Tinnitus (Tokyo) - the review of a movie, a diary (memo), etc. -- almost -- it has updated every day -- * (EMINEM, t.A.T.u, Avril, Lavign, bring, it, on!)
FOREIGN-FRIEND-FINDER for KEITAI-TEENS (Chiba) - Teens Special Edition of a popular international e-pal web-site for between Japanese and foreigners, All free, 70s young Japanese women who want to take foreigner friends for learning English, exchange each culture and others. Useable on Keitai, i-mode and j-sky. (i-mode, j-sky, keitai, cellular, student, mail, friend, message, chatroom, chat)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, homestudy, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, study room, study, entrance examination, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, on line study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, children, materials, math story problems, English grammar, homework, education, living abroad, studying on lines, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shichida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo-itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aida-hotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikushigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Kansai International High School (Osaka) -(2002) Native speakers of English teach not only English Conversation classes at our school but also Biology, Earth Science, Health, Physical Education, Math and Preparation for TOEIC/TOEFL. By graduating from our school, you will be able to acquire the qualification to enter a good college or university and will be considered a high school graduate approved by the Japanese Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry. (English, Conversation, StudyingAbroad, Homestay, HighSchool, kikokuseito, International, Eiken, Toeictaisaku, Toefltaisaku)
Kosho Gakuen (Saga) -(2002) We are NO.1 Juku at Kashima City, Sage. Thank you. (kousho, Toshin, Juku, English)
Chamu -(2002) it is a site made by high school student who is in USA and I told my school life, diary and etc... I really wanna people visit and love my site a lot!!! but it is Japanese site only. there are some pic!! (America, Japanese, language, high, school, student, love, study, Japan, Diary)
Chamu -(2002) it is a site made by high school student who is in USA and I told my school life, diary and etc... I really wanna people visit and love my site a lot!!! but it is Japanese site only. there are some pic!! (America, Japanese, language, high, school, student, love, study, Japan, Diary)
nanryo upper secondary school (Saitama) -(2001) Nanryo Upper Sedondary School Official Site. Introduction of Nanryo high school in Japan. Seeking oversees schools which would like to have the international exchange activities -- exchanging Emails or students etc. (Japan, Saitama, Toda, school, education, English, language, student)
KITTY'S READING PROJECT (Tokyo) -(2001) We invite you to our High School English (Reading) classroom. We can share our learnings through BBS linked to our HP. Learning kits are on the HP. (Learning, Highschool, English, Reading)
English Wordland (Gunma) -(2001) ENGLISH WORDLAND welcomes you who want to learn English words effectively (English, vocaburary, words, German, Latin, sound-correspondence, verbs)
Bungo Fukui's Homepage (Tokyo) -(2001) The purpose of this site is to provide with the best ways of mastering English language especially for high school and university students, and matured adults. (English, language, school, education, grammar)
ryugakunet (Tokyo) -(2000) Ryugakunet is a support website for people who arrange overseas study by themselves. As well as being a site that offers numerous services and information, including honest feedback from current overseas students, details of foreign institutions and on-line study abroad counseling etc, it provides information for prospective students in addition to being an interactive community space for current students abroad and people with previous overseas experience. (study, abroad, ESL, Language, school, International, University, College, Homestay, English)
Kawagoe High School (Mie) -(2000) Kawagoe High School is renowned in Mie prefecture for excellent jobs in both Academic and sports area. Many students will enter well-known universities. Our basketball, track and field, and Karate teams participated in the national tournaments. Recently, Three boys won the first prize in the national High School Quiz Contest. We have General course and English course, and provide diverse types of education. The teachers are ready to help the students with their study. Many students visit staff rooms and ask questions. We are ready to accept exchange students and returnee students from other countries. We have 2 ALTs, one from the US, and the other from Britain. (kawagoe, High, School, Mie, Quiz, resident, returning, returnee, english)
Whistle World (Osaka) -(2000) Please come to my homepage if you are interested to internationalaization. thanks... (test, english, science, international, internationalaization)