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Word(s): @={erosion}

/ eros /

  • Hakuba and Otari, Nagano, Japan (Nagano) -
    Information of the construction on route148 and neighborhood from Hakuba to Otari, Nagano pref.
    (Hakuba, Otari, Himekawa-river, Urakawa-river, Traffic, Road, Sightseeing, Gourmet)

  • Oigawa Forest Conservation Office (Shizuoka) -
    Forest Conservation Projects serve to protect people's lives and property from mountain disasters through management of forests.
    (Chisan, Oigawa, Forest, conservation, Erosion, control)

  • kasen,sabou,kaigan (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • San Geology (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Wellcome to San Geology
    (Geological, Investigation)

  • sabo-revegetation engineering labo (Nagano) -(2002)
    @Sabo Engineering (Erosion Control Engineering) The goal of the Sabo Engineering is the mitigation and prediction of natural disaster from the aspect of sediment producton and transport systems. Recently the Sabo Engineering turn the attention to the riverine and aquatic environments linking with channel works and dams. @Revegetation Engineering Restoring and improving the natural environment of the earth, which keep devastating recently, the functions of vegetation can provide the first aid develop the sustainable landscape. Our research goal called as Revegetation Engineering are both establishing the plant society and understanding the plant influences on the devastated earth surface. Today our research activities expand to desert land, arid land, and steep land in the world. Our research experiences can be utilized for technological development of natural rehabilitation based on the plant succession.
    (sao engineering, revegetation engineering, Dr.Yoshinari Yamadera, Miyazaki Toshitaka)

  • Dam BIYORI (Chiba) -(2001)
    (Dam, SABO)

  • KYOSEI CORPORATION HomePage (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (civil-engineering, SABO, retainings, structure, consulting, steel-made, dam, construction)

  • Welcome To Tateyama Kokusai Hotel (Toyama) -(2001)
    Tateyama Kokusai Hotel's HomePage
    (Tateyama, Kurobe, Toyama)

  • ina corporation homepage (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ina corporation's homepage
    (ina, consulting, engineers)

  • NISSHOKU Corporation (Okayama) -(1999)
    We are pursuing the environmental contribution through Manufacture and sale of vegetation products, Sale of construction materials and products for Environmental safeguards, Engineering and construction work for erosion control, and Design and installation of sports facilities.
    (ErosionControl, SlopeStabilization, SlopeSurfaceProtection, Revegetation, VegetationMat)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan