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{Germany, German, Deutsche} + {language, lingual}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Germany, German, Deutsche}
@2={language, lingual}

  • Web development to be multilingual from Dynatech Solutions -
    Dynatech Solutions provides the best webpage design and development packages for small and medium enterprises who want to establish an internet presence without the usual high initial cost and maintenance. Dynatech Solutions opens the door to exciting new markets in China, Japan and the rest of the world through interconnectivity in major languages of global business (English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and French).
    (Multilingual, Translation, Web development, Chinese, Korea, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Philippines, English)

  • servus aki cooking home page (Tokyo) -
    servus is a meaning of hello in the dialect of Vienna.
    (servus, servusaki, cooking, vienna, austria, france, wine, mailmagazine, cake, german)

  • AmericanClub (Kyoto) -
    It can attend and various Konaka the high school student is in the official approval taking lecture person course as well from the beginner the whole of a foreign language. A class is done only with the foreigner instructor selected carefully and a pleasant atmosphere is popularity.
    (america, USA, English, School, language, classroom, conversation, toeic, toefl)

  • Language study trips to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria -
    Language study trips to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria. Sound knowledge of foreign languages is a major boost for your academic or professional career.
    (German, French, Italian, Europe, travel, Courses, Abroad, study)

  • European Study year -
    European Term, Semester and Year programs!
    (German, Semester, study, vienna, wien, courses, music, host, familie)

  • Actilingua Academy German language courses -
    Learn German in Vienna, Austria German language courses.
    (German, language, vienna, Austria, Germany, learn, lesson, wien, course, deutsch)

  • Howdy Language School (Osaka) -
    Language School/English/Spanish/French/German/Chinese
    (Howdy, School, Language, English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese)

  • silent night (Hyogo) -
    poem love sad dark happy by rain
    (poem, poetry, movie, chat, bbs, love, heart, rain, sad, dark)

  • Unitype (Aichi) -
    Start typing a world of different languages quickly and easily in Microsoft Office
    (language, font, foreign, Dutch, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, Korean, MicrosoftOffice)

  • Sokuyaku Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) -
    Sokuyaku's mission is to deliver high quality translation at reasonable rates in a short period of time.
    (translation, interpretation, Japanese, Technology, Web, law, medicine)

  • invitation to Okabe Yukiko's Home Page (Tokyo) -
    Invitation to the german culture and language. Learning german language through movies of Erich Kaestner, das doppelte Lottchen, and with conversation text. Introduction to the alpine folklore. Photo gallery.
    (german, das-doppelte-Lottchen, Okabe-Yukiko, Kaestner, Oshio-Takashi, Vienna, alpine-customs, folklore, pottery, carnival)

  • Luxemburg, Swizerland, Astoria, Germany, Deutschland, Matsuyama, Ehime und Japan (Ehime) -
    Kulturaustausch Japan und Deutschsprachigen Gebiete(Ueberhaupt in Japanisch).
    (Schweiz, Japan, Homestay, Heine, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, Oeko, Goethe, Luxemburg)

  • Shibuya Language School (Tokyo) -
    Shibuya Language School
    (English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, Thai)

  • Technical Translation Karasawa Translation Service (Gunma) -
    We deliver you the precise and intelligible translation with rapid and assured delivery time.
    (translation, quality, delivery, english, technical, trados, karasawa, ISO, intelligible, precise)

  • kansai interpreter and guide association (Osaka) -
    The Kansai Interpreter and Guide Association (KIGA) is a organization that was set up in 1995 by licensed guides in the Kansai area. We at KIGA take great pride in our competent staff members. Their career experience includes work as professional tourist guides, conference interpreters and translators.
    (guide, interpreter, translater, spanish, English, rench, chinese, korean)

  • Language translater (Tokyo) -
    This is transrator that has large dictionary, fastest. Six language can be traslated to Japanese.
    (Traslation, English, Language)

    My homepage's keywords; travel, photograph, radiometer, Europe, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Hong Kong, Macau, multilingual, Visual Basic, age calculator, motorshow, manga, panda, miniature garden
    (travel, photograph, radiometer, Europe, France, Germany, HongKong, VisualBasic, agecalclator, multilingual)

  • Virgo Translation services (Tokyo) -
    A natural and exact text is done. Translation of our company is performed by the native speaker.
    (translation, english, chinese, german, italian)

  • Dictionary Making Software -(2002)
    A software for making easily and flexibly a dicitonary between Japanese and German, French, Southern / Northern / Eastern European languages, Turkish or Russian. It allows to input letters of such languages at a speed a little slower than in case of English.
    (dictionary, french, german, spanish, russian, language, swedish, slav, conjugation, Amano)

  • MLS ACADEMY (Tokyo) -(2002)
    MLS ACADEMY MANAGENT LANGUAGE SERVICE Founded in 1968 MLS has eumed a reputution for excellent inrtruction in several cultivbl Areas, including Japanese, English, French, German, Korean and Chinese.
    (Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Italy, TOEIC)

