MOMIJI Japanse Education Center (Osaka) - In this center, I introduce the Japanese teacher suitable for your work or environmental conditions. The teacher has qualification and license. Since they develop the Japanese language education of each original style, you can look for a favorite teacher. Moreover, it can participate in the event of an international exchange circle MOMIJI. (Japanese, language, school, education, osaka, teacher, private, tutor, excahange, event)
International Language Academy Services, Nagasaki, Japan (Nagasaki) - We are an institution in Nagasaki that helps people of all ages learn English. We also prepare students for studying abroad, for entrance exams, for tests such as the TOEFL, TOEIC, and Eiken. Our software department develops Windows programs that help aid in the learning process. (English, Software, Education, study, abroad, teach, America)
The American School of Language, Culture & Business -(2002) The American School of Language, Culture and Business is a special school for the Japanese community in washington, DC, and for people visiting Washington from Japan. The School provides lessons in English, adjusting to American culture, American business and government, to Japansese busness people, government members and their wives and children. (English, as, a, second, language, ESL, studying, TOEIC, TOEFL, school)
The American School of Language, Culture & Business -(2002) The American School of Language, Culture and Business is a special school for the Japanese community in washington, DC, and for people visiting Washington from Japan. The School provides lessons in English, adjusting to American culture, American business and government, to Japansese busness people, government members and their wives and children. (English, as, a, second, language, ESL, studying, TOEIC, TOEFL, school)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, homestudy, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, study room, study, entrance examination, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, on line study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002) Education,Poems,Stories for Children (math, texts, children, materials, math story problems, English grammar, homework, education, living abroad, studying on lines, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shichida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo-itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aida-hotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikushigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)
Ottawa University Japanese WEB site (Kanagawa) -(2000) Welcome to Ottawa University Japanese official site. We introduce Ottawa University in Japanese Language.
Matsudo International School (Chiba) -(1999) Matsudo International school is a Japanese language school authorized by an organization to promote Japanese Language Education, which located in Chiba,Japan. We provide long term, short term course and Intensive course for enrolling to higher grade. (Japanese, School, abroad, study, student, nihongo, language, education, university)
JukuJapan -(1999) Jukujapan is an interactive Japanese to English study system for Japanese people. Japanese people converse with English people using e-mail. We answer questions,help with English language problems, talk about hobbies and interests,become friends. (english, study, school, juku, jukujapan, friend, e-mail, language, conversation)
Welcome to ISI (Tokyo) -(1999) Introduction of a Japanese language school for foreign students proceed to universities & colleges in Japan, it's school dormitory, and it's activities such as cultural exchange. (isi, japanese_language_school, study_in_japan)
EXCEL ENGLISH (Hyogo) -(1997) Learning Japanese Culture such as Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangement, Calligraphy and Japanese language in a lovely port city, Kobe. Licensed and Experienced instructors, 1-3 people in a class. A lot of chances to meet local people and join school events( field trip to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Himeji etc.) (English, School, Language, Japanese, culture, kobe)