LOVE YOUR ENGLISH - Want to learn English but no motivation? Come to my site and get ideas from other learners and teachers here. Do not miss the free English composition editting service available now. Sorry, this site is for Japanese readers only. (TOEIC, TOEFL, Conversation, English, travel, essay, study, language, USA, AUstralia)
International Language Academy Services, Nagasaki, Japan (Nagasaki) - We are an institution in Nagasaki that helps people of all ages learn English. We also prepare students for studying abroad, for entrance exams, for tests such as the TOEFL, TOEIC, and Eiken. Our software department develops Windows programs that help aid in the learning process. (English, Software, Education, study, abroad, teach, America)
ABC PLUS ENGLISH SCHOOL (Aichi) - Located in Nagoya, Japan, ABC PLUS ENGLISH SCHOOL is a continually expanding company. However, it is not a huge franchise chain of English schools; our focus is on building up valued clientele and positive reputation in the local community. The students' ages range from 1 year old to adults, although the majority of students are children. Teachers have the opportunity to get to know their students on an individual basis, building up a relationship with them over time, and use an original syllabus and a wide range of teaching materials and methods to teach them. Not only do teachers develop good relationships with students, but the working environment is friendly and provides the opportunity to make life-long friends. Contact us if you are interested! (job, work, working holiday visa, RECRUITMENT INFORMATION, English for kids, English school, school, phonics, class, lesson, native speaker, English teacher, teacher, visa, instructor, teaching, teach, conversation, full time worker, part time worker, application, applicant, language, English, Japanese, EFL, TESOL, TESL, TOEIC, TOEFL, eiken, gaijin, USA, the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, Aichi, Nagoya, foreigner)
Kansai International High School (Osaka) -(2002) Native speakers of English teach not only English Conversation classes at our school but also Biology, Earth Science, Health, Physical Education, Math and Preparation for TOEIC/TOEFL. By graduating from our school, you will be able to acquire the qualification to enter a good college or university and will be considered a high school graduate approved by the Japanese Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry. (English, Conversation, StudyingAbroad, Homestay, HighSchool, kikokuseito, International, Eiken, Toeictaisaku, Toefltaisaku)
I'm NEVER a TOEIC Score Chaser, but... (Tokyo) -(2002) I have been taking TOEIC test since 1998. My latest score is 730. Why don't you come to my site and be my friend ? My hobbies are composing music & playing tennis. (TOEIC, English)
Alph Institite Of Foreign Languages (Saitama) -(2001) A small English and French language school located near JR Kawaguchi Station. Its monthly-tution-payment system allows you to enroll in / withdraw from the course freely. All qualified and caring instructors! Just come and see what's available for you. Thanks! (Alph, English, French, Slep, Test, Step, Kawaguchi, Native, Speakers, Study)
Tess Language School (Tokyo) -(2001) Tess Language School is looking for responsible full- time/part-time English teacher. Preferably female for teaching chidren and adults. Near Shinagawa, Kamata stations, in Tokyo. (English, Conversation, TOEIC, TOEFL, the, system, of, training)
POSIPOSI (Tokyo) -(2000) Magic Listening is the first hyper-training for listeningin the world. Magic Listening revolutionize your mode of listening. (TOEIC, TOEFL)
English News Online (Kyoto) -(1999) English News Online is sponcered by The New York Times, The Times, The Sunday Times and FOREIGN AFFAIRS. It provides you their English news and articles annotated in Japanese as well as its Mail Magazine English News Letterwith a lecture on How to read fast. (English, news, exam, examination, TOFEL, TOEIC, Times, data, information)