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{foreign, oversea, abroad} + {linguistic, linguistics} + {study, learn} + {travel, trip, trek, tourism, tour, journey}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Chicago J-Tours, Tour and Study Abroad Coordinator Chicago J-Tours, Tour and Study Abroad Coordinator - Do you need HELP? If you are interested in having a Japanese teaching assistant or volunteer, or hosting a student from Japan, please visit our website. Open you heart to international visitors! (Japanese , Teaching , Assistant , Volunteer , Internship , Homestay , Host , Family , Chicago , Midwesten)
OZ Wave Study Exchange OZ Wave Study Exchange (Tokyo) - This homepage is for persons who is interested in studytour. (studytour )
Costa Rica Costa Rica - informacion from costa rica
LOVE YOUR ENGLISH LOVE YOUR ENGLISH - Want to learn English but no motivation? Come to my site and get ideas from other learners and teachers here. Do not miss the free English composition editting service available now. Sorry, this site is for Japanese readers only. (TOEIC , TOEFL , Conversation , English , travel , essay , study , language , USA , AUstralia )
Language study trips to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria Language study trips to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria - Language study trips to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria. Sound knowledge of foreign languages is a major boost for your academic or professional career. (German , French , Italian , Europe , travel , Courses , Abroad , study )
Nissy's Diary Nissy's Diary (Aichi) - a Man.thirty years old.single. I thought I'll go to Australia on Working Holiday Visa. (diary , working , holiday , workingholiday , overseas , australia , english , travel , englishschool )
I LOVE NY I LOVE NY - 3M Productions (3M , Productions , New , Yorker , I, LOVE , NY , Fifty , Avenue , America )
Australia Journey Australia Journey - Australia Journey's Page. (Australia , stay , travel , English , study , working , holiday , tour , home, trip )
Castellina in Chianti-Siena-Tuscany-Italy- Private House With Shared Pool - Hamlet Navico Castellina in Chianti-Siena-Tuscany-Italy- Private House With Shared Pool - Hamlet Navico - Holiday apartments in Tuscany Castellina in Chianti There is a shared the swimming pool.Borgo Navico is a very quiet estate set in the middle of olive groves and vineyards ideally suited for relaxing in a calm atmosphere. (Holiday , apartments , in, Tuscany, ITALY , CULTURE , WINE , SIENA, FLORENCE , VACATION )
SKIVYS SKIVYS - NZ Small group & Families Tour & English study abroad support. (newzealand , hamilton , english , abroad , homestay , school , study , tour , sightseeing , activity )
Learn English in New Zealand!! Learn English in New Zealand!! - Welcome to NZLA! We are the friendly, cheep, high quality English Language School in Auckland. (NewZealand , English , Language , Auckland , school , study , student , Parnel, trip , abroad )
maltamalta.com maltamalta.com (Kanagawa) - Do you know malta? If you want to live in Malta.Check it!! (maltamalta.com, maltamalta, malta , valetta, sliema, island , italy , japan , english , EC)
Spices of life Spices of life (Kanagawa) - This is the site about Foods, Recipes, Wine, Travel, the Study of foreign languages, foreign culture and photography. (recipe , wine , cheese , travel , foreign , language , culture )
French Vanilla Coffee French Vanilla Coffee (Saitama) - Olive's Homepage!There are many picyures about theUS. (travel , ESL , Study-Abroad , SanDiego, SanFrancisco , LasVegas , Mexico , trip , usa )
bebe's life in CA bebe's life in CA - Sorry this site is Japanese only. (oversea , student , California , Pasadena, LA , cooking , travel , dog , Language , Japanese )
sea-ing travel homestay,japan sea-ing travel homestay,japan (Tokyo) - Study abroad (study , homestay , workingholyday, dormitry)
Diagoge Diagoge (Tokyo) - This page have mainly the photographs taken in Canada. Photo & diary's Web page!! (Canada , Ottawa , photo , picture , study , abroad , English , book )
The Canadian Rockies The Canadian Rockies (Gifu) - Attractive in the Canadian Rockies and information about ski resorts around Banff (canada , rockies , banff , ski , english , travel , photograth, esl , calgary)
KMsysHP-Shopping ! KMsysHP-Shopping ! - *This's contents are only Japanese ! (Household electric appliances, entertainment , gift , Hobby , gourmet , study , import , Mail order , Business , Health , Home, Travel , Kids , money , marriage , comprehensive shop, internet )
Knsai Study abroad Information Center Knsai Study abroad Information Center (Kyoto) - Knsai Study abroad Information Center's Home Page (kyoto , shiga , america , canada , england , australia , new , zealand , france , italy )
The cheepest New York short stay for stady English. The cheepest New York short stay for stady English. (Tokyo) -(2002) If you don't have a lot of money,but you really want to stady English at N.Y.You should come my H.P! (English , N.Y , Abroad , Stady, Student , School , Syay, America )
Easygoing Newzealand Easygoing Newzealand (Niigata) -(2002) Newzealand life (Newzealand , English , diary , trip , travel , study )
Niigata Travel Study Abroad Centre Niigata Travel Study Abroad Centre (Niigata) -(2002) Niigata Travel Study Abroad Centre (Travel , study , Niigata-city , USA , United , Kingdom , Canada , Australia , New , Zealand )
Jamaica SeaFan Jamaica SeaFan -(2002) Miyoko (SeaFan)'s Home page from Jamaica (welcome, to, Seafan, ,Jamaica )
ah!-noiraudnofuransubenricho ah!-noiraudnofuransubenricho (Tokyo) -(2002) French websites links (French , webcam, study , language , University , trip , life , webcam)
Master of Homestay Master of Homestay (Okayama) -(2002) You need this Website in order to be a master of homestay. Please ask anything about homestay and study abroad. (homestay , study , abroad , English , language , consultant , travel , USA , San , Francisco )
BRANDINE BRANDINE (Tokyo) -(2002) Study music in Europe (study , abroad , music , Europe )
Osehana home page Osehana home page (Tokyo) -(2002) New Zealand , Auckland, workinghollyday (newzealand , workinghollyday, ouckland, trip , englishschool )
Would you like to know Japan? Japanese Living in countryside in Ireland Would you like to know Japan? Japanese Living in countryside in Ireland -(2002) Japanese living in Ireland (Co.Mayo). We would like to meet non-Japanese. (English , Ireland , Japan , Irish , Japanese , Co.Mayo, culture , custom , language , cuisine )
Who wants to know Japan? Who wants to know Japan? -(2002) We're Japanese living in countryside in Ireland. We're looking for someone who is interested in Japan. We'd like to have cultural exchange. (Ireland , Co.Mayo, Mayo, Westport, Westportclub, Japan , cuisine , culture , harikiri)
LANGOO-NET LANGOO-NET (Osaka) -(2001) Langoo is a promotion website for schools all over the world. (english , working , horidays, homestay , travel , language )
www.(+))))=((.com www.(+))))=((.com -(2001) Study ESL and Japanese, Fly Fishing in BC. Canada, etc... (ESL , Vancouver , fly , fishing , Japanese , trip , trout , free , download , fish )
Next-generation travel company ONEMAKE Next-generation travel company ONEMAKE (Tokyo) -(2001) Seven to October, it lets it pass application vicarious execution of an American lottery permanent residency, and always, and tickets (airline ticket etc.) and linguistic studying abroad are offered. (America , Australia , New , zealand , NewYork , English , Student , visa , dream )
Yume'sTravel in U.S.A Yume'sTravel in U.S.A (Osaka) -(2001) Yume's HomePage Travel in U.S.A bymayself (Travel , U.S.A , HAWAII , Florida )
anokunidekoregayaritai on the web anokunidekoregayaritai on the web (Tokyo) -(2001) Studying abroad It is overseas and is a volunteer It is the homestay and they are lessons Outdoor (trip , abroad , language , career , tour )
Welcoome to _______travel.to/hiro_______ Welcoome to _______travel.to/hiro_______ (Gunma) -(2001) Australia(sydney,byronbay,nimbin)photo data and Dairy. (australia , sydney , byronbay, nimbin, photo , data )
regent of freiburg regent of freiburg (Kanagawa) -(2001) hey!man!what da hell is going on? here is fuck'n site! come in! (bonn, travel , autobahn , israel , jersalem, freiburg, germany , deutschland , bifi, nori )
Ozcity-Net(Western Australia) Ozcity-Net(Western Australia) -(2001) Ozcity-Net provides the best Information of Western Australia in Japanese. (AustraliaPerthWeather, PerthInternationalAirport, AustraliaPerthHotel, PerthLanguageSchool, AustraliaPerthRestaurant, AustraliaPerthDolphinTour, AustraliaPerthTourist, AustraliaPerthGeneral, AustraliaPerthTransport, WesternAustraliaPerthWine)
Internship for your plan Internship for your plan (Tokyo) -(2001) Our company's business is for Japanese who wants to have experience in foreign countries. For improving your skills and knowledge. (internship , intern , overseas , workingholiday , job , training , study , work , travel , studyabroad )
Linguaphone Acadmy West Japan Linguaphone Acadmy West Japan -(2001) The world wide well-known language institution, Linguaphone started English schools in Japan. (linguaphoneacademy, education , homestay , lisence, abroad , speaking , listening , english , communication , travel )
East Wind, Auckland, New Zealand East Wind, Auckland, New Zealand -(2001) East Wind, New Zealand Working Holiday Office, Auckland & Christchurch (NewZealand , Visa , Working , English , Holiday , School , Travel , Farmstay, Exchange , Japan )
Sun-Rise International co.ltd. Sun-Rise International co.ltd. (Tokyo) -(2001) spain (spain , portugal , canaria, tenerife, laspalmas, flamenco , travel )
eMapleNet eMapleNet -(2000) This site is for the people who would like to know about Canada. And this site presents useful information on Canada. (Canada , WorkingHoliday , trip , Vancouver , Victoria , Canadian , preparation , ESL , study , school )
Miki's WEBSITE Miki's WEBSITE (Kagawa) -(2000) Ski,Wakeboard,Canada,Whistler,Outdoor,Travel (Canada , Whistler , Outdoor , Ski , Bike , Travel , Wakeboard , Air , Hokkaidou , Vancouver )
The cheepest New York short stay for stady English. The cheepest New York short stay for stady English. (Tokyo) -(2000) If you don't have a lot of money,but you really want to stady English at N.Y.You should come my H.P! (English , N.Y , Abroad , Stady, Student , School , Syay, America )
Bonjour Montreal Bonjour Montreal -(2000) Providing many programs at a very affordable price ex: ESL,FSL,work/study,flight attendant,technical etc. All accommodations, 24hrs Japanese support (Montreal , StudyAbroad , Internship , BusinessIntern , WorkingHoliday , TechinicalCourse, HomeStay , FarmStay, Tourism , FlightAttendant)
LONDON Freak's LONDON Freak's -(2000) London Freak's Home Page. Photo, study abroad, France. (England , London , study , travel , France , Sightseeing , Postgraduate , photo )
FLAXGRACE ASAMI'S PAGE FLAXGRACE ASAMI'S PAGE -(2000) providing information which relates to two cultures of mine, one is Japanese and the other is Canadian, from Montreal, Canada by a Japanese college student in Montreal. (montreal , canada , japan , culture , quebec , studyabroad , homestay , sightseeing , travel , JAPANESE )
G.E.T.T. study abroad in Canada G.E.T.T. study abroad in Canada (Shiga) -(2000) G.E.T.T.'s study abroad in Canada. (Canada , study , abrroad, Vancouver , working , holiday , homestay , trip , business )
Ken's Travel Studio Ltd. Ken's Travel Studio Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000) Ken's Travel Studio Ltd. (canada , travel , vancouver , banff , rocky , nature , honeymoon , outdoor , fit , camp )
French Study & HomeStay French Study & HomeStay -(2000) French Language School. 1 class MAX 7 persons. (FrenchLesson, Francais , language , school , chateau , castle , loire, tours , france )
Street Talk Street Talk (Shizuoka) -(2000) Welcome to My Homepage! From Shizuoka Japan. (streettalk, honda , monkey , astro , renault , homestay )
Advance International Advance International (Tokyo) -(2000) Advance Internaional -For the Love of England- provides the information on the schools and its culture in Britain. We welcome your information and keen to provide them to the Japanese clients. (England , UK , Great , Britain , Europe , Schools , Information , Travel , Overseas , Culture )
Cosmopolitan Xpress -Directory- Cosmopolitan Xpress -Directory- -(1998) Super directory of web sites for the oversea Japanese & students studying abroad! Besides seek a penpal living abroad on BBS it offers ! (japan , japanese , penpal , personals , friendship , e-mail , mate, communication , CrossCulture, international )
aiai CHINA aiai CHINA (Tokyo) -(1998) Information about China in Japanese Language (Education , china , travel , government , book , language )
Un abrazo fuerte de Norie Un abrazo fuerte de Norie -(1998) I'm Japanese in Spain. I want to present you my life in Spain. (Spain , Spanish , Salamanaca, travel , cooking )
Welcome to our house in Boston!! Welcome to our house in Boston!! -(1998) Please enjoy our homepage from Boston, U.S.A. Our contents include introduction of the restaurant, our travel experience. (This homepage is only available in Japanese) (U.S.A. , Boston , Travel , graduate , school , English , car )
Elemadrid Spanish language School Elemadrid Spanish language School -(1997) You want to learn Spanish in Madrid, the capital of Spain, the city which never sleeps? You want to study Spanish efficiently - in small classes, with personal attention and you want to join at any level year round? Will you also appreciate our leisure activity courses that will deepen your linguistic skills and cultural knowledge? You want to choose your accommodation - online with a description? Then visit our website and you will get all the important information. =elemadrid= guarantees educational holidays, efficient Spanish language learning and fast achievement of your most ambitious goals. =elemadrid= a new way to learn Spanish. (spanish , spanish language school, madrid , spain , education , vacation , leisure , activities , flamenco , elemadrid)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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