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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{internation, internationally, internationalization, international} + {mail, mailing}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={internation, internationally, internationalization, international}
@2={mail, mailing}


  • International Meeting (Kanagawa) -
    This is International Meeting.

  • internetinal cellular phone rental industry (Osaka) -
    We Global Com provide the largest coverage in internatinal cellular phone rental industry
    (internetinal, cellular, phone, rental, e-Mail, modem, bussines, trip)

  • Assistance for International Business Operations (Kanagawa) -
    Daily translation for English-Japanese-Francais & assistance for import-export job. Advantageous monthly contract.
    (Translation, French, English, Francais, import, export, Correspondance, mail)

    All Free E-Pal community, about inside Japan, in Japanese E-community, managed by a popular international E-pal community FFF,
    (Japan, Japanese, inside, foreigner, free, nonprofit, mail, friend, search, seek)

  • get married (Fukui) -
    invitations: welcome to our japan-china international marriage mailing-lists.
    (japan, china, marriage, harbin, mailing-list, asayan, china-embassy, world-wide, japanese-government, heironchang)

  • Herbalife official site Mebius Ring International (Saitama) -
    Bog Money
    (Herbalife, diet, business, SOHO, PC, mail, money)

  • OPAS Ship To Japan -(2002)
    Door to Door Shipping Service (From USA to Japan Only)
    (Shipping, DoorToDoor, Deliverly, Japan, Box, International, Mail, Express, Moving, Inexpensive)

  • pipopa's Homepage (Saitama) -(2002)
    This is for beginer's page. Saitama, Japan.
    (mp3, free, cdr, wma)

  • Soo goo -(2002)
    SOUGUU So goo means a MIRACLE ENCOUNTER in Japanese. This web site provide the place of SOUGUU for foreigners who live in Japan, and for Japanese who want to meet with foreigners. It is very easy to join. First, you put your account information on Registration page. After you submit, we send you a confirmation mail. On that mail,there is a page address of our web site. Just click it and enjoy! On the bulletin board, choose 'Write BBS' at first. And write down what kind of people you whould like to meet. After that, you can see other members' messages on the bulletin board. It is FREE to see the messages on it. Read many messages, and let's send mails to attractive member. The other members who saw your message, they might send you mails! If you've received mails, go to 'MAIN MENU' and click your 'MAIL BOX' to see the messages. We send you the receipt report, so please read the messages and reply for them. Besides, your mail address, telephone numbers and the other private informations are not known to the other members. Please take it easy to use our services and get a bunch of friends! We hope you'll have a MIRACLE ENCOUNTER, So goo!!!!
    (meet mate, friend, e mail friende, international, world, penpal, english, meet with, mobile, i mode)

  • royalmariage (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Takeda's HomePage
    (marriage, encounter, nterview, love, relations, association, divorce, remarriage, party, international)

  • Tokyo Friends (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Tokyo Friends Party. The #1 International Party in Japan (also the BIGGEST). Good chance to meet new people and make new friends. Everybody is welcome. Please visit our website at
    (International Party, Friends, Pen Pal, Deai, Party, Mail Friends, Gokon, International, Event, Eikaiwa)

  • Josai International Univercity Hikounin Web Page (Chiba) -(2001)
    Josai International Univercity Hikounin Web Page
    (JosaiInternational, UniverCity, Josai, International, Web, media, mail, page, look, menu)

  • hyde (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Hyde yano sagi.
    (hyde, yano, international, english)

  • NPO,Japan,JTIRO (Osaka) -(2001)
    (Japan, NPO)

  • United Nations, NGO, International Cooperation, Mail Magazine -(2001)
    Selected List of Mail Magazines for those who are interested in the United Nations, NGOs and International Cooperation.
    (United, Nations, International, Volonteer, UNV, Organization, Official, Language, UN, Government)

  • International Business Mailinglist (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Mailinglist for international business person.
    (Mailinglist, international, business)

  • DOOR TO THE WORLD (Niigata) -(2000)
    (JAPAN, friend, culture, Japanese, English, e-mail, exchange)

  • Penpals And Swappers Land -(2000)
    This site for meeting new postal mail pals,e-mail pals and swapping FB(Friendship book)pals!Let's get your pals today!!
    (Penpal, Penfriend, letter, e-pal, international, Japan, friend, swap, swapping, FB)

  • LCCIEB Examination Board English for Business (Tokyo) -(2000)
    A communicative written examination on demand at 3 levels and designed to test communication in business with tasks based on real business activity.

  • The manual how to manage the NGO (Kyoto) -(2000)
    The manual how to manage the non-governmental Organization. Japanese only
    (NPO, non-governmental, organization, volunteer, AYUCA)

  • voice of world (Oita) -(2000)
    This page is made for malticulturism and EQ, emotinal IQ. There are EQ test link in English. Try it now!

  • Whistle World (Osaka) -(2000)
    Please come to my homepage if you are interested to internationalaization. thanks...
    (test, english, science, international, internationalaization)

  • Aroma Healing (Hiroshima) -(2000)
    What is Aromatherapy? How to Aromatherapy? You can get many good news about Aromatherapy. And also you can enjoy shopping pure natural essential oils in Well International home page.
    (Aromatherapy, Pure, Natural, Essential, Oil, Mailsale, Well, International)

  • Suwon Param -(2000)
    Koichi (Japanese) and Cheonchan (Korean) present you the story of surprising and exicitng life in Korea. please come to visit our 'at Home'page!
    (Korea, Suwon, magazine, abroad, travel, international, marriage)

  • Le Monde diplomatique - edition japonaise (electronique) (Kanagawa) -(1999)
    Japanese electronic edition of a French journal Le Monde diplomatique

  • Globers mailing list -(1996)
    Globers mailing list
    (travel, globers, world, abroad, culture, globe, international, earth, interest, life, custom)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan