(Tokyo) - Family broadcasting on broadband;Disital video(DV)encording to Windows mediaplayer. (Family, Broadcast, Broadband, Mediaplayer, Encording, DV, video, ADSL, FTTH, CATV)
(Tokyo) - Good best education contents. afterschool.
(Tokyo) -(2002) A special counselor for those who suffer from physical problem, which means they can't go to school for any reason or they can't even go out is sent their home to take cave of them. Also, our corporation program is to cousel for that kind of family. (linguisticstudyingabroad, linguistictraining, un-goingtoschoolstudent, violenceinthehome, absentee, educationconsultation, high, schoolstudyingabroad, homestay, translationTranslation)
(Kanagawa) -(1999) Hi! I made new homepage.I am highschool student. I`ll write about myself or and so on. Please see my page! (Room, S.S)
(Osaka) -(1998) The Home Page of Takahiko MATSUYAMA in Japan.( Most of the pages are written in Japanese.) The way of teaching English is changing in Japan now. How we can teach students English as a tool for mutual undastanding and collaboration with foreign people? This site introduces my some teaching trials for these 4 years at a junior high school.Including pages of my family. (Teaching, English)