yanasesangyo (Nagasaki) - It is the homepage of comprehensive disaster prevention Yanase industrial incorporated company which protects life. How [ handling / operating guidance and a fire extinguisher / a etc. ] is introduced. (yanase, Nagasaki, Japan)
pigc,Kobe,Japan (Hyogo) - P.I.G.C is urban resolt golf practice range in Kobe,Japan. Let us enjoy driving and putting. (kobe, portisland, driving, puter, bunker, yoshimuragolf)
Ichinomiya.Aichi.Japan (Aichi) - Introduction of the famous place of Ichinomiya City, a park, a sport institution, a delicious store, and a shopping center. (ichinomiya, park, aichi, sport, 138tower)
Jardin Asiatique -(2002) This site is an on-line gallery of K.Nas, a graphic student at the London Institute. You can view a series of college works and self directed illustrations. Photo images of Japanese scenery are also available. (graphics, design, art, London, Institute, photo, cafe, gallery, asia, japan)
Hellinger Institute Japan (Hokkaido) -(2002) Family Constellations is a system of family therapy introduced by the well known, much admired and loved German family therapist Bert Hellinger.The changes that it sets into motion adds a new dimension to conventional psychotherapy. As well as organising seminars with Bert Hellinger and some of his students here in Japan, we Chetna Kobayashi and Frank Arjava Petter offer seminars and trainings in Family Constellations, both here and abroad. (Family, Constellations, Bert, Hellinger, Chetna, Frank, Arjava, Petter, Therapy, Institute)
The Distribution Economics Institute of Japan, Data Service (Tokyo) -(2002) NPI(National POS Data Index) is Best infomation source for Consumer's Marketing. JICFS/IF-DB is a Item Master Service. Marketer's Desk is a excellent Dicision Support System and Data Warehouse for FSP. (Marketing, DSS, POS, Model, NPI, JICFS, IF-DB)
itoken (Chiba) -(2001) welcome to the itoken's homepege ! we are japanese bilder. futtu city,Chiba,Japan (japan, chiba, futtucity, bilding, japanese, itoken, itoukensetu)
youthpark of aichi (Aichi) -(2001) youthpark of aichi (youthpark, seto.gr.jp)
Strategic Intellectual Property Research Institute (SIR Japan) (Kanagawa) -(2001) [1] The non-destructive test of the compound structure (a building, elevated, tunnel) which consisted of concrete and metal, degradation diagnosis, crash omen diagnosis. [2] Patent application / patent specification data creation, liaison support. [3] Offer of local weather bulletins, such as an attack of a thundercloud, and rain. (non-destructive test, patent, weather report, concrete, lifetime, break down, estimate, building)
Reiki Dharma (Hokkaido) -(2001) Frank Arjava Petter and Chetna M Kobayashi's HomePage. Frank and Chetna share their experience on Reiki and Family Constellations. Frank brought back Reiki from West to Japan. They learnt Family Constellations From the founder : Mr.Hellinger. (Reiki, FamilyConstellations, FrankArjavaPetter, ChetnaKobayashi, BertHellinger, ReikiFire, Dr.Usui, Osho, HellingerInstituteJapan, JapaneseReikiTechnique)
The Setouchi Research Institute (Hiroshima) -(2000) We are now studying the greatness of the globe and the achievements of human beings through UNESCO's World Heritage all over the world. UNESCO's World Heritage suggests us how to be and live towards and for the coming 21st century. We will propose the better way to be together with the globe for us, human-kind, in the future. (The World Heritage, Country, Environment, Nature, Culture, Earth, Publisher, Japan, Think-tank, Hiroshima)
Institute of Social Movement, Osaka Japan (Osaka) -(2000) Library service of our collections at Osaka Labor Information Plaza, Edit and publish of History of Social and Labor Movement in Osaka, Management of Osaka Labor Information Plaza, providing library service on labor issues, Management of the monument and the memorial ceremony of deceased activists, Organizing Society of Retired Social Activists, Osaka (social, movement, labor, osaka, library)
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Taipei Branch -(2000) Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI) is a leading think-tank and systems integrator in Japan, serving clients including government organizations, as well as private companies in financial, manufacturing, retail and other industries in Japanese and foreign markets. (Research, Economy, System, Consulting)
Telemann Institute Japan (Osaka) -(2000) The official Website of Telemann Institute Japan which is a group of chamber orchestra (baroque, telemann, cembalo)
N.K.G.K.-Institute of Technology for Environment (Tokyo) -(2000) In sickness house syndrome patient's sudden increase. formaldehyde exists as for the maximum anxiety in an architectural industry. Is there any method solved the anxiety of formaldehyde and VOC at a stretch ? Then, News which keeps Hot and is Epoch-making. Now, you only need to put the Balance-Water for HCHO and VOC in the humidifier and do some scatters. You can start to live without relation with formaldehyde and VOC just in one day. It's like a miracle, but it's real. The Balance-Water for HCHO and VOC is a big ally of an architectural industry. (formaldehyde, house, cancer)
NISSHOKU Corporation (Okayama) -(1999) We are pursuing the environmental contribution through Manufacture and sale of vegetation products, Sale of construction materials and products for Environmental safeguards, Engineering and construction work for erosion control, and Design and installation of sports facilities. (ErosionControl, SlopeStabilization, SlopeSurfaceProtection, Revegetation, VegetationMat)
Japan Amusement Machinery Manufacturers Association (Tokyo) -(1998) This Page is the web site of JAMMA, Japan Amusement Machinery Manufacturers Association. JAMMA is an international trade organization representing the manufacturers and distributors to the amusement machine industry. Our member companies are dealing in Video games, Pinball games, Redemption games and Kiddie rides. The contents of this page are the information regarding the tendency of JAMMA, member companies and Japanese amusement industry. (entertainment, game, gaming, video, VideoGame, GameCenter, arcade, ArcadeGame, amusement, jamma)
Japan Institute of Life Insurance -(1998) Fundermental information on life insurance required for the purchase of the products ,on pamphlets and other publications, and on the results of research activities on life insurance and financial planning (life insurance, financial planning, research, consumer, consultation, grants for studies on life insurance, aging society, life protection, family)
Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (Tokyo) -(1998) Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM),an independent, non-profit research,consulting, and educational organization, serves plant engineers, maintenance managers, and related specialists in Japan and around the world. (JIPM, Plant, TPM, Preventive, Maintenance, PM)
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Tokyo) -(1997) The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Official HomePage. Japanese Accounting, Auditing, Management Consulting, CPA examination, International Accounting Standard (IAS), Japanese Accounting Trends and System. (CPA, JA, accounting, auditing, consulting, IAS, ISA, JICPA, IFAC, CAPA)
National Institute of Japanese Literature (Tokyo) -(1996) informing our service, exhibition, and lectures. prototyping Digital Library system for Japanese Literature. Japanese version only.
SAS Institute Japan (Tokyo) -(1995) SAS-J's Home Page is now available for everyone! Click and come to our cyber-office.