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{music, musical} + {techno, technos}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
@+{audio} ...(53)
@+{circle, sorority, clubbing, club} ...(64)
@+{house, mansion, maison, housing, household, dwelling, apartment} ...(61)
@ +{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} ...(43)
@ +{layer} ...(43)
@+{MPEG} ...(44)
@ +{pop} ...(40)
@+{rock, rocking, rockin} ...(49)
@+{three, triple, third, III, 3rd, 3} ...(44)
TECHSIC TECHSIC (Nara) - Come on CLUB MUSIC WORLD! (Techno , R&B, hiphop )
DEEP IMPACT DEEP IMPACT (Tokyo) - Noriaki Takeda's HomePage (shimaoka, misato , Osaka , colledge, Techno , trance , music , jjs, Eyes , frontia)
MU_WN MU_WN (Tokyo) - Music & Movie Reviews (music , movie , cinema , review , tribute , CD , nirvana , mybloodyvalentine, kurtcobain, thelordobtherings)
milky way milky way (Tokyo) - milky's Home Page. photo&L'Arc-en-Ciel(hyde),byork,TECHNO(WIRE) (photo , hobby , diary , poem , L'Arc-en-Ciel, byork, TECHNO , WIRE , hyde )
togesystems togesystems (Tokyo) - OK, let's get on a spaceship and you are peaceful and will arrive at a kind "toge" star. (music , Psychedelic , trance , flash , party , art , techno , screensaver , sound , design )
Hitonoprogramming official website Hitonoprogramming official website (Osaka) - electro/sounds/world/surreality/expression/It's Hitonoprogramming. (music , erectronica, ambient , abstract , hitonoprogramming, label , breakbeats , techno , dtm , midi )
- S I T E A R E C A - - S I T E A R E C A - (Chiba) - - S I T E A R E C A - My name is Areca, I am making my original songs on mp3, you can find lots of music styles in my music, so please come in my website! (Bjork , Ryuichi , Sakamoto , ambient , Future , Jazz , New , Age , Easy , listening )
robotix_lab robotix_lab (Mie) - Electronic music (music , Electronic )
Toshiyuki Hiraoka Official Web Toshiyuki Hiraoka Official Web (Saitama) - Dark music composer Toshi, scoring B-movies. And recorded with Costes, Alvaro, Virgin Prunes etc (Toshi , Hiraoka , Virgin , Prunes, B-movie, composer , score , film , dark , music )
own view of everything own view of everything (Kanagawa) - Many column and music's introduction (column , bjork , make , people , pride , music , techno , movie , language , nationalism )
I.G.A+I.get.Air+ I.G.A+I.get.Air+ (Miyagi) -(2002) Sorry...This is Japanese only. (original , MIDI , DTM )
K's study room K's study room (Tokyo) -(2002) only written in Japanese (buzz , fruityloops, techno )
rhizome rhizome (Tokyo) -(2002) We makes music video,website,music,movie and play visual performance. (vj, video , promo , visual , techno , music , web , movie , art , asahina )
techno people republic techno people republic (Kanagawa) -(2002) All track download free. (techno , computer , roland , bbs , chat , free , download , review , music )
TUXEDOMOON MUSIC #1 TUXEDOMOON MUSIC #1 (Fukuoka) -(2002) Tuxedomoon Fun Site. Discography,Biography,Board (TUXEDOMOON, Reininger,Blaine, Tong,Winston, Principle,Peter, Brown,Steven, Scream,with,a,view, HALF,MUTE, Desire , No,Tears, Joeboy)
Y.SUNAHARA'S STUDIO SHOP Y.SUNAHARA'S STUDIO SHOP (Tokyo) -(2002) Yoshinori Sunahara(ex-member of DENKI GROOVE)'s Online Shop (YoshinoriSunahara, DENKIGROOVE, music , techno , DJ , Y.STUDIO)
niqolu niqolu (Gifu) -(2002) from studio huton (rach, records , electronica , freepaper , underground , tortoise , techno , mouse , on, mars )
handsomedevilmusic official site shelter handsomedevilmusic official site shelter (Osaka) -(2002) handsomedevilmusic!!!! newwave/ambientspirit!!! (electronic )
World of Csound World of Csound (Hyogo) -(2001) Japanese introductory site for Csound. (csound, dsp , electronic , music , techno , noise , stockhausen, xenakis)
TokyoPolymer TokyoPolymer (Tokyo) -(2001) Masahiro's HomePage (tokyo , movie , cafe , minitheater, music , theater , cinema , techno )
arcadiamusic arcadiamusic (Tokyo) -(2001) arcadia-music inc.liveivent (arcadia , trance , techno )
MIYASAKA kiyoshi's home page MIYASAKA kiyoshi's home page (Tokyo) -(2001) I deal with cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, rerigion study, and dance culture(rave) in this page. (medicalanthropology, culturalanthropology, religionstudy, tibet , india , medicine , religion , rave , trance , technomusic)
m-flo SIDE m-flo SIDE (Niigata) -(2001) Hey yo! This is m-flo SIDE! m-flo of fan site. Check it up! yo! (music , RAP , HIPHOP , EUROBEAT , TECHNO , HOMEPAGE, SUNNY_SIDE_UP!, i_mode, FAN , LOVE )
ESPLA ESPLA (Toyama) -(2001) There are contents of MOD,Acid rain ,jazz and techno music. (PHONE , penicillin , MOD , acid , rain , jazz , techno , drum )
Neo On-Bang-D0 Neo On-Bang-D0 (Kanagawa) -(2001) On-Bang-Do is Japanese independent label for MONDO and TECHNO MUSIC. You can listen to our music by Real Audio Player. Check it out ! (music , techno , mondo , lebel, niban, senji, noise )
psychedelic echo boutique psychedelic echo boutique (Tokyo) -(2000) Maki Hiroyuki Sato's Web Site! It's Super entertaiment page!! Movie!Music!MP3!Model!3DCG!...!! It's Super entertaiment page!! (MOVIE , MUSIC , TECHNO )
NOD ||[NO DESIGN]|| NOD ||[NO DESIGN]|| (Tokyo) -(2000) Cool Flash Movie!!! (Flash , Macromedia , Cool , Movie , Animation , Shockwave , Digital , Techno , Sound , Music )
Mwon Music Mwon Music (Tokyo) -(2000) Mwon Music Techno art emotion feeling passion affection sensibility susceptibility sentimental intense spiritual soul mind heart bosom chest hearty sincere real genuine deep inward intimate inmost inward cherish conceive harbor think figure picture image visualize upset shake delude register hurt incline (Music , techno , affection , mind , emotion , sensibility , art , rage , solitude , spiritual )
Techno-no-Don Techno-no-Don (Saitama) -(2000) The Japanese greatest techno band,Yellow Magic Orchestra,and the Japanese greatest musician,Ryuichi Sakamoto`s Fun site! (Yellow , Magic , Orchestra , YMO , Ryuichi , Sakamoto , Tong, Poo , Movie , Music )
KUROZAWA KUROZAWA (Aichi) -(2000) ManiacSoundCreater'sGroup[KUROZAWA]HomePage!! Please Listen to Our music & write BBS . (kurozawa , dtm , dj , cubase , music , bbs , creat, sumple, sound , future )
the world the world (Aichi) -(2000) theworld
six-o-six six-o-six (Tokyo) -(2000) music (ELECTRIBE, music , techno , CGI , BBS )
KUROZAWA KUROZAWA (Aichi) -(2000) ManiacSoundCreater'sGroup[KUROZAWA]HomePage!! Please Listen to Our music & write BBS . (kurozawa , dtm , dj , cubase , music , bbs , creat, sumple, sound , future )
Keirou Keirou (Miyagi) -(2000) junk scum acoustic film ! talk about... miyagi,sendai,japan (music , film , literature , electro , junk , acoustic , techno , subculture , dead , art )
