KYOTO KYOTO JAPAN (Kyoto) - SHINKAI'S HOPEPAGE. This site was produced by Shinkai Hajime. There are many pictures here. Airplane's foto taken in KANSAI Airport. And foto of traveling. I have bennto AUS, UK ,Honk Kong, Austria, Paris and Germany. (KIX, spotting, foto, travel, UK, Austraia, Austria, Paris, Airplane, NH)
Free Store Club (Chiba) - AJIBOU PRESENTS A COMPLETELY UNIQUE CONCEPT FOR CHANGING DEBT TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS THROUGH THE FREE STORE CLUB. (profits, wealth, onlineshop, stepbystep, freemarket, residualincome, automateprocess, monthlyfee10$, soho, ebusiness)
THE JAPAN-BRITISH SOCIETY (Tokyo) - The Japan-British Society Official Website. Founded in 1908. A membership organisation for promoting Anglo-Japanese relations. Some 2,000 members registered. (japan, british, Japan-British, Society, JBS, International, Organisation, Anglo-Japanese, relations, bilateral)
Photo (Aichi) -(2002) Dear travel and football lover. You will see my pictures whichi took in Japan and other countries mainly Europe. This website also has football pages. Have a look!! (Europe, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido, Japan, Alps, Paris, England, Barcelona, Italy)
Bo-Bear Japan web (Hyogo) -(2002) The official Japanese web site of Bo-Bear Design, UK, established by Stacy Lee Terry, the England's most famous teddy bear artist. (Teddybear, teddy, Bo-bear, R*fur, Bo, Artistbears, England, Teddybearshop, FatDallys, Stacey)
Furniture and Interior Plaza Arai (Saitama) -(2002) Furniture & Interior Plaza Arai gathers the highest standard handcrafted furniture, rich upholstery, luxury curtains, brand-new window treatment items, lightings and floor coverings from all over the world. Arai is also specialized in Interior Coordination and Decoration from the standpoint of various Interior Styles. (Furniture, Lacquer, Tansu, Hepplewhite, Sheraton, Cabinet, Restoration, Upholstery, Interior, Carpet) (Kanagawa) -(2001) The officilal website of the rock band Acma, Influenced mainly by UK alternative rock. Including the lateset news, live schedule, discography, lyrics and diary of members. (Acma, UK, rock, indie, indies, punk, Radiohead, alternative, japan, diary)
A ROAD AMONGST MOUNTAINS (Hokkaido) -(2001) Welcome to our homepage documenting our travels by bicycle from Japan to England. We are not sure how long it will take us, nor exactly how many kilometres we will have to cycle, but we have given ourselves two years in which to complete the journey, or until our money runs out. (bicycle, travel, justin, miyuki, Japan, to, England)
MG Owners' Club of Sapporo,Japan (Hokkaido) -(2001) MGF,RV8,MGB,Midget,1100,MGA owners gather and move into action as a one make club of MG. There is this club as the center of activity in Sapporo-shi of Hokkaido and, however, can cooperate to a MG owner of all over Japan so that a member is in all parts of Japan. MG Owners' Club of Sapporo,Japan is the club which put its heart and soul into amateurism for a MG owner. (MGOC, MG)
Rabaul 2000 (Kanagawa) -(2000) Photo report of Rabaul,Papua New Guinea,the island of volcano and battlefield of World war 2. (rabaul, papua, newguinea, new, britain, japan, ww2, war, pacific, marine)
JoviJovaCrazy (Saitama) -(2000) this is jovijovacrazy. jovijova-japanese monty python, today. for jovi-mania, for pythonian! (JoviJova, MontyPython, comedy, illustration, subculture, MichaelPalin, TerryGilliam, MontyPathon'sFlyingCircus, BritishComedy, JapaneseComedy)
Cult-O-Kai (Aichi) -(1998) The 'Cult-O-Kai' is Japanese European car mania group. We love European car more than all around car of the world. We don't put emphasis on the scientific side. It is a feeling of the rather comfortable society place. I am poor at English. But, I am waiting for the visit from the world. (ImportCar, Japan, Europe, European-car)
Unitech Systems, India -(1998) We offer IT consulting and Software services, value added Technical Japanese translation of software documents, Multimedia and Internet services. (Unitech Systems, India, India, Software companies in India, Technical Japanese translation, Japanese, Multimedia, Internet, IT in India)
The British Sub.Aqua Club (Saitama) -(1998) The BSAC was formed in London in the autumn of 1953 by a number ofpersons interested in underwater activities whose aim was topromoteunderwater exploration, science and safety in these activities. Theclub's founder was Oscar Gugen. assisted by Peter Small, a keen diver who tragically died a few years later in the world's first dive to thedepth of 1,000 feet. Today The BSAC has some 55,000 members which makes it the largest singlediving Club in the world. HRH The Prince of Wales has beenPresident of TheBritish Sub Aqua Club since1974 when hesucceeded his father, Prince Philip, HRHThe Dukeof Edinburgh. In 1993 he attended the BSAC40thanniversary banquet in the Guildhall, London.Prince Charles is a trained diver who has taken anactive part in BSAC diving. (The, British, Sub, Aqua, Club, BSAC, Japan, diving, School, world)