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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {mother, mammy}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}
@2={mother, mammy}

  • Higashi, Hiroshima, Japan (https) (Hiroshima) -
    Please watch my homepage. You are saved.
    (Child-rearing, Hiroshima, Local, Subincome, Leisure, Link, Britney, Mama, Baby)

  • DISK DOG JAPAN (Kanagawa) -
    We are Diskdog japan... we present hi performance for you.
    (Diskdog, surf, carrier)

  • Mommies' English School (Kanagawa) -
    Hello!! Let's try our school. You will enjoy.
    (Mommies, English, Homestay, USA, School, Child, Study, Japan, Education, Culture)

  • onomichi,hiroshima,japan (Hiroshima) -
    Espoir's Home Page

  • Japan dream money soho (Tokyo) -
    Are you enjoy your life?
    (dream, money, house, wedding, job, health, single, mother, income, free)

  • COOL DRIVE (Hokkaido) -
    (LEVIN, AE110, Hokkaidou, Japan, car, kids, mama, Kushiro, mother)

  • welcome to release-design (Kumamoto) -
    release-design on the web
    (release, design, arrangement, Japan, flower, orchid, birthday)

  • a masterpiece a gambler (Saitama) -
    Japanese an animation and a video game an illustration own work.
    (japanese, animation, videogame)

  • Kanagawa,Japan (Kanagawa) -
    Working Mother's life style.
    (Work, Mother, nursery, recipe, pooh, tea)

  • Japanese nursery (Tokyo) -
    This is my homepage,Japanese only.But if you try to write my BBS simple English,I can anser your message.
    (kindergarden, kids, mother, education, cildren)

  • Kei's Website (Tokyo) -
    Personal opinion about Japan&Japanese culture, Pictures of flowers
    (Japan, Japanese, Santa, virtue, flower, photo, opinion, culture, English, school)

  • mamu (Gunma) -
    (flower, net, hana)

  • baby&child Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan (Kanagawa) -
    For child care in Kawasaki-city
    (child-care, baby, infants, child, mother, Kawasaki, kindergarten, essay, childbirth)

  • Fleuriste de Paris (Kanagawa) -
    Flower gift and flower arrangement, Heartful and lovely,Paris style for you
    (flowergift, gift, flowerarrangement, Paris, Japan, wedding, birthday, present, flowershop, flower)

  • Skincare for stretchmark. (Tokyo) -
    Skincare for expectant and nursing mothers and babies. NIPPON RUNWEL's Home Page
    (stretchmark, pregnancy, nursing, firming, babymagic, premama, ultrasonic, celllite, mother, nippon)

  • red.cross.japan (Tochigi) -
    please belong volanteer club
    (red, cross, student, blood, totigi, maman, net, volanteer, club, health)

  • Japan okane (Osaka) -
    (work, PC)

  • tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -
    (tokyo.Japan, SOHO)

  • gyokoennoajisai (Mie) -
    (ajisai, flower, gyokoen, yama, haha, hana, gold,, mie, oozora)

  • pao's cafe,souka,saitama,japan (Saitama) -
    family profile

  • ATLAS GROUP Offers Amazing Home-biz Opportunity (Saitama) -
    We offer a unique home based business opportunity with a powerful marketing/recruiting system. Visit our site and find out why we are achieving such an amazing high success rate. You can be a part of our dynamic team and improve the quality of your life in a short span of time. We welcome bilinguals with Japanese capabilities. (We currently offer only Japanese site.)
    (home-based-opportunity, side-business, success, multi-level-marketing, becoming-rich, second-house, extra-income, entrepreneurs, opportunities, network-business)

  • Personal Diary From Japan (Kanagawa) -
    Yokohama, Japan
    (Personal, Diary, From, Japan)

  • Herb Shop mama-milk, Japan. (Fukuoka) -
    Herb Shop MAMA-MILK

  • Edogawabashi, Kagurazaka, Tokyo, Japan. (Tokyo) -
    edogawabashi kagurazaka housefrau mother mama life education shopping cheer sickness
    (edogawabashi, kagurazaka, housefrau, mother, mama, life, education, shopping, cheer, sickness)

  • greencard Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -
    this web page is a story of sucsessful to become a happiness for divorced day one Japanese women met a Japanese-Peruvian in Tokyo.women has gone to jurnny to find the Peru and Latin America in Tokyo.
    (peru, peruvianfood, internationarlcuple, sex, women, divorcedwomen, singlemother, JapanesePeruvian, Nikkei, Tokyo)

