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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {text}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}

  • (Yamaguchi) -
    This page is the unbearable home page.
    (TVGame, VideoGame, Game, Japan, Taegatai, JapaneseGame, Text)

  • (Nara) -
    This page is Japanese only. Sorry.
    (BBS, Text, diary, game, ADV)

  • (Tokyo) -
    A Text Archives of Japanese 19th centuries Novels
    (japanese, literature)

  • (Hokkaido) -
    Mongamae tsukasa's homepage [Heavenly Blue] for Hokkaido Japan
    (text, picture)

  • (Fukuoka) -
    Homepage for master Ai's diary & poems. Feel free to visit! Everybody is welcomed.
    (diary, poem, texts, ai, japan, america, love)

  • (Shizuoka) -
    Aki's home page.novel&poem in japan.

  • (Kanagawa) -
    This page is JapaneseOnly!

  • (Aichi) -
    ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese]
    (illustration, illustrator, CG, design, designer, Japanese, novel, material, comics, character, photoshop, painter, profesional, art, graphics, paint, draw, animation, nostalgic, original, text, diary, artwark, artist, tips)

  • (Aichi) -
    ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese]
    (illustration, illustrator, CG, design, designer, Japanese, novel, material, comics, character, photoshop, painter, profesional, art, graphics, paint, draw, animation, nostalgic, original, text, diary, artwark, artist, tips)

  • (Osaka) -
    this is a new tetsite!! here we go!!
    (LAND, band, rock, txt, gargoyle, GLAY, XJAPAN)

  • (Hokkaido) -
    Welcome to my Website
    (Hokkaido, Japan, AE-1P, FD)

  • (Tochigi) -
    bakuhakokoniiru is mein page. this is text sait.but,sorry. japanese only.
    (mental, poem, book, medicine, diary)

  • (Miyagi) -
    Ren's Japanese HomePage.Sorry this site is Japanese only...
    (Japanese, diary, tools)

  • (Kanagawa) -
    The text system site which happens to the personal appearance of an alcoholism woman living in Kanagawa and which spells the every day near irregular. It updates almost every day.
    (Text, diary, laugh, japanese, TEXT)

  • (Tokyo) -
    my syadow,picture,japanese only
    (analysis, picture, text, zanzou, zannzou)

  • (Yamagata) -
    (OVERSOULMATRIX, ma, access, team2000, kyousukehimuro, masahirochono, kazuhirokiyohara, stay, ARISTRIST, BOOWY)

  • (Hyogo) -
    (high, school, japanese, erotic, diary, text, novels, bbs)

  • (Tokyo) -
    sato bunseisya's HomePage
    (Flier, Print, Script, Text, Pamphlet, Bookbinding, Teaching, materials, Shinjuku, Self-publication)

  • (Nagano) -
    eddy's homepage.Text,image,BBS,etc...
    (Matsumoto, Eddy, Japan, text, bbs, gif, Nagano)

  • (Tokyo) -
    TAKAHIRO's Home Page! Japanese version only.
    (diary, cepheid, text, photo, japanese)

  • (Tokyo) -
    This is Printing company.thank you!
    (Printing, company, Ondemand, Text, Flier, Script, magazine, Comprehensive, Self-publication, Bookbinding)

  • (Hokkaido) -
    (i, j, au)

  • (Yamagata) -
    ma's diary OVER SOUL MATRIX
    (OVERSOULMATRIX, ma, access, team2000, kyousukehimuro, masahirochono, kazuhirokiyohara, stay, ARISTRIST, BOOWY)

  • (Kanagawa) -
    Sorry. This site is Japanese only.
    (Japanese, URAKEN)

  • (Mie) -
    i hope that u like here

  • (Tokyo) -
    (Tanashi, kosigaya, School)

  • (Ehime) -
    this page is Mr.Children'fan page of introduction by tomozoh. there is Mr.Children'word &tomozoh' poems. please enjoy my home page.
    (LIFE, words, LOVE, LOVER, tomozou, poetry, meeting, encounter, japan, text)

  • (Kanagawa) -
    Text Neta
    (text, Neta, Mac, sssoft)

  • (Kanagawa) -
    (game, japan)

  • (Kyoto) -
    Come onnnnnn!!!
    (asia, kyoto, university, japanese, illustration)

  • (Tokyo) -
    This is Ukiwa's HomePage.Ukiwa is high school student.Poem,text,photo,and more.But it's Japanese only.Sorry.
    (poem, text, photo, cg, girl, Japanese, lolita, love, highschool, gestbook)

  • (Osaka) -
    hata's hamepage

  • (Tokyo) -
    jonasan's home page.
    (TEXT, diary)

  • (Aichi) -
    poem community
    (poem, diary, text, poetry, reading)

  • (Chiba) -
    Hasegawa-Seibundo Co.,Ltd.'s Homepage
    (hanko, inkan, form, sign, text, japan, name)

  • (Chiba) -
    I LOVE YOU I NEED YOU I WANT YOU Itihara,Chiba,Japan.
    (happy, love, like, japan, chiba, ihiharasi)

  • (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Study and presentation software for Microsoft Access 2002. Microsoft Agents reads the database. Ease to use. Share ware.
    (Access2002, MicrosoftAgent, Agent, Speech, Text-to-speech, SAPI, presentation, Study, Japanese, Shareware)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Buru&Eco's HomePage(Japanese only)
    (Japanese, only, FROM, SCRATCH)

  • (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Speech software for Microsoft Access 2002. Microsoft Agents reads the database. Ease to use. Share ware.
    (Access2002, MicrosoftAgent, Agent, Speech, Text-to-speech, SAPI, language, character, Japanese, engines)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Find Differences JP HomePage
    (diff, FD, FDJP)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    I'm univ.student.This page'language is Japanese only.But you send a mail to me in English, I send to you in English.
    (Japanese, Japan, student, rugby, daily, text)

  • -(2002)
    This is masafuton. One of the purposes that I'm having this sites is that I want to communicate with you. Please freely email me!
    (advertising, study, abroad, entertainment, Japanese, creative, fun, funny, text, review)

  • (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, homestudy, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, study room, study, entrance examination, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, on line study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shitida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support msterials of homework, :support msterials of math, :support msterials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aidahotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, english for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikusigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, english grammar, reading, oral comunications, rapid readng, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparatine sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    Education,Poems,Stories for Children
    (math, texts, children, materials, math story problems, English grammar, homework, education, living abroad, studying on lines, texts, exam, children, how to study, texts, meeting, free, story problems, math story problems, calculation, feeling, grade schooler, junior high schooler, kumon, shichida, domestic school, thinking by eyes, figure, function, math, support materials of homework, :support materials of math, :support materials of English, child rearing and education, child rearing circle, learning materials, studyroom, studyroom on Saturdays, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, children returning from abroad, living abroad, online study, kids, benesse, gakken, challenge, reference book, questions, teachers, member of faculty, staff of a school, elementary school, junior high school, guardians, parents and teachers association, parents and teachers, boards of education, baby school, special education, baby education, how to study, ten years education, aida system, itoyama system, taizo-itoyama, onezemi, donguriclub, aida-hotaru, hamu117, intramedullary spinal neoplasm, numb, sensory nerve, motor nerve, support for study, support for child rearing, English for exam, math for exam, science for exam, social study for exam, Japanese for exam, how to write compositions, teaching of composition, composition for exam, private teacher, bulletin board, please tell me, exam of private-school, exam of public-school, entrance exam of high school, entrance exam of junior high school, public high school, chikushigaoka, kasuga, recommendation, judgement, English grammar, reading, oral communications, rapid reading, word order translation, verb, helping verb, relative pronoun, infinitive, present participle, past participle, verbal noun, comparative sentence, present progressive form, present perfect form, present perfect progressive form, passive voice, sentence pattern, complement, object, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, attributive, irregular verb, home study)

  • (Osaka) -(2002)
    this sait is japanese only . sorry
    (tekisuto, japan, anime, nikki, keiziban)

  • (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    If you have a will to study by yourself,use these free texts.
    (texts, math, english, japan, japanese, junior, high, school, examination)

  • (Kyoto) -(2002)
    I want to be a web designer.
    (personal, diary, Japan, Japanese, text, Kyoto, web, design, designer, student)

  • (Osaka) -(2002)
    this page is text only. and,japannese only.
    (text, comic, japanese, japan, jpn)

  • (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    some university student's life in japan.japanese only.sorry.
    (diary, journal, japan, japanese, university, college, student, life, institute, campus)

  • (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    my page is very funny.
    (funny, tanosii, stupid, panic, eat, box, news, mail, web, japan)

  • (Saitama) -(2002)
    Chiken's room.I am crazy&chiken!
    (chiken, crazy, like, sex, japan, gumi, smile, real, skull, monkey)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Japanese Bigeer Website [Ronron]
    (japan, text, Ronron)

  • (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    text interesting iunny garamumasara japan soul open entertainer limit hello
    (text, interesting, iunny, garamumasara, japan, soul, open, entertainer, limit, hello)

  • (Kyoto) -(2002)
    I am a budding writer's Hegoon. You with many time. Please enjoy Is nothing got to know yet?~Otanoshimi wa korekaraka?
    (Hegoon, Hegoon'sRoom, Writer, Text, Movie, Fishing, BASS, LURE, e-koubou, Novel)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

  • (Saitama) -(2001)
    It is the useless site which useless can RININ builds. He likes SUKURAIDO of animation of Japan. A free person needs to remove.
    (Useless, Can, RININ, Animation, of, Japan)

  • (Fukushima) -(2001)
    japanese artist,Morning Musume fun's diary
    (morning, wallpaper, chat, love, diary, lab, worldcup, soccer, japan)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    dots ---arii's HomePage

  • (Aichi) -(2001)
    (text, column, Japan, think)

  • (Aichi) -(2001)
    (japan, TEXT)

  • (Aichi) -(2001)
    This is Shiru's Home Page.
    (text, diary, comics, rice, japan, crazy)

  • (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Asahi's Home Page.All japanese.
    (funny, movie, journey, landscape, text, news, review, japanesque, diary)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Japanese language Texts
    (Japanese, language, Texts)

  • (Osaka) -(2001)
    MS-WEB Handheld phone WEB shop (Japanese text Only.)
    (Handyphone, shop)

  • (Chiba) -(2000)
    Showagakuin's Home Page

  • (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    NetMiningJapan HomePage
    (CRM, Minind)

  • (Aichi) -(2000)
    Nikkodo,antique,ukiyo-e,wood printing, fortune telling text,Nagoya,Japan
    (antique, ukiyo-e, wood-printing, fortune-telling-text)

  • -(2000)
    Public contribution for Japanese language text book overseas
    (contest, public, contribution, japaneseLanguage, japanese, school)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This website is Community for Murmur chat Users. Murmur is the applet for the people who Want To Enjoy the Chat Easily with their browser. This is very popular, and used many sites in Japan. For example Post Pet Park and so on. contents=Original TEXT ART for Murmur chatetc... Many Japanies ANIME,MANGA characters!
    (chat, text, ascii, art, humor, GIF, Japanese, anime, manga, character)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan