(Tokyo) -(2002) No charge translation and map searching, telephone number searching, real estate searching, recruiting job hunting part-time job searching, book, media searching and security information et cetera (Internet,Web,DVD,CD,free)
(Tokyo) -(2002) This homepage is for selling Japanese Guppies that are breeding of myself. The main is the show type Mosaic strain. And selling many other kinds of Guppy. (Japanese, Guppy, Mail, order, Mosaic, Brineshrimp, eggs, House, breeding, Gernan)
-(2001) Bavarian and German Souvenirs in a large variety. We are specialised in the Bavarian Fairy tale King Ludwig 2 and his castles. (Oberammergau, Bayern, Germany, Neuschwanstein, Linderhof, LudwigII, Castles, Cuckooclocks, Oktoberfest, Munich)
(Ibaraki) -(2001) I love German shepherd Dog since 1970.This HP will introduce to you German shepherd Dog. (dog, shepherd, Germanshepherddog, companionanimal)
(Tokyo) -(2001) CROSS-ASSIST ON-LINE is established to support cross-cultural communications and understandings between Japanese and Non-Japanese people in personal and in business scenes. CROSS-ASSIST ON-LINE provides information and assistance in communication where and wheneber needed through a multi-cultural linking Japan and English/German speaking regions. (Translation, Interpretor, German, Germany, English, New Zealand, Japan, Japanese, intercultural, communication)
(Gunma) -(2001) ENGLISH WORDLAND welcomes you who want to learn English words effectively (English, vocaburary, words, German, Latin, sound-correspondence, verbs)
(Tokyo) -(2000) This is forellechen's homepage.The Theme are Living in Germany,Japanese comedy KYOGEN,History of men's suit,Catalogue Shopping and about 100yen Shop. (Germany, Kyogen, Suit, Mansai, Comedy, Catalogue, Shopping, Japan)
(Kanagawa) -(2000) We import healthy and natural items with low price from Germany. (Germany, import, sell, shop, health, natural, shooes)