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{internation, internationally, internationalization, international} + {standard, criterion, criteria}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={internation, internationally, internationalization, international}
@2={standard, criterion, criteria}

  • Morisa speaks. (Fukuoka) -
    Romanization of spoken Japanese. Selections of short verses in Romanized Japanese.
    (poem, verse, lyric, poetry, poet, word, iso3602, romanization, japanese, kunrei)

  • NPO Toyama ISO Support Center (Toyama) -
    NPO Toyama ISO-support Center's Home Paga
    (NPO, ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, management, Toyama)

  • WORLD TIME (Saitama) -
    World Time. You can see 800 places real-time-clock around the world, moreover Mt.Fuji and Japan Alps.
    (world, time, clock, fuji, Japan, GMT, UTC, current, standard, international)

  • Japan Standards Consulting Institute, Inc. Home Page from Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -
    Japan Standards Consulting Institute, Inc. Home Page
    (Standards, Consulting, ISMS, ISO17799, ISO9000, ISO9001, ISO9004, ISO19011)

  • JI-SOLUTIONS (Tokyo) -
    (i-solutions, masuko, iso, International, Intelligent, Interactive)

    Under business concept of Contribution to the client's prosperity, our firm is rendering various services from accounting, tax to management consulting. Further, our firm can render the services to foreign-owned companies doing business in Japan because we have a lot of experiences in the area of international accounting and tax. Our rep. is a senior partner of Audit Corporation.
    (C.P.A., Accounting, Tax, Consulting, Audit, Bookkeeping, Consolidation, Accountant, GAAP, Review)

  • This tableware has been brought thoroughly up to date (Ishikawa) -
    It begin a new life.
    (kutani, manier, japankutani, shopping, kanazawa, design, art&culture, brand, iso, universal)

  • manier of japanese yakimono (Tokyo) -
    This in japanese special brand of manier.
    (manier, japanesekutani, kutani, design, art&culture, universal, iso, dish&plate, modern&oriental, onlineshop)

  • Pacific Business Consulting, Inc. (Tokyo) -
    PBC is the first to be certified as a NSC (Navision Solution Center: a global network of expert local business partners that understand the needs of any business) in Japan to support domestic companies centering on foreign affiliated firms in implementing Microsoft® Navision Attain®. We also offer consulting services, such as in the integration of unique Japanese business practices, to enterprises with international staff including Japanese that are engaged in global business

  • Sanzyusseiki-no-mori -
    [Studies for Romanization of Japanese] Composition of Romanized Japanese; Documents of Nippon system (Nipponsiki), Kunrei system (Kunreisiki) and International standard (ISO 3602); Also writing practices of romanized Japanese.
    (linguistics, language, japanese, composition, romanization, grammer, table, iso, 3602, kunrei)

  • Morisa speaks. (Fukuoka) -
    Romanization of spoken Japanese. Selections of short verses in Romanized Japanese written by Morisa.
    (poem, verse, lyric, poetry, poet, word, iso3602, romanization, japanese, kunrei)

  • K's-arrow (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Bulletproof vest
    (Bulletproof, vest, NIJ, National, Institute, of, Justice)

  • SunSystems5 (Tokyo) -(2002)
    SunSystems 5
    (SystemsUnion, SunSystems, SunSystems5)

  • NetGemini, Inc. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    NetGemini is a consulting engineer's office authorized by Japanese government in the categories of electrical and electronics focuses on information-communication technology.
    (Category6, Category5E, JISX5150, ISO11801, TR42, IBDN, NORDX/CDT, Category7, StructuredCablingSystem, NetGemini)


  • saffron house -(2002)
    Saffron House Home Page

  • SAIL -(2002)
    hedgefunds sail sachiko ooi funds
    (funds, New, York, hedgefunds)

  • Itakura sekkei corpolation (Kyoto) -(2001)
    UZU Consulting Firm
    (9001, 14001, 18001, qality, management, system, ohsas, manual, iso, consulting)

  • NTTDATA IFOBRIO INC. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    NTTDATA INFOBRIO INC. was established as a subsidiary of NTTDATA CORPORATION since 24th May in 2001. We provide our custumers with information security consulting services based on international standards.
    (ISMS, BS7799, ISO15408, security, consulting, management, policy, audit, training, privacy)

  • Ricky (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This e-mail magazine is for studying of US-CPA.
    (CPA, US-CPA, Audit, Accounting, tax, Big5, Business, PwC, AA, DTTI)

  • Thanks for visiting KEC International Home Pages (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    Electricity saving device
    (ISO14001, warming, environment, electricity, savor, energy, internet, domain, translation)

  • acounting tax and financial information (disclosures) (Chiba) -(2000)
    introducing accounting standards,such as Japan, international, USA and so on.
    (accounting standards, government accounting, international accounnting standards, government accounting standrds, balance sheet, government, gao, department of treasury, budget, accounting office)

  • 6221 (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This page contains bbs, chat, and address book mainly for those who were at JJS&JIS and born in(around) 1978-79.
    (Takeshi, JJS, JIS, Jakarta, Japanese, International, hiramatsu, Indonesia, alumni, communication)

  • Global Education (Hyogo) -(2000)
    What should the students realize to become wise consumers, who would direct the whole global civilization with various cultural aspects toward what is really meant by being fruitful and wealthy?
    (global, education, universal, values, ten, qualities, internationally, minded, people, standards)

  • Amateur Radio : KENWOOD, ICOM, STANDARD, YAESU, ALINCO, Japanese Version.. Amateur Radio International version.. Conventional Cellular Repeater.. HF Power AMP (Mie) -(2000)
    Amateur Radio International version.. Conventional Cellular Repeater.. HF Power AMP
    (KENWOOD, YAESU, ALINCO, Amateur, Radio, International, version, Conventional, Cellular, Repeater)

  • Piporo International (Kanagawa) -(1999)
    We deal MARANTZ Audio Equipment, B&W Speaker, STANDARD Radio transceiver, Fryfishing gear, Homebrewing beer kit on the Internet from Yokohama.
    (WalkieTalkie, HomeBrewing, FryFishing, speaker, radio, YOKOHAMA, PIPORO, MARANTZ)

  • international accounting standards (Chiba) -(1998)
    international accounting standards
    (accounting standards, international accounting standards)

  • difference between japanese accounting and international accounting (Chiba) -(1998)
    difference between japanese accounting and international accounting
    (accounting standards, accounting office)

  • The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Tokyo) -(1997)
    The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Official HomePage. Japanese Accounting, Auditing, Management Consulting, CPA examination, International Accounting Standard (IAS), Japanese Accounting Trends and System.
    (CPA, JA, accounting, auditing, consulting, IAS, ISA, JICPA, IFAC, CAPA)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan