engines worldwide is a collection of search engines, linking plus 1,000 search engines from 132 countries worldwide. (search, engines, worldwide, metasearch, directories, links, add, register, submit, free)
-(1999) An exchange studnet studying in America made his homepage!Contents are the followings: Recipe of Japanese dish, Diary of a Japanese exchange student, and more. (Japan, Diary, USA, America, cooking, recipe, seach, engine, link, abroad)