MUSIC AIRPORT MUSIC AIRPORT -(2000) music link (enya , techno , bjork , orbital , deep forest, orb , chillout, ambient , 808 , eno)
R.M.LaB. R.M.LaB. (Aomori) -(2000) There are free TECHNO MOD files which I composed. Please get and listen to! (techno , mod , music , free , module , ambient )
heaven's nightmare heaven's nightmare (Tokyo) -(2000) LASA's HomePage is music site (music , techno , song , HEAVEN'sNIGHTMARE)
odubt label odubt label (Aichi) -(2000) Noise,techno,experimentmusic,scum,Japanese indieslabel ODUBT LABEL.ODUBT as DEAD. (noise , techno , ExperimentMusic, dub, japanoise)
S/N station S/N station (Saitama) -(2000) To make your Right-Brain active (music , S/Nstation, kts, contemporary , art , techno , brain )
HITEX HITEX (Tokyo) -(2000) It is the homepage of the normal procedure of HITEX which creates technomusic. (HITEX, TechnoMusician, TechnoMusic, cmjk, MimiyaDisk, ymo )
dacapo dacapo (Kanagawa) -(2000) Illust&Music Hompage (illust , music )
MOL Sound&Painting MOL Sound&Painting (Tokyo) -(2000) TechnoUnit MOL's ElectronicSounds&VisualArts! (mol, sound , painting , music , ambient , techno , electro , cubase , dsp , noise )
You are Mozilla. I am MODILER! You are Mozilla. I am MODILER! (Kyoto) -(1999) This web page contains CHOUNOUKOUBOU (Norikazu Pixan Uchita)'s MOD music works. You know, MOD is cool DTM(Desk Top Music) method and MOD has 15 more years history since the "era AMIGA". In many PC platform (PC-DOS, Windows, Mac, UN*Xes), their users can listen and create MOD song. The cost is low, no expensive equipment (such as MIDI TONE GENERATORS) required. Please enjoy and join the MOD moovment. (MOD , Mozilla, music , PIXAN, song , create , compose , listen , drum'n'bass, techno )
The First Professional Techno MIBURI Player Hiroshi Chu Okubo The First Professional Techno MIBURI Player Hiroshi Chu Okubo (Tokyo) -(1998) Percussionist Hiroshi Chu Okubo is the first professhional MIBURI Player in the world (Percussion , Drums , MIBURI, Music Therapty, CHU)
SoccerMusicBBS SoccerMusicBBS -(1998) soccer and music bbs (soccer , music , bbs , techno , db, dub, guitar , band , fool , TripHop)
AnahiemRecords AnahiemRecords (Ibaraki) -(1998) funaki's HomePage (AnaheimRecords, TechnoMusic, AmbientMusic , OriginalMusic )
Gyuuuu and Chuuuu Gyuuuu and Chuuuu (Tokyo) -(1998) music,movie,homemade,techno,tomoko's HomePage (music , movie , homemade , techno )
Macadamian Palace Macadamian Palace (Tokyo) -(1998) This is Copywriter Kurihara WAJO's Home Page. (macadamian , place , copywriter , wajo, cinema , movie , music , horror , techno , soul )
PASSWORD (MOTLEY & C-or's live) PASSWORD (MOTLEY & C-or's live) (Tokyo) -(1998) The Live guidance page of a band called MOTLEY with the ending music of a waging-war grapple game ASUKA 120% etc. May 31st and the place of time are CLUB CITTA' Kawasaki. For details, please look at the home page surely. (Music , Game , Live , ASUKA120%, YU-NO)
SARAVA chat SARAVA chat (Tokyo) -(1997) sarasvati is great art site. oilpainting,techno,design,everithing my best friens. (chat , art , design , techno , oil painting , poem , music , art school)
403Forbidden Records 403Forbidden Records (Osaka) -(1996) Techno Label (CD , CD-EXTRA, MUSIC , TECHNO , DANCE , MUSIC , LABEL , SHOCKWAVE )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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