  • Japanese Language Culture (Kyoto) -(2002)
    You can leran Japanese language and culture from an excellent teacher personally!
    (Japanese, Culture, Kyoto)

  • Heito's Phenomenology (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Chinryu's web page.Sorry,my page is Japanese only.But, if you can understand Japanese,you'll enjoy my intellectually stimulous essays!
    (phenomenology, philosophy, love, sword, storm, essay, diary, germany, thought, student)

  • Beans culture club (Aichi) -(2002)
    Beans culture club is in nagoya-marunouchi, nagoya-shioji, osaka-hukushima. We have language club and computer club.
    (english, spanish, german, homestay, langage, study, it, engeneer, web, excel)

  • German words from Munich -(2002)
    Only in Japanese.
    (Munich, Germany, German)

  • Working holiday germany -(2002)
    this site is introduceing about Working Holiday of Germany
    (working, holiday, workingholiday, germany, deutsch, work)

  • Working holiday germany -(2002)
    this site is introduceing about Working Holiday of Germany
    (working, holiday, workingholiday, germany, deutsch, work)

  • EDFUN (Tokyo) -(2002)
    EDFUN's HomePage
    (English, German, French, Japanese, reading, thesis, translation, school, correspondence, graduate)

  • Tara's -(2002)
    (Germany, German)

  • Free special searching, no charge translation and free dictionary (Tokyo) -(2002)
    No charge translation and map searching, telephone number searching, real estate searching, recruiting job hunting part-time job searching, book, media searching and security information et cetera

  • Lernen wir Deutsch mit Kazumi! (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    A site for German learners.
    (German, language, learning, teaching, computer, materials, CAI, students, Keio, economics)

  • Esko SIHTOLA -(2002)
    Esko Sihtola is one of the most famous painter in Finland. He has been well known in the world, especially, U.K., Europe. His technique is really good at painting all nature around water, old buildings, working places, etc.
    (finnish, english, german, swedish, finland, sweden, painter, painting, nature)

  • kaigofukusisi tokiko no oheya (Fukui) -(2002)
    kaigofukusisi tokiko no oheya
    (cherries, cherry)

  • Deutsch mit Kitty -(2001)
    Deutsch mit Kitty
    (german, germany, kitty)

  • Kubota Magazine (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Kubota's Home Page. Essays about Germany.
    (Germany, German, Travel, Essay, Bread, Ecology, Circumstance, Cologne, Craftsman, Baker's)

  • Haiku Romantishe Strasse (Saitama) -(2001)
    Wilkommen! zur -Haiku Romantishe Strasse- Satoh Kihakusoh , deutscher Haiku-Dichter , ladt Sie zur deutshen Haiku-Weltein.
    (Haiku, Kihakusoh, deutsch, HI)

  • kumon (Osaka) -(2001)
    (kumon, baby, education, osaka, deutsche)

  • Tokyo Translation Service Inc. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Our translation service is avilable for various languages in the world. Especially professional in Economy and Finance.
    (Translation, Company, Service, English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Hangul)

  • IHOLA! (Osaka) -(2001)
    Michiko's Home Page
    (hongkong, tailand, LasVegas, Korea, Seoul, Hangeul, diarly, Germany, china, travel)

  • Waltz of A major (Chiba) -(2001)
    Vienese waltz and folk dance
    (waltz, folk, dance, MIDI)

  • W (Chiba) -(2001)
    Vienese waltz and folk dance
    (waltz, folk, dance)

  • waltz of A (Chiba) -(2001)
    Vienna waltz, folk dance and diatonic accordion
    (Vienna, waltz, folk, dance, diatonic, accordion)

  • KOSAKA Kiyoyuki's HomePage (Kagawa) -(2001)
    Marugame, Kagawa, Japan
    (Esperanto, Marugame, German, Miki, Shigeo, Ozaki, Yutaka, Tagawa, Kiyoyuki, Kosaka)

  • sugioka kotoku's web site (Tokyo) -(2001)
    sugioka kotoku's web site
    (German, English, translation, publishment, writer, literature, internet)

  • CROSS-ASSIST ONLINE (Tokyo) -(2001)
    CROSS-ASSIST ON-LINE is established to support cross-cultural communications and understandings between Japanese and Non-Japanese people in personal and in business scenes. CROSS-ASSIST ON-LINE provides information and assistance in communication where and wheneber needed through a multi-cultural linking Japan and English/German speaking regions.
    (Translation, Interpretor, German, Germany, English, New Zealand, Japan, Japanese, intercultural, communication)

  • English Wordland (Gunma) -(2001)
    ENGLISH WORDLAND welcomes you who want to learn English words effectively
    (English, vocaburary, words, German, Latin, sound-correspondence, verbs)

  • AKIHIRO HAMANO WEBSITE (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Akihiro Hamano's Home Page
    (HAMANO, AKIHIRO, GermanyMovie)

  • HAMANO AKIHIRO WEBSITE (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Akihiro Hamano's Home Page
    (HAMANO, AKIHIRO, GermanyMovie)