  • Shu-mama's Dynamite Room! (Fukuoka) -

  • Waseda children center, Misato, Saitama, Japan (Saitama) -
    Monthly action program and facility-outline of Waseda children center in Misato,Saitama,Japan.
    (Saitama, mMsato, Waseda, children, daycare, infant, mother)

  • Tokyo Music Enterprise (Kagawa) -
    Japanese classic Music Support Company.
    (enka, jasrac, jacompa, karaoke, tokyo, music, entaerprise, tmeps)

  • yotiyotimama (Osaka) -
    (baby, mama, osaka, kawatinagano, japan)

  • AAASHOP.JP (Chiba) -
    RackmountServer & DOS/V selling
    (server,, asustek, pc, cube, DOSV, motherboard, rackmount, super, Barebone)

  • a piece of cake (Yamaguchi) -
    ai's Home page
    (ai, home, page, japanese, psycho, le, cemu)

  • Katsuure,chiba,Japan,parttime,worker (Chiba) -
    Enployment informarion of kids-care instructor in Kastuura,Chiba, Japan.
    (Enployment, foreigner, job, chiba, katsuura, children, worker, mother, working, sotobou)

  • Be happy!3,2,1,Let's jum! (Kumamoto) -
    meifa's life change home page.Be happy together!
    (lifestyle, sidebusiness, homework, singlemother, chance, money, lifechange, japanese)

  • AtelierSimuro (Mie) -
    my white shirt
    (handmade, puresent, mothersday, wear, dye, dressmaking, handicraft, flower, gardening, japanese)

  • Mama'sDiary (Hyogo) -
    Welcome to MaMa's Diary . This Homepage is two housewife's secret exchange diary .

  • Gate of Fantastic Single Life with Your Children (Chiba) -
    All free over sea community for Signle Mommies and Daddies, cooperated with the international e-pals CapterTowns.
    (single, mama, mother, papa, children, child, marriage, seeking, divorced, Japan)

  • ukiyoe japan (Miyagi) -
    japan ukiyo
    (japan, mother)

  • sigulpapa/mama, (Gunma) -(2002)
    (engel, Japanese, child, Japan, mail, inter, net, photo)

  • HIROSE type-R (Saitama) -(2002)
    Hirose family's HomePage;about our son, daddy's favorite car, mama's diary, etc...please take a look!
    (hirose, type-r, japan, photo, legacy, car, family, son, daddy, mama)

  • rock'n' roll snake anaconda (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (anaconda, rock, band, music, japan, guitar, cd, mp3, blues, stones)

  • Suginami, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Haha to ko no seikatsu kenkyujo

  • Mama's Seven Colored Balloon (Miyagi) -(2002)
    Mama's Seven Colored Balloon Japan
    (Mama's, Seven, Colored, Balloon, Japan, forest, world, sea, professer)

  • Young Abroad Club Study Abroad Programs (Tokyo) -(2002)
    English & Japanese Monthly Magazine Hiragana Times Web Version
    (Study,, English,, Living,, Australia,, America, Magazine, Japan, Japanese, Language, Hiragana)

  • Kanazawa,Isogo,Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    happy-birth-house,yokohama kanagawa,Japan

  • present of kotoenka (Gifu) -(2002)
    okoto's HomePage
    (JapaneseHarp, StreetSong, Present, Mother, Taste, CompactDisc)

  • tokorozawa,saitama,japan (Saitama) -(2002)
    (tokorozawa, saitama, Japan, Album)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, homestudy, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, study room, study, entrance examination, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, on line study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Home page of DONGURI-CLUB (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, children, materials, math story problems, English grammar, homework, education, living abroad, studying on lines, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shichida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo-itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aida-hotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikushigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • Wanted foreigner assistant lady, no-VISA ( in Japan, Cebu, LA ) (Chiba) -(2002)
    Wanted assistan lady for j-samuel who is a multi-media producer, can take no-working VISA foreigner on right law, single mother, but must can see English or Japanese. In detail, please ask me by e-mail.
    (partner, forigner, Japan, Tokyo, Chiba, job, employment, employ, English, Filipina)

  • Wanted foreigner assistant lady, no-VISA ( in Japan) (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Wanted foreigner assistant lady for international multi-media business, no-need working VISA on legal, living in Japan, Cebu or L.A., can see English or Japanese.
    (employment, foreigner, English, Japan, Cebu, Job, VISA, Filipina, single, mother)

  • Daily NARIM channel (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Sorry,Japanese Only.
    (Sorry,Japanese, Only.)

  • NAVER Japan Keywordshop (Tokyo) -(2002)
    NAVER Japan Keywordshop
    (ad, present, gift, greeting, letter, mother, valentine, PR, christmas, message)

  • ArtGift,Japan. (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (gift, present, congratulations, shopping, parcel, birthday, anniversary, flower)

  • mama's new retail (Tokyo) -(2002)
    this is mama's new retail home page.
    (housewife, shopping)

  • M-NET JAPAN (Tokyo) -(2002)
    this is mother's network home page.
    (mother's, network, housewife, M-NET, JAPAN)

  • vivipark,Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2002)
    Welcome our HomePage 'vivipark'.It is waiting for your contribution.Please come for play also to a bulletin board.
    (Osaka, Mother, Children, Education, School, Kindergarten, Teacher, 30ans, Contribution)

  • hinanonikki (Aichi) -(2002)
    (baby, hina, frend, japan, japanese, children, child)

  • waiwaiclub (Aichi) -(2002)
    JAPAN waiwaiclub
    (waiwai, family, japan, nagoya)

  • Kumamoto (Kumamoto) -(2001)
    Flower shop in kumamoto city. Please call us! Especially flowers for you.
    (flower, kumamoto, mother's, day, birthday, release, japan)

  • Ishihara OB/GYN, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Ishihara OB/GYN, a private clinic in Kyoto, Japan.
    (OB/GYN, obstetrics, gynecology, delivery, puberty, climacterium, contraception)

  • Event for child! (Yamanashi) -(2001)
    Event infomation for child!

  • Geino Androids (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Find out the truth of Japanese show business. You ain't seen nothing yet!
    (japanese, show, business, mama, ANDROIDS, robot, funny, money, fool, pizza)

  • Welcome to MANEYOZU's Site( Sorry,in JAPANESE Only) (Aichi) -(2001)
    I enjoy my JOB - it's Internet Business - with my children.
    (fukuwa, maneyozu, pasocom, workingmother, children, housekeeper, job, internet, homeoffice, sybermom)

  • catharsis.Tokyo.Japan (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Poem,Psycho-therapy etc.This place is for All Wounded.
    (poem, therapy, psychorogy, divorce, wound, literature, friends, neurosis, depression, mental)

  • JB Thouroughbred World -(2001)
    world horse racings result. thoroughbred pedigree and family table.
    (horse race, pedigree, family table, leading sire, sire line, thoroughbred, world horse race, exchange table, breeding, japan bloodstock)

  • baby-osaka-japan (Osaka) -(2001)
    baby and mam's Homepage
    (osaka, baby, education, milenium, japan, child)

    Die to Live
    (die, live, internet, ultra, philosophy, available, avoid, here, windows, crying)

  • KobaTechJapan PC ONLINE SHOP (Saitama) -(2001)


  • aiaiweb from Japan (Kagawa) -(2001)
    Welcome to Aiaiweb

  • Gift Creater Dindon,Chiba,Japan (Chiba) -(2001)
    Gift Creater DinDon's Home Page
    (Dindon, Gift, baby, motherbag, babycall, sakurashi, Chiba)

  • NOIX,Japan,Shizuoka (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    Mie's Home Page
    (baby, diary, babycare)

  • Kyouko Tateisi (Saitama) -(2001)
    Kyouko's HomePege
    (Kyouko, The, Room, My, PR, mathear's, Woman, Peace)

  • D.O.D.'s HOMEPAGE (Shizuoka) -(2001)

  • Dyeing, Design Art, Manufacturing Apparel Flower & green in Kamakura kanagwa shonan (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Dyeing Design Art Manufacturing Apprel in Shonan Kamakura Kanagawa Area. Flowers & Green Art. Now on Sale! gift & presents.
    (Japan, culture, somemono, kimono, noren, senshoku, blossom, bloom, floral, garden)

  • sweet honey (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    i am singleparent. my daughter is half japanese. she is three years old. she is so cute!
    (singleparent, halfjapanese)

  • ootoya (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Why don't you try the real and heartful Japanese dine at OOTOYA! Check and find the your OOTOYA shop!!!
    (ootoya, station, lunch, dine, Japanese, delicious, cheep, food, safety, family)

  • diet,heathfood (Hokkaido) -(2000)
    (sapporo, hokkaido, japan, herb, diet, healthfood, diary, travel, present, experience)

  • atopi (Osaka) -(2000)

  • Photographer Katsue Sakuma (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Japanese Photografer Katsue Sakuma's Home Page
    (Photographer, Etigonohito, JapanesePhotographer, NiigataNippo, Women, Sakuma, Etigo, AsianDreams, Japanese, Katsue)

  • hana,japan (Gunma) -(2000)
    j-flower gunma maebashi
    (flower, j-flower, yanai, hana)

  • A Little Road,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Handmade Bag Collection,Pretty Goods
    (goods, freemarket, handmade, bag, mathergoose, children)

  • my son in japan. (Saitama) -(2000)
    My son is very pretty.Please come my home page.Then my son study English by Disney's World of English.As soon as.he'll speak English .....may be....I -his mom- study English ,too.See you!
    (son, mammy, daddy, pretty, play, enjoy, english, study)

  • CANDY's HomePage,Kyoto,Japan (Kyoto) -(2000)
    CANDY's HomePage
    (childcare, child, diary, bookshop, bookstore, readings)

  • Toyonaka,Osaka,Japan,tokutoku, (Osaka) -(2000)

  • Ohanashi (Chiba) -(2000)
    This is Risako's home page. Here are my original fantagy tails. Chiba,Japan
    (fantagy, tail, book, baby, mother, Japanese, original)

  • mother the earth (Tokyo) -(2000)
    meaning of study/trip to vietnam/shibuyadaikannyama/japanese room
    (science, veterinary, bio, vietnam, shibuya, daikannyama, japanese, medicine, doctor)

  • AKIMAMA HOMEPAGE (Osaka) -(2000)

  • rai birth center. isikawa. japan (Ishikawa) -(2000)
    rai birthcenter homepage
    (birth, born, baby, newborn, plegnancy, homebirth, midwife)

  • YUYA'S POETRY WORLD (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Japnese pages of my poems.
    (love, friend, japanese, dream, blieve, poem, solitude, father, mother, study)

  • Yumi's Coffee Shop (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Freelance English and Japanese translator interested in intercultural communication and languages. Also essay as a working mother.
    (English, Japanese, intercultural, communication, woman, mother, career, daycare, cross-border)

  • Japanese dub band, FRISCO's web site ! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Japanese live dub band,FRISCO's web site!
    (frisco, reggae, dub, sampler, sampling, MP3, Real, Audio, break, beats)

  • petit-fluers Sanda,Hyogo,Japan (Hyogo) -(2000)
    petit-fluers'Home Page.It's flower shop for gifts.Sorry,Japanese only.
    (petit-fluers, flowershop, flowergift, mother'sday, flowerarrangement, wreath, florist, bouquet)

  • SUKUSUKU PLANET Sizuoka,Japan (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    (child, kids, mother)

  • Chokke's HomePage Oosaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2000)
    Chokke's HomePage

  • wagashi (Aichi) -(2000)

  • Ishibashi,Tochigi,Japan (Tochigi) -(1999)
    July's HomePage
    (Piano, woman, love, Tochigi, Japan, work, mother)

  • Sweet Melody(Music box-MIDI) (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Sweet-melody provides useful music file and animation cursor for making home pages. A bout 100 music files exist in this page currently. Please download and use freely.
    (MIDI, music, box, animation, cursor, free, mothergoose, classic, japan)

  • j-flower (Gunma) -(1998)
    (flower, yanai, mother, japan, gift, christmas, bridal)

  • hanaren homepage Anjyo.Aichi.Japan (Aichi) -(1998)
    Hanaren's home page

  • Sweet Melody(Music box-MIDI) (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Sweet-melody provides useful music file and animation cursor for making home pages. A bout 100 music files exist in this page currently. Please download and use freely.
    (MIDI, music, box, animation, cursor, free, MotherGoose, classic, japan)

  • snack apo's Homepage (Saga) -(1997)
    (snack, saga, japan)

  • MASERUMI'S HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -(1997)
    I'm living Tennessee,USA.I have 2 girls.My home page has for mammy links.Especially for living in outside Japan. And,MIDI links,free pages,guestbook,myself,etc. I'm sorry,all written in Japanese.
    (mama pages, midi, Japanese on English OS, freep pages, guestbook)

  • Kagoshima. Japan. (Kagoshima) -(1997)
    Yukiko's Homepage
    (diary, children, atopy, vegetable, bubble, flower, moon, idol)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan