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{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {music, musical} + {techno, technos}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
K5'S WEBSITE STATION since 1998. K5'S WEBSITE STATION since 1998. (Kyoto) - You are listening to my original digital music on this site. This Site is produced by CUBE(K5) since 1998. FROM KYOTO JAPAN. (MP3 , TECHNO , SYNTHESIZER , MIDI , DESIGN , MUSIC , POPS , KYOTO , JAPAN , SAMURAI )
LED-M.COM =KANAGAWA=JAPAN= LED-M.COM =KANAGAWA=JAPAN= (Kanagawa) - Mototsugu's AMBIENT?TECHNO =LED-M.COM= (amazon , apache , SSL , PHP , Perl/CGI , cubase , popcorn , ambient , EPIA, TECHNO )
drum & bass fan sitemap drum & bass fan sitemap (Tokyo) - It is the page of the original work music of drum & bass, and the page of introduction of drum & bass CD. by yoshikazu ishii. this page is sitemap. (drum , bass , CD , yoshikazu , ishii , mp3 , jungle , techno , japan , DTM )
MUSIC ROBITA MUSIC ROBITA (Tokyo) - an independent record label releasing CDs related to the cartoon/animation works by Osamu Tezuka, produced by his daughter Rumiko Tezuka (Tezuka , astroboy, clubmusic , dansemusic, techno , electronica , trance , tribute , indies, Japanese )
K2 digital shop K2 digital shop (Tokyo) - synthesizer,digital recording shop (synthesizer , recording , guitar , bass , music , house , techno , sound , stereo , japan )
ordinary life japan ordinary life japan (Kyoto) - music,movie,book,photo,etc (music , movie , book , photo , game , rock , bbs , techno , culture , HP)
...TIN DRUM... ...TIN DRUM... (Tokyo) - DJ.G.B 3piece BAND[TIN DRUM] Program VS player,ROCK+POP+DANCE{JAPAN/TOKYO} (tin , music , band , techno , rock , dance , live , livehouse , dj , japan )
craftmt4 craftmt4 (Miyagi) - come on original music (craftmt4, mt4, technopop, j-pop , Freeuse)
Remix Express Remix Express (Tokushima) - Remix collection page (cybertrance, trance , remix , techno , GIZA , Avex , globe , fragma, future , breeze )
Landolt-C: Music CDs and Japanese Anime Landolt-C: Music CDs and Japanese Anime (Tokyo) -(2002) Recommends lots of music CDs and Japanese animations with brief comments. (anime , Japan , Japanese , CD , DVD , animation , Evangelion , techno , music , video )
CANT CANT (Gifu) -(2002) Introduce of CANT label for indies. We produce Lite-Techno pop. (80s , KRAFTWERK, indies, techno , music , synthesizer , japanese )
stage of the ground stage of the ground (Osaka) -(2002) I like music!! I hope you come to my website. (music , j-pop , overseas , jazz , classic , techno , diary , review , bbs )
official momo web site,Tokyo,Japan official momo web site,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) momo's web site.Tokyo,Japan.We Love Music! (momo , live , music , band , indies, club , R&B, funk , techno , house )
Dive into HIRO's Music! Dive into HIRO's Music! (Tokyo) -(2002) You can listen to my original jazz and house music. (garage , jazz , techno , trance , japanese , japan , R&B, free , soul , house )
Point B Point B (Tokyo) -(2002) This homepage introduces my music. Please listen to my music. (ACID , Pro , game , music , original , japan , abb, zeami )
Landolt-C: Music CDs and Japanese Anime Landolt-C: Music CDs and Japanese Anime (Tokyo) -(2002) Recommends lots of music CDs and Japanese animations with brief comments. (music , CD , rock , pops , techno , anime , Evangelion , recommendation )
Nascacar Nascacar (Osaka) -(2002) Nasca car is Very Strange!! (indies, techno , electronics , rock'n , roll , movies , tagrag, transonic, bizzare)
aonajimi* aonajimi* (Tokyo) -(2002) japanese HP! music&art&cooking&turtle (music , art , modernart , techno , turtle , cooking , japan )
East-Asian ethnic music & techno sound East-Asian ethnic music & techno sound -(2001) You can listen and enjoy these songs - Healing&Techno Music - Powerful&Heartful Sound with RealPlayer plug in. But you cant download them. (Japanese , Music , Healing , Techno , RealAudio , manga , BERSERK , P-Model, FREE , ENYA )
music box music box (Osaka) -(2001) I like music!! I hope you come to my website. (music , j-pop , overseas , jazz , classic , techno , diary , review , bbs )
club music fan Osaka,Japan. club music fan Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2001) for all club music lovers!!! prease come in!!!! and enjoy amazing club sounds with us!!!!!!! (HOUSE , TECHNO , CLUB , BAR , FASHON, MUSIC , TRANCE , DISCO )
hamatraxx's homepage hamatraxx's homepage (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese homepage for house,trance,techno,clubbers,and vinyl lovers. (club , trance , house , techno , Japan , guide , Tokyo , music , chart )
studio Cell @ Tokyo,JAPAN studio Cell @ Tokyo,JAPAN (Tokyo) -(2001) MP3 streaming! Digital rock and erectronics pops here. Produced by Sarasvati. (digitalrock, rock , mixture , techno , MP3 , DTM , synthesizer , Sarasvati, indies, music )
TokyoRocks TokyoRocks (Tokyo) -(2001) fujirock! (FujiRock, music , live , techno , punk , rock , love , peace , diskreview)
MUSIC FREE LINK MUSIC FREE LINK (Hyogo) -(2001) music homepage free link (Music , band , menber, classic , Rock , Pop , Amature, Indies, Artist , search , Musician , drums , keyboard , JAZZ , fusion , vocal , guitar , bass , strings , orchestra , bbs , live , want , seek , board , join , R&B, MP3 , participation , notice , bulletin , realaudio , soundVQ, MIDI , AIFF, WAV , QUICKTIME , Techno , instrument , record , studio , CD , LINK , check , suport, HP, SITE , AUTO , registration , fan , J-pop , classic , man , woman , copyright , compose , vocal , singer , words , searchengin, support , access , ranking , recordingcompany, musiccompany, fan , pro , artist , melody , studio , free , arrival , japan , service )
otenTV otenTV (Tokyo) -(2001) Japanese online culture magagine. (computer , japan , magagine, culture , music )
SUNNY SIDE UP! SUNNY SIDE UP! (Niigata) -(2001) Hey! Come on! This Home Pege Is Music Talk&m-flo infomation etc. (mediarite, flow , SUNNY , SIDE , UP! , music , BBS , CHAT , TECHNO,EUROBEAT, DJ )
LOPSIDED LOPSIDED (Kanagawa) -(2001) NO WALL SOUND BAND! Nothing sounds alike. You can download our songs here. (music , band , rock , techno , sound , song , download , computer , picture , Japanese )
((---Home of the world---)) ((---Home of the world---)) -(2000) shitei's HomePage (MP3 , MUSIC , CLUB , HOUSE , TECHNO , R&B, RealAudio , POPS , DTM , DJ )
Dynagong Dynagong (Kanagawa) -(2000) Techno beat& ancient Japan song.Japanese court music is mixed with modern grooves. (techno , club , gagaku, japan , worldmusic , rock )
CoachNet CoachNet (Ehime) -(2000) CruiseGeneration's information (misia, cruisegeneration, techno , dancemusic , pop , tetsuya , komuro )
I-MUSIC LINK I-MUSIC LINK (Hyogo) -(2000) music homepage free link by i-mode (mobile , phone , i-mode, keitai , docomo , denwa, Music , band , menber, classic , Rock , Pop , Amature, Indies, Artist , search , Musician , drums , keyboard , JAZZ , fusion , vocal , guitar , bass , strings , orchestra , bbs , live , want , seek , board , join , R&B, MP3 , participation , notice , bulletin , realaudio , soundVQ, MIDI , AIFF, WAV , QUICKTIME , Techno , instrument , record , studio , CD , LINK , check , suport, HP, SITE , AUTO , registration , fan , J-pop , classic , man , woman , copyright , compose , vocal , singer , words , searchengin, support , access , ranking , recordingcompany, musiccompany, fan , pro , artist , melody , studio , free , TelephonCall, japan , service )
Kaleidoscope Music Box Kaleidoscope Music Box (Hyogo) -(2000) music homepage free link band search music original (Music , band , menber, classic , Rock , Pop , Amature, Indies, Artist , search , Musician , drums , keyboard , JAZZ , fusion , vocal , guitar , bass , strings , orchestra , bbs , live , want , seek , board , join , R&B, MP3 , participation , notice , bulletin , realaudio , soundVQ, MIDI , AIFF, WAV , QUICKTIME , Techno , instrument , record , studio , CD , LINK , check , suport, HP, SITE , AUTO , registration , fan , J-pop , classic , man , woman , copyright , compose , vocal , singer , words , searchengin, support , access , ranking , recordingcompany, musiccompany, fan , pro , artist , advertisements , assistance , arrenger, free , improve , information , Japan , World , Friend , Sampler , RealAudio , Vote , Review , Streaming , Original , Song , radio , Sound , Creator , FORUM , J-POP , DOWNLOAD , infomation, japan , service )
Papaya Paranoia Papaya Paranoia (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese the most popular girls bandPapaya Paranoiasoooo great music.True japanese cultuers.Check it up! (music , band , bigbeat, tokyo , Japan , concert , album , song , latest , happy )
micro-zombie micro-zombie (Tokyo) -(2000) This is Mixture-Rock UNIT Micro-Zombie's official home featuring Live Information,Intoroduction ourself ,bbs and so on (rock , techno , live , industrial , mixture , technorock, zombie , music , japan , J-POP )
LOVEBURGER RECORDS LOVEBURGER RECORDS (Tokyo) -(2000) Ambient CD label. A musician waki's live, CD, philosophy and stupid stuff. (ambient , techno , indee, label , waki , philosophy , live , synthesizer , music , JP-8000)
catwalk music catwalk music (Kanagawa) -(2000) catwalk is an electronic music project created by catwalk. my professions are: Engineering, Programming + manipulations.you can buy CD and mp3 (online) and listen to demo streaming files. wicked cool, so check it out. (mp3 , trance , drum'n'bass, techno , bigbeats, breakbeats , hardcore , music , Japan )
CYBER GROOVE Japan MP3 SHOUTCast! CYBER GROOVE Japan MP3 SHOUTCast! (Ishikawa) -(1999) MP3 Shout Cast Server 24Hours Open (Tecno, House , 70's , 80's , Music , DJ , MIX )
SHIFT TECHNO SHIFT TECHNO (Hokkaido) -(1998) Hokkaido, Japan. (techno , techno music , japanese techno )
Japan Indies Ring Japan Indies Ring (Tokyo) -(1998) WebRing Japan's Japan Indies Ring (JapaneseIndies)
HYPER RICH ON WEB HYPER RICH ON WEB (Tokyo) -(1998) We are Japanese Techno Label HyperRich. (HYPER , RICH , GABA , JapaneseTechno , Music , Underground , Tokyo , Techno )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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