  • Be with Bilingual Caption on yourTV screen (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Be with Bilingual Caption on yourTV screen. English with Spanosh ? French ? German ? Chinese ? Korean ? or Japanese ?
    (English, Language, Spanish, French, foreign, caption, Chinese, Japanese, dvd, closed)

  • Shogakukan Language World -(2000)
    Main contents of our site consist of columns for information about new English words, and links concerning eight languages including English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese and Korea.
    (English, World,, Foreign, Language, World,, Information, about, new, English, words,)

  • Angel Kiss -(2000)
    Easy German lessons and photos from Austria
    (angel, kiss, austria, travel, information, europe, photo)

  • Zimmer 201 (Osaka) -(2000)
    (japanisch, uebersetzung)

  • kansai interpreter and guide association (Osaka) -(2000)
    Kiga provides translation service from English to Japanese.
    (interpreter, tour, guide, translater)

  • Alphatop International (Kyoto) -(2000)
    Translation of various languages from (into) Japanese. Quick, reasonable, and exact translation.
    (Translation, Translator, English, German, Chinese, Korean, Spanish)

  • Calibration (Shiga) -(2000)
    I am ptt.
    (calibration, quality, assurance, system, continuous, inprovement, germany, deutsch, crisis, radio)

  • German-Japanese honyaku Kansai (Osaka) -(2000)
    German-japanese Honyaku Homepage
    (German, Japanese, japanisch, Deutsch, Uebersetzungen)

  • Lebendes Deutsch (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    eigeges Deutsch-Japanisches Woerterbuch
    (Germen, Dictionary)

  • Herzlich willkommen bei ABC Enterprises! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Language, media and trade fair services focussing on Germany.

  • Japan-German Society (Tokyo) -(2000)
    The purpose of the Japan-German Society is to promote exchanges between Japan and Germany on the fields of culture, economy, studies and technology.
    (German, Germany, Japan, Japan-German, Society, Deutschland, Deutsch, Homestay)

  • International Conversation Academy (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ICA's Home Page
    (Japanese, Tokyo, conversation, student, visa)

  • German Lesson (Tokyo) -(2000)
    You have a good German conversation lesson by professor Steinberg.
    (German, Germany, Europe, Conversation, Japan)

  • Nipros Co.,Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Nipros Co.,Ltd. provides You translation and interpreting service in Japanese, English, Russian and many other languages for reasonable price.
    (Nipros, translation, interpreting, Japanese, Russian, English, German, Chinese, Thai)

  • Triple&A (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (english, german, french, italian, spanish, sound, lesson, course, net, free)

  • English Experience Language School Okinawa (Okinawa) -(2000)
    English Experience offers courses which are designed to suit the requirements of each participant and to allow for their various interests. The teacher is friendly, professional, native British and teaching technique is modern and innovative. We translate German,English and Japanese.
    (English, lessons, school, England, German, translation, TEFL, linguistic, Okinawa, business)

  • Deutsch (Tokyo) -(2000)
    A site,in Japanese,about Germany,its culture,economy etc which also includes a directory of German companies in Japan,searchable in both Japanese and English.
    (Deutsch, Germany, Directory, Dokusha, Economy, Travel, Berlin, German, Culture, Cooking)

  • WE LOVE EUROPE! (Saitama) -(2000)

  • Hey...Taxi...!? (Miyagi) -(2000)
    (germanistik, buechner, buchner, sendai, imode, diary)

  • German language teacher (Osaka) -(2000)
    German language teacher(Japanese nationality), conversation, preparation for any kind of tests
    (German, language, teacher)

  • Les Mots Cosmos Co., Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Les Mots Cosmos' Home Page.Translation Company. Techninal translation of various languages.
    (Technical, translation, English, French, German, Les, Mots, Cosmos)

  • Eidoku Translation Center, Inc. (Tokyo) -(1998)
    translation services; patent specification, scientific articles, medicine, pharmaceutical science, biochemistry, engineering, technology, legal documents, contract, accouting report; English, German, French, Russian, Italian; literature and articles on high-tech and advanced technology
    (patent, treatise, technical literature, medicine, pharmaceutical science, biochemistry, English, German, French, contract)

  • Kanagawa Prefectural Senior High School of Foreign Studies (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    Official Homepage of Kanagawa Prefectural Senior High School of Foreign Studies, widely known as Gaigo High School, in Yokohama, Japan. Its unique philosophy and educational goals, etc.
    (English, education, returnee, international, understanding, sister, school, foreign, language, French)

  • German Translation Fluegel Ltd,. (Tokyo) -(1998)
    German Translation and German Wine
    (Fluegel, German, Translation)

  • Welcome to SwissBoz's Website! from Basel, Switzerland -(1997)
    Welcome to SwissBoz's multilingual Web site! All about a netgypsy, SwissBoz who is based in Basel, Switzerland, is shown on this site! Polyglot page: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Osakan, Indonesian, Swiss German etc. You may also know about his research on molecular genetics/biology.
    (Switzerland, SwissBoz, language, polyglot, translation, molecular genetics, Japanese, French, Osaka, English, German